A Spurs Fans 2 Cents


May 15, 2007
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First off,
This sucks. I have read some pretty heated comments on these boards, and they are warranted. A Spur was the aggressor last night, pulling a move that no one should be proud of, and the Suns have been punished for it. I am posting to let yall know that most Spurs fans are not snickering gleefully at this decision because frankly if we were to win this thing now, it would have an asterisk next to it in the eye of the sportsworld and we already have a championship with an asterisk in the shortened season of '99. We want to win it, but not like that.
The short version: this is not good for anybody.

But before anyone rushes into conspiracy theorys let me just make a couple of points.

A.) The league does NOT want the Spurs to win this series. The Spurs have been to the finals three times and each time it has been amongst the lowest TV ratings for the finals in History. S.A. is ranked the 37th largest sports market in the country, and that is our fan base. The Suns are up-tempo, exciting to watch, and they are what people want to see. The Spurs are old news in the sports world. People want a new story. They are just not going to get it this year. There is no wizard pulling the strings for the Spurs so yall can stop clinging to that raft.

B.) I know it could seem ridiculous considering the lack of suspensions of Bowens questionable plays during games two and three, but the reason there was no punishment is because they were just that... questionable. There is no conclusive evidence that says that either the step on the back of the foot, or the knee to the crotch was intentional. Bowen was on offence when his knee connected to Nashes crotch and he was executing a very standard B-ball move: the jab step, which is used to create space to avoid blows just like that!! Nash was up in his business and he paid the price. Should have been an offensive foul and thats that. And there is simply no way to prove that Bowen was just trying to chase down a possible board during the Amare mishap. Of course, we know this is not true. But this is exactly what makes Bowen special. Yall call him dirty, we call him crafty. He knows what he is doing, and he is very good at it. He is there for one reason, and that is to make his oppenents job as hard as possible. Welcome to the world of competitve sport. We are not playing checkers here.
Bowens violations were questionable, the rule Amare and Diaw broke is written in stone, you can not jump off the bench. Sometimes, the ball has to roll your way to win.

C.) Speaking of which, its the playoffs... tell your guys to stop whining like a bunch of tattle tale 1st graders. And by that, I mean Amare, and your owner. It is plain and simple, NOT helping your cause. It is the reason you are not getting calls, and it has just given the Spurs motivation and a swagger. They walked onto the court with a "I will show you dirty, ya puss," attitude and they are getting it. Say what you want about the Spurs but they have been through alot, overcome alot of adversity and have a pretty good track record to show for it. One thing we do not do is bitch to the media and let me tell you why and let you in on a little secret... Refs and the league dont like bitc&$g and moaning. Tim might give his trade mark, aw shucks look on the court after he gets called for a foul, but he does not whine to the national sports media about the opponent and calls, essentially saying the refs are not doin their job to the whole world. Jason Terry flat out PUNCHED Finley in the nuts last year in game 5, and that play was dirtier than any play has been in this series. But, we did not go out and start crying to the press, calling the entire Maverick organization dirty. We awaited the decision, and the league delivered. And besides, I can remember Charles Barkley pulling some questionable stunts back in his day. Raja Bell tossing Kobe to the floor last year... real classy. The road goes both ways Phoenix, and not every Sun just got home from Bible study. Snap out of it! This is the playoffs, and whoever wins this series will win the championship, so check the maxipads at the door and lets play some ball. This is the big enchilada. Stop making it sound like we are inventing 'in your face basketball.' Two weeks ago, we were the "milk and cookies" team of the league led by Tim Duncan (not exactly Dennis Rodman guys). Amare has made us out to be the '89 Pistons when in fact, our organization has been built around classy players like Timmy, David Robinson and Sean Elliot. So stop wasting your breath and save it for the court, you are going to need it.

In short, this sucks, but just play ball. You may have won game 1 if Nash did not bust his nose, but you know what... he did. We probably would have won it all if Derek Fischer had not made his circus shot in '04. We probably would have won it all if Manu did not foul Dirk in game 7 last year. But, S&*# happens! Thats life and that is sport. If you are good enough you will come back and win anyway. Thats what the spurs do, and it has won us three rings, even if you do not like the way we have won them.

May the best team win.


Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
With the mob
Go away.

Tell your crap to the fans on the spurs boards if you are seeking validation.

You defending Bowen (crafty), saying the Spurs aren't dirty (Bowen and Gifloppi) is ridiculous.

The Suns whine? How many Spurs have been kicked in the balls??..... I'm waiting.

How many Spurs have been kicked in the achilles???..... I'm waiting.

How many Spurs have been body-checked into the scorers table??..... I'm waiting.

Horry's B.S. just turned a series that has now become a race to two games into a race to one for the Spurs. They were handed game 5 by the refs.

