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  1. P


    Same here! I preferred the Cards uni and logo and loved the players' names - EJ Junior, Stump Mitchell etc They had more appeal than the Vikings. Stuck with them ever since listening to games on Armed Forces Network and reading First Down.
  2. P

    practice 7/27/2013

    Incredible to think that many turned up for just training. My local football ( soccer) team in the UK gets 5,000 for an actual competitive league game.
  3. P

    How would you feel...

    Would feel a lot better if they could have found a way to keep Horton but that is probably just naive thinking on my part that that could have happened. While I am optimistic on O simply by the fact we actually have a QB for the first time in ages, it is tempered by Bowles as DC. And the fact...
  4. P

    Thoughts on The Cardinals' Offensive Line

    Maybe I'm being a bit optimistic but I'm willing to give the guys a chance this year. if we can get Warmack, that would be ideal as it would solidify the left side. After years of desperate coaching from Grimm, it will be interesting to see what the new guys can do and hopefully coach our...
  5. P

    Official - Texans Sign Leinart

    You can take the ??? off the title of the post's a done deal!
  6. P

    We're #22

    OK fair enough it is too early to judge teams but Detroit at 24 and the comment : 24. Detroit. If the Lions were in the NFC West, they might win it this year. They're making significant progress -- assuming Ndamukong Suh is the genuine item and Kyle Vanden Bosch has something left...
  7. P

    Why are YOU a Cardinals' fan??

    Because they came over as the then St Louis Cardinals to the UK to play the Vikings in a showcase game at Wembley Stadium back in 1983. I think I made the right choice of who to support :)
  8. P

    Favorite Cardinal?

    Seems like a good place for a first post! Alltime Cards would be Neil Lomax , Roy Green and Stump Mitchell. That was a good offense back then. On D was Freddie Joe Nunn , EJ Junior and Aeneas. lately it has been : Warner, Fitz, Dockett Wilson. Am also looking forward to seeing Beanie and...