Neo, before he was unplugged, worked for...
MetaCortex -
Here are some of the codes found on the site:
-After the flash intro does its thing and you get to the main page, scroll down to the bottom and click on DIRECTORY.
-You'll get a map with a bunch of clickable locations, of which only REDLAND works - it's the one all the way to the left.
-You'll now be taken to a screen where you can enter employee names from MetaCortex. Type in AndersonThomas and you'll see that he's been transferred somewhere, but it's undisclosed.
-Type in AveryJames and you'll get an interesting binary code and a flickering picture to the left. Binary code can be translated with the binary code keys from maybe?
Something to entertain Matrix fans until Revolutions comes out.
MetaCortex -
Here are some of the codes found on the site:
-After the flash intro does its thing and you get to the main page, scroll down to the bottom and click on DIRECTORY.
-You'll get a map with a bunch of clickable locations, of which only REDLAND works - it's the one all the way to the left.
-You'll now be taken to a screen where you can enter employee names from MetaCortex. Type in AndersonThomas and you'll see that he's been transferred somewhere, but it's undisclosed.
-Type in AveryJames and you'll get an interesting binary code and a flickering picture to the left. Binary code can be translated with the binary code keys from maybe?
Something to entertain Matrix fans until Revolutions comes out.