Oh, but wait.....I'm sure if it was Tammy Duncan and Gifloppi that were suspended all you would say is: "But just play ball, may the best team win"

Go away.


Warriors Come Out And Plaaaay!
Aug 14, 2003
Reaction score
First off,

A.) The league does NOT want the Spurs to win this series.

I don't know about that but I do have a feeling they want this to go 7 games.


Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Didn't you just post this in the other thread?

Attention ***** alert!
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
A typical post from a San Antonio person. Go away. Go back to spurstalk or spursreport Stop defending a team that plays dirty!!!


May 15, 2007
Reaction score
you dont get to the finals by playing paddy cake guys.
The Spurs have taken many hits in the playoffs. And I mentioned them in that thread.
Finley hit in the balls last year
Raja throwing Kobe to the ground
Manus eye swelled shut two games ago and did he bitch. No, he scored eight strait points after.
Stop being a puss and a hypocrit.


May 15, 2007
Reaction score
and another thing, HarleyRider. If you are going to ride a chopper, you may want to live up to that image by showing some stones. Watch out, phoenix, HarleyRider is back and he is mad. Oooh. Go get on your VESPA and cry all the way to the hells angels meeting you wannabe.


Lets Go Suns
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
you dont get to the finals by playing paddy cake guys.
The Spurs have taken many hits in the playoffs. And I mentioned them in that thread.
Finley hit in the balls last year
Raja throwing Kobe to the ground
Manus eye swelled shut two games ago and did he bitch. No, he scored eight strait points after.
Stop being a puss and a hypocrit.
Hey the Suns did anything but play paddy cake last night. They played a hard nosed tough game and beat the Spurs at their own game down the stretch and instead of a great hard tough win it turned into a dirty game because of Robert Horry. Two Suns players get suspended for doing nothing because Horry decided to be the biggest punk possible. Go back to San Antonio you troll. I can't wait for the Suns to take game five just to see the shock on the Spurs faces.


Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
you dont get to the finals by playing paddy cake guys.
The Spurs have taken many hits in the playoffs. And I mentioned them in that thread.
Finley hit in the balls last year
Raja throwing Kobe to the ground
Manus eye swelled shut two games ago and did he bitch. No, he scored eight strait points after.
Stop being a puss and a hypocrit.

You're really stretching with your reasoning.

* Timmy got a migraine because of KT, you don't see us complaining
* In 3rd grade Raja Bell pushed a classmate in the lunchroom
* Finley looks like Billy Ocean and he really hates the stupid jokes

Shut up, every fan outside of San Antonio knows you guys get the gold glove treatment. Games 1-3 was biased in your favor. Game 4, the Suns had a slight edge and every damn Spur fan was complaining and whining (if not more) just like you accuse other fans for. And Cheap Shot Rob laid out Nash. Go away. TIA


Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
With the mob
you dont get to the finals by playing paddy cake guys.
The Spurs have taken many hits in the playoffs. And I mentioned them in that thread.
Finley hit in the balls last year
Raja throwing Kobe to the ground

Manus eye swelled shut two games ago and did he bitch. No, he scored eight strait points after.
Stop being a puss and a hypocrit.

What do either of those two incidents have to do with this series?


As far as Manu, that was an accident and everyone knows it. His eye swelled shut? Swelled shut??

Please. He got poked at the base of his eye, what does he want, a cookie?

Your examples doesn't make me a puss internet tough-guy. They don't apply to this series, the ones I gave I'm still waiting on an answer...

Take your time......or is Tammy not done with you yet.


May 6, 2007
Reaction score
First off,
This sucks. I have read some pretty heated comments on these boards, and they are warranted. A Spur was the aggressor last night, pulling a move that no one should be proud of, and the Suns have been punished for it. I am posting to let yall know that most Spurs fans are not snickering gleefully at this decision because frankly if we were to win this thing now, it would have an asterisk next to it in the eye of the sportsworld and we already have a championship with an asterisk in the shortened season of '99. We want to win it, but not like that.
The short version: this is not good for anybody.

But before anyone rushes into conspiracy theorys let me just make a couple of points.

A.) The league does NOT want the Spurs to win this series. The Spurs have been to the finals three times and each time it has been amongst the lowest TV ratings for the finals in History. S.A. is ranked the 37th largest sports market in the country, and that is our fan base. The Suns are up-tempo, exciting to watch, and they are what people want to see. The Spurs are old news in the sports world. People want a new story. They are just not going to get it this year. There is no wizard pulling the strings for the Spurs so yall can stop clinging to that raft.

