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  1. Gaddabout

    Breaking Bad (AMC)

    Best. Cartoon. Ever.
  2. Gaddabout

    ASU and UofA All Time Great Players; Rankings

    I know people think Tillman was a slow-but-gritty guy who toughed his way into the NFL, but he really was one of the best college linebackers of the 90s. It was more than toughness. He was physically gifted. He was extremely bright, had good speed and an uncanny sense of timing and angles. He...
  3. Gaddabout

    Pick me a Premier League club to follow

    Like I said -- no hooligans. :dcr: Kidding! Mathew81 is a nice guy. :D
  4. Gaddabout

    Pick me a Premier League club to follow

    I tried to find a selection of clubs that would meet the general criteria: 1) Are not likely to be relegated. I like the system. I also like that I don't have to pick a club that spends its time just trying to keep their head above water. OTOH, I know there a couple on the list who have had...
  5. Gaddabout

    Breaking Bad (AMC)

    My only contribution to this list on an awesome episode: Boom. I'm a real fan.
  6. Gaddabout

    Pick me a Premier League club to follow

    I had considered that method in the past, but it's not something you can cling to for long. I'd rather root for a club than players. I'm in it for the world-class football and novelty of following a team through thick and thin and thinner. Stoke City is still an interesting choice. Delilah is...
  7. Gaddabout

    Cody Ross dislocated his hip

    I've bagged on the guy, but no one deserves that kind of pain. oof.
  8. Gaddabout

    Pick me a Premier League club to follow

    My niece and nephew played for the U.S. extension of Barcelona. It was so cool to have real Barcelona coaches showing up for training sessions. They've both moved to Arsenal now, and I was very disappointed to learn there is no connection to the actual club.
  9. Gaddabout

    Pick me a Premier League club to follow

    You can also vote for more than one club, but I may be swayed by the one-club voters. I respect and admire blind allegiance to sports teams, especially if their fandom can be defined by constant heartbreak. That's what I'm most familiar with.
  10. Gaddabout

    I want Kickalicious

    I doubt the Cards can äfjord a Norwegian kickker.
  11. Gaddabout

    Pick me a Premier League club to follow

    Followed international soccer for years, have family members now associated in distant ways to the US team, and grew up watching NASL. Recently started following MSL and always find a way to watch the biggest matches (most recently, La Liga). Now that PL is on NBC, I guess I need to actually...
  12. Gaddabout

    The Official US Soccer thread

    I thought his departure was a foregone conclusion and they had moved on to Coentrao. No? Does anyone here think Dempsey isn't a PL-quality player?
  13. Gaddabout


    Film geek friend saw it and reported back: "Somewhere, Blomkampt is still trying to direct more camera motion for this movie. Wish I had taken some Dramamine."
  14. Gaddabout

    Hernandez optioned tonight!

    I think after a hard analysis of the season, the numbers will show the inning-eating starting pitchers didn't eat enough innings, and it put the bullpen in a lot of harms way. D-Backs defied the odds early in the season, but it caught up to them by June. That kind of pressure usually ends up...
  15. Gaddabout

    Plumlee might be another Mcdonough steal

    He did not show it in the film embedded within this thread. That spin move is nice, but doesn't own it. Not a go to move.
  16. Gaddabout

    Plumlee might be another Mcdonough steal

    I think those highlights are just meh. He's not an explosive athlete. He looks like what we expect him to be. He earns his keep, nice pick up, but still not a steal.
  17. Gaddabout

    Why is everyone already in love with Hornacek?

    Hornacek is a coach's son who played the game the smartest way possible. It's not definitive of anything, but it's a good start if you're hoping to win the lottery on a risky hire.
  18. Gaddabout

    The Official US Soccer thread

    He's just a poor fit for T-Ham now. I've wondered when the NBA might start losing international players who are two one- or two-dimensional and don't have a good team fit. I expect, at some point, Ricky Rubio will flee back to Spain. Great player. It's just hard to see how he fits the American...
  19. Gaddabout

    ASU and UofA All Time Great Players; Rankings

    IIRC, it was NAU's choice. ASU plays NAU again in 2016. The mandate is only for ASU/UA. NAU can opt out if they get a better payday somewhere else.
  20. Gaddabout

    Under The Dome (CBS)

    This show is seriously lacking in sharks. And tornados. And Sharknados.
  21. Gaddabout

    Beasley arrested for possession of marijuana

    See, it's funny, because the lottery-ball counters around here are upset that a self-absorbed jerk like Beasley was too self-absorbed off the court to do his very worst on the court so the Suns could get a high draft pick and replace Beasley with a player people actually wanted to watch...
  22. Gaddabout

    Beasley arrested for possession of marijuana

    See, it's funny, because the lottery-ball counters around here are upset that a self-absorbed jerk like Beasley was too self-absorbed off the court to do his very worst on the court so the Suns could get a high draft pick and replace Beasley with a player people actually wanted to watch. "WTG...
  23. Gaddabout

    ASU and UofA All Time Great Players; Rankings

    I can't remember the exact stat, but the B1G is something like 0-10 in road games against the Pac in the BCS era. ASU had no business thumping Iowa 44-7 in SDS. That Iowa team still ended up with 9 wins, IIRC. They don't seem to handle the travel or the heat very well. I don't think that game...
  24. Gaddabout

    Manziel facing possible NCAA banishment

    I'm betting he did it on purpose. Can't quit -- parents won't let him -- but doesn't want to be at A&M anymore. He figured another way out. He can go back to Tyler and work on his golf game and drink beer now.

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