2009 Pre-season, My Take


Aug 14, 2006
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Now that I have had a few days to assymilate the information, and to see who the Staff kept, and (who they let go), I am ready to try to make some sense of this pre-season.

One of the first things that Coach Whiz clarified during camp, was that St. Pierre would get a legitimate shot at competing with Leinart for the back-up QB slot for Warner. That being said, one of the first moves Whiz made, (after naming Matt the back-up for game one), was to pull KW when he had his unit in the red-zone, and insert Matt cold. THAT caught my attention, as this is exactly how the back-up QB is likely to enter the game. COLD, no warm-up, no warning. Matt responded pretty well considering, (remember Pope dorpped a 3rd down pass that could have been caught in the endzone). They still collected a field goal to tie the game, and at the half, Warner's unit had outplayed Rothlisberger's, and Matt's unit had outplayed Charley Batch's. We learned that Matt was ready to deliver on the spot, and that Pope still couldn't catch a pass higher than his head after his third year on the roster. I think this ultimately cost him his job, as his height was a total waste in the red-zone because of this propensity to not get the high ball at all. Unfortunately St. Pierre had a bad outing, but was promised the back-up position for game two.

Game 2: Warner opened the game, however, he was missing Breaston from the line-up. If I remember correctly, Boldin was out too, having tweaked a hammy during the practice week. Of his regular receivers, Warner only had Fitz to throw to, and was busy trying to connect with Doucette, and Urban, both of whom dropped the ball, and Urban fubmled once and lost it. Warner, having been taken out of his comfort zone, (playing with receivers who were NOT always at the correct place at the correct time), was frustrated and had a poor outing. Then St. Pierre came in, and had another bad game, and the wheels came off. By half we were down by a rediculous score.

Matt took over in the third quarter, and had his best outing in a long time, (maybe ever), bringing us all the way back to where we had a choice of a PA kick to tie the score, or a 2 pointer to take the lead. Whiz opted to go for the win with only about 90 seconds left in the game. Matt threw a perfect fade to the corner of the end zone, (which Doucette promptly dropped). Granted he was playing hurt, but he did have both hands on the ball. A 2 pointer at that stage of the game probably takes the air out of San Diego's sails, and gives us a FEEL GOOD win. Not to be though. After Rackers pulls off a miracle on-side kick, Matt takes us down again, only this time he throws a late interception, game over.

After the game, Whiz commented to the press that the next week he would play the starters longer till they got their rythm down. He probably regretted having said that immediately, but the spoken word can't be unsaid.

Game 3: Three things happened. Fitz only played two series. Warner was throwing, not only to Urban, (,Doucette was hurt), but to Morey, Long, and Jones as well. (This really screwed up his timing and rythm). The defense apparently decided that they had no interest in playing protracted minutes in a meaningless game, and called their performance in, for the most part. On top of that, Green Bay, (already a good team), game-planned on us, and whipped us mercilessly. Matt had a sore shoulder, and it showed. There would be no comeback tonight.

Game 4: Trying to see who we would keep in the way of tight ends and wide-receivers, really started to tell by now. Many second and third line players were in the game, out of sequence, and while Whiz could judge their individual performances one on one, the game got away in the process, and was over by the half. All in all, Whiz did get to see the players he so badly wanted to see, and appears to have made some solid selections for the 53 man roster. At least, in that sense, the pre-seaon was a success, (after all THAT was the primary objective of the preseason). I think Whiz is pretty comfortable with the players he kept, and I believe that we are already a better team than we were at the end of last year, and if some of these rookies progress like DRC did last year, then both the offense and the defense could be MUCH better by years end.

Speaking of DRC-----I believe that after having McFadden out for injury, DRC learned that maybe, (despite the 2 Escalde Posse , and the new gold grill), he learned that he is NOT ALL THAT, ( at least not just yet). I hope that he gets his act together and follows MR Wilson's advice and gets his mind right. I would hate to see Coach Whiz have to give him a lesson on how to remove pine splinter's from his bottom. Lets hope it doesnt come to that.

