7 x 70
and I am not even including the 2003 season with just Boldin when the team went 4-12.
In the 56 games that the Arizona Cardinals have had Boldin and Fitzgerald the Cardinals have managed to go 19-37. In the 56 games before Boldin and Fitzgerald (1999-first 8 games of 2002) the team went 20-36.
The apologists will say that there are 1000 other reasons why this team has sucked that bad and I will agree. However, lets not forget that the 56 games prior to Quan/Fitz we were coached by Vince Tobin/Dave McGinnis with what is considered by many on this board as the darkest time talent wise in this worthless organizations history. Will anyone disagree that talent wise we are better overall and the talent surrounding our dynamic duo is much better than the 1999-2002 era?
So what does this mean? Once again the aplogists will say absolutely nothing. I disagree wholeheartedly. To me this means that this duo brings absolutely no impact to the team in the area most needed, wins and losses. How can we be terrible between 1999-2002 with recievers like Frank Sanders/Rob Moore (injured most of the time)/Bryan Gilmore etc.. and still have a better record with those guys then we do with what many on this board consider to be the best duo in the league with more talent than the former group ever had overall?
Please explain this to me?
Umm.. we're the Cardinals??