5 things you LOVE about the Dallas Mavericks


Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas fan here..

I love the fact that many phoenix fans find something to appreciate about Dallas. Its a great thread.

Here are the things i love about phoenix.

I love nash and how the ball is almost like a yo -yo he dribbles it and threads it where he wants and he paces your team so well!!

I like the matrix.

I like raja bell when he was a maverick and still dont find anything to hate about him but he is the sort of guy you would generally hate to have on some other team. Sort of like stackhouse.

and i also love how amare studamiare(sp??) came back to playing almost as good as before.

and now some of the things i hate about your team.

--I hate the satisfied, arrogant smile that your coach wears. The bible thumping avery is not going to allow the child molestor looking, pornstar mustachioed coach of yours into "bass-ket baal heaven"

--I like nash but i hate how he gets MVP press all the time. Damn he gets injured enough to show how the team would struggle without him too.

Thats all the hate i got...for now.