Meanwhile, Warner can rest easy for ten days, and absorb the game plan for the Niners ALONG WITH his top receivers and tight ends. He should be much less frustrated with blown routes and dropped passes by then, and quickly return to form. (Pope will never drop another of his touchdown passes in the red-zone). Fitz, Boldin, and Breaston should all be ready and healthy for the opener. Matt has shown that he is much stronger now, (both mentally and physically). It was pure pleasure watching him execute the offense with our new running backs. He no longer appears to be worried about his strength, and ability to take a hit. He keeps his eyes down field during the entire play, and has learned to take a quick step up, or to the side to avoid the rush). If needed, Matt has shown that he is ready to step in and run this team. That may be the biggest pleasant surprise for Whiz during the entire pre-season.

If we get off to a good start, (4-1 or so), we could finish with 11 or more wins, despite having to take on every opponent's A-game this year. If not, and we finish 9-7, we can still win the division, and after all, WE KNOW THAT ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN ONCE YOU GET INTO THE PLAYOFFS !!! So I feel pretty good about the upcoming season, and I would encourage you to feel that way too and ENJOY THE SEASON.....it should be a lot of fun along the way...........Catfish

green machine

I rule at posting
Sep 4, 2002
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Phoenix, AZ
Good analysis but you are missing a game. It went Pitt/San Diego/Green Bay/Denver. I think you ended up combining the San Diego and Green Bay notes.

Overall tolid take.


Objectively Correct
Nov 23, 2008
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Easley, SC
I pretty much agree Catfish. The two things that bothered me were, penalities (they will kill you in regular season) and effort. Maybe some of the players packed it in, but I would think pride would have kept that from happening.


4 Food groups: beans, chili, cheese, bacon
Supporting Member
May 20, 2002
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Solid takes on the offense and what Whiz was trying to accomplish. Saying that the defense more or less just mailed it in for the whole preseason seems a little suspect to me (well maybe Berry). I mean, they had a new coordinator and new schemes to learn?????and they just half-assed it for 4 games. IMO something else was infecting them. To me it wasn't just lack of game planning because I think I saw a fair amount of blizting, they just seem lazy and disinterested and think they can turn it on come game time. We'll see

Thanks Catfish for your write up.


Aug 14, 2006
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Solid takes on the offense and what Whiz was trying to accomplish. Saying that the defense more or less just mailed it in for the whole preseason seems a little suspect to me (well maybe Berry). I mean, they had a new coordinator and new schemes to learn?????and they just half-assed it for 4 games. IMO something else was infecting them. To me it wasn't just lack of game planning because I think I saw a fair amount of blizting, they just seem lazy and disinterested and think they can turn it on come game time. We'll see

Thanks Catfish for your write up.

I'm not saying that the D mailed it in for the whole pre-season, just the last two games. They played their butts off during the first two games, and had very few penalties during that time.


Jun 10, 2002
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I'm not saying that the D mailed it in for the whole pre-season, just the last two games. They played their butts off during the first two games, and had very few penalties during that time.

True that. If we see the D that played the first two games we're in for a fun season.

You don't need a Phd in Nfl to see that our guys on D were coasting the last two games.

Here's to Whiz getting them back on track by next Sunday. :beer:


May 13, 2002
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Nice informed write up Catfish.... breath of fresh air around here

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Catfish. Good stuff man but you got the timing all mixed up.

Leinart played solid the first two games (with the Pope miss in the first one) and then dominated the third game, against Green Bay. He had the sore shoulder game 4 and was taken out after 1 series.

Breaston was injured the second game I believe. Wiz made the comments after Game 3, before the Denver game.

Great effort and good overall analysis but I wanted to clarify a couple points because as I was reading it and you had me second guessing myself.

I also think the game planning of Green Bay and playing meaningful 1st string time with 4th, 5th, and 6th recievers played a big part in the offensive troubles. I think we should be very concerned about giving up the long ball and our play on the road overall. Those are two things from last year we HAVE to overcome if we are going to take the next step.

I like Wiz's comments that he promised fans if the goal would have been to go 3-1 or 4-0 in the preseason we would have.

But i only get hope for another week. Then its reality. And I am hoping the boys are ready.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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OK------I like that, Great motto-----You aren't so crazy after all !!!!!!

Back in the 70's there was a group of Canadian downhill skiers known collectively as the Crazy Canucks.

No reference to the condition of my mind. :D


Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
Back in the 70's there was a group of Canadian downhill skiers known collectively as the Crazy Canucks.

No reference to the condition of my mind. :D

I think you are masquerading.....I think you are crazy like a fox-----You are really an Einstein in disguise;)