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  1. A

    Who's better: Buffalo or Arizona?

    Since it's a Buffalo thread I might as well add my $.02 :) I agree completely with those of you who said the Cards are more likely to win their division than the Bills are. As for head to head comparisons, even with our question marks at DT and LT, I think you guys are a year behind where we...
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    Bills fans curious about Clement.

    I don't know how accurate this take will be, but I sort of view your team with Dennis Green similarly to the Bucs when Dungy took over. How long did the Bucs toil in oblivion? After their run in the late 70's ('79 maybe?) with Lee Roy Selmon, what did they really do for the next fifteen years...
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    Thanks,'s cool to get the perspective of another team's fans.
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    lol......well, honestly if Kurt Warner has a solid year and you can get some good production out of one of your backs, you guys should be quite improved, no? Warner seems to still have the fire, so maybe he'll be able to get it done. The Bills bitch-slapped that division last year, so if we...
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    Bills fans curious about Clement.

    Ouch.....well, don't feel bad. I think that was the draft when we traded our #1 pick for friggin Rob Johnson lol.
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    NFL Network

    Heck yeah......Last year, following a divorce, I had to relocate back with family. I had DirecTV at my house, so I was kinda bummed that I was going to miss out on all the preseason games they were going to show. I came home from work one day last summer and was flipping around on the Charter...
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    That's true, I forgot about that. Well, if our new QB turns out to be a player, hopefully we'll be in the mix for a playoff spot. That would be ironic if TH came in and helped us out during that would benefit both TH and the Bills.
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    NFL Network

    Yeah, that's the one reason I sometimes feel bad for bringing it up on the Bills board....there are still a handful of folks who don't have it on their cable yet. That really does suck. Hopefully coverage will increase by preseason for the rest of you guys who don't have it yet.
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    NFL Network

    Yep, that's a good point. I've noticed that, too. I think part of the reason why I like it so much is the fact that I tend to keep odd hours, and knowing that I can come home from a long day at work at 2am sometimes and be able to rely on Rich Eisen (dork that he is), Playbook, NFL Films, etc...
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    NFL Network

    So what do you guys think of the NFL Network? I've talked about it quite a bit on the Bills site I frequent, so I thought I'd just ask you guys out of curiosity. My experience with it has been awesome. I still can't believe there is a channel that has NFL programming 24/7. It's been great for...
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    I see.....well, I've heard good things about Arrington so hopefully he'll work out for you guys. As for TD, I think that the media and fans are making more of this than it really is. TD holds all the cards in the TH situation. If TH sits out, he misses out on free agency next year. If he plays...
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    Bills fans curious about Clement.

    Oh okay, so he must be pushing 30 then too, eh? I don't think there's any way the Bills do anything with this guy.
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    Hello From Buffalo

    After the way you described Clement in the other thread, I'll shoot myself if the Bills pick this guy up. I just assume see him go to the Jests to play with Kendall. As for your history with the draft and trades, that's understandable. Honestly, and I swear this is not a flame, I give you...
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    Bills fans curious about Clement.

    Wow.....not exactly a glowing endorsement lol. Where did you guys draft him initially? I have only seen a handful of your guys' games over the past few years.
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    So you guys feel pretty good about going into the season with JJ and Shipp then? If so, why? I'm asking because I'm curious.....not cause I'm trying to flame you.
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    Bills fans curious about Clement.

    Trust me, we Bills fans speculate over just about every player - whether they're available or not. There is no way TD will bring in Clement. We already have one overpaid right tackle, we don't need two.
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    Well, okay......I'm glad you didn't cave to our arrogant ass GM either then......if that's what you guys are celebrating, then count me in! lol I think you'll eventually be wishing you had Travis instead of Arrington, but time will tell. Maybe JJ will be the real deal, who knows?
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    Hello From Buffalo

    You may be exactly correct, bro. I don't really have anything negative to say about LJ. I figured the Bills would be fine whether the trade went down or not.....though I will admit, if LJ is as good as some of you say he is, the Bills may regret not pulling the trigger. I have no clue what our...
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    I'm here cause last time I stopped by I was involved with some pretty good football discussion. As I said, I was hearing that you guys were posting all sorts of smack and I didn't understand why. So, here I am.......
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    There is nothing to suggest that the Bills were targeting Barnes with their second pick. But let's say they were, for the sake of what? lol Teams miss out on one player, they take someone else. It happens all the time. Barnes is not going to make or break any teams draft, least...
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    Hello From Buffalo

    I think you are confused. Most folks who know anything about the Bills will tell you that our O-line has been our achilles heel for a while now. Travis never had a good line to run behind.
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    Wow, you guys are something else.....last time I came here most of you were pretty humble, optimistic folks. You have one (supposedly) good draft and now your problems are solved? Because your front office doesn't get fleeced by our GM like Atlanta did a couple years ago somehow means...
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    Bills_Fan - not gonna take your medicine?

    You know, as a Bills fan, I heard that some of the Cards fans were over here strutting around and bashing the Bills. The only thing I can't quite figure out is why? lol What 'sting' are we Bills fans supposedly feeling? I don't get it. Because we didn't trade our pro bowl running back? Why...
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    Does anyone here think if Shelton was dropped Buffalo would try to add him??

    In one thread you refer to the Bills line as 'good', and here you are calling it 'decimated'.....which is it?
  25. A

    Hello From Buffalo

    Huh?? I think you are getting things mixed up......Travis is the pro bowler and our line is what is marginal....has been for several years now.

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