As I admitted ealier, I'm not really afan of soccer...think tonights game was the first complete game for me ever...may have watched parts of other US games in gold cup or olympics or world cup or something.
I watched tonights complete game for a couple of reasons. I was born here and am an American and I like to see our teams win. Also, I know lots of people from Mexico and they are really passionate about it, so I've learned a little from them, I speak passible Spanish so it's fun for me to me it looks like hockey on grass, except I know marginally more about hockey from watching more of it.... .plus I've put in a fair amount of time learning Spanish and it helps me a lot listening to the broadcats in Spanisn....but I digress....
My question is, since to my untrained eye for the game, the Mexican team was far superiour in individiual perfomances as was their team in the offensive zone. Where are our guys like that?
imho, in a game like soccer you have to have guys that can run like the wind, be very skilful in ball handleing and be totally aware of what's going on in the game....succintly put...great athletes that can run and are smart team players.
The USA just doesnt' seem to have those types of players who can do it at this level (I have no clue how much coaching plays into all this) I know there are the main sports that attract the great big money players, but why can't soccer attact some of these men? Is it money, prestige, love of the game?, is the system screwed up or what? can't be the women...I mean I got laid playing high school football for crying out
I guess the last thing that puzzles me is I see these youth soccer leagues all over the place. Tons of American kids playing the game. seems like they've been doing it for many years and why is it no great American players are coming from the ranks of our youngsters?
just a few questions from a neophyte....
ps...are hooligans just Raider fans watching soccer?