Yeah, so I'm going to totally rescind my earlier statement on who I'd take #1 as I'm accumulating time on film. I spent the better part of last night watching film on Deni. Then watched again today with a friend who loves to scout and we both came away very impressed. (FWI, he had Luka as his clear #1 as I had him #2 behind Ayton. So far, he saw something I didn't... but there's still time for me to be right

Deni is currently my favorite player of this bunch. His motor runs high. He has GREAT form on his shot with a quick release. Actually, it's near perfect. He has excellent handles for a 6'10 player and I love his vision. My jaw dropped numerous times while watching him. He is ALWAYS in attack mode (think exact opposite of Dragan). He's not overpowering but uses his quickness and agility to finish. He shows excellent footwork in the post and displays great feel for his defender. He displays a myriad of low post finishes with both hands. There is a lot to like here. Certainly there's questions about his lack of experience, but the same could be said about all the other 19 year olds in this draft.
After the snoozefest I endured watching Edwards, Ball, Wiseman, Obi, Anthony, Mannion... etc, I was excited to watch Deni's film. I actually want to watch some more as I scrape what I can together.