B.) I know it could seem ridiculous considering the lack of suspensions of Bowens questionable plays during games two and three, but the reason there was no punishment is because they were just that... questionable. There is no conclusive evidence that says that either the step on the back of the foot, or the knee to the crotch was intentional. Bowen was on offence when his knee connected to Nashes crotch and he was executing a very standard B-ball move: the jab step, which is used to create space to avoid blows just like that!! Nash was up in his business and he paid the price. Should have been an offensive foul and thats that. And there is simply no way to prove that Bowen was just trying to chase down a possible board during the Amare mishap. Of course, we know this is not true. But this is exactly what makes Bowen special. Yall call him dirty, we call him crafty. He knows what he is doing, and he is very good at it. He is there for one reason, and that is to make his oppenents job as hard as possible. Welcome to the world of competitve sport. We are not playing checkers here.
Bowens violations were questionable, the rule Amare and Diaw broke is written in stone, you can not jump off the bench. Sometimes, the ball has to roll your way to win.

C.) Speaking of which, its the playoffs... tell your guys to stop whining like a bunch of tattle tale 1st graders. And by that, I mean Amare, and your owner. It is plain and simple, NOT helping your cause. It is the reason you are not getting calls, and it has just given the Spurs motivation and a swagger. They walked onto the court with a "I will show you dirty, ya puss," attitude and they are getting it. Say what you want about the Spurs but they have been through alot, overcome alot of adversity and have a pretty good track record to show for it. One thing we do not do is bitch to the media and let me tell you why and let you in on a little secret... Refs and the league dont like bitc&$g and moaning. Tim might give his trade mark, aw shucks look on the court after he gets called for a foul, but he does not whine to the national sports media about the opponent and calls, essentially saying the refs are not doin their job to the whole world. Jason Terry flat out PUNCHED Finley in the nuts last year in game 5, and that play was dirtier than any play has been in this series. But, we did not go out and start crying to the press, calling the entire Maverick organization dirty. We awaited the decision, and the league delivered. And besides, I can remember Charles Barkley pulling some questionable stunts back in his day. Raja Bell tossing Kobe to the floor last year... real classy. The road goes both ways Phoenix, and not every Sun just got home from Bible study. Snap out of it! This is the playoffs, and whoever wins this series will win the championship, so check the maxipads at the door and lets play some ball. This is the big enchilada. Stop making it sound like we are inventing 'in your face basketball.' Two weeks ago, we were the "milk and cookies" team of the league led by Tim Duncan (not exactly Dennis Rodman guys). Amare has made us out to be the '89 Pistons when in fact, our organization has been built around classy players like Timmy, David Robinson and Sean Elliot. So stop wasting your breath and save it for the court, you are going to need it.

In short, this sucks, but just play ball. You may have won game 1 if Nash did not bust his nose, but you know what... he did. We probably would have won it all if Derek Fischer had not made his circus shot in '04. We probably would have won it all if Manu did not foul Dirk in game 7 last year. But, S&*# happens! Thats life and that is sport. If you are good enough you will come back and win anyway. Thats what the spurs do, and it has won us three rings, even if you do not like the way we have won them.

May the best team win.
Nash did not bust his nose. Parker did with a head butt . If the spurs win it certainly won't be the best team that won and you and the the rest of the thugs and thug lovers know it!!!!!!!!!!!


Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
With the mob
and another thing, HarleyRider. If you are going to ride a chopper, you may want to live up to that image by showing some stones. Watch out, phoenix, HarleyRider is back and he is mad. Oooh. Go get on your VESPA and cry all the way to the hells angels meeting you wannabe.


Oh how I wish we could meet and discuss this.

Ain't gonna happen though since Tammy has you chained to his bedpost.


May 15, 2007
Reaction score
My point is that the Suns have had their moments of questionable plays in the past... and that you are a pantywaist, VespaRider.
And what is with the go away stuff. What is the point of having a forum if you can not have a debate, just to have a shoulder to cry on? You dont think Suns fans are whining it up over on our boards.


Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
With the mob
My point is that the Suns have had their moments of questionable plays in the past... and that you are a pantywaist, VespaRider.
And what is with the go away stuff. What is the point of having a forum if you can not have a debate, just to have a shoulder to cry on? You dont think Suns fans are whining it up over on our boards.


Yeah, I'm a pantywaist.

It's not a debate, it's you spouting off ******** arguements and trying to seek validation on a Suns board.

I don't give a damn about any other board, this is the only one I visit.

Newsflash TammyLover, they aren't whining....it's a legit complaint.

PHX 32

Hard times on Planet Orange
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
Scottsdale/San Diego
TexDouche - just leave , we don't care about a spurs fan 2 cents. The spurs fans on here are respectful, and we have gotten plenty of their change for one night thank you.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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A.) The league does NOT want the Spurs to win this series. .... There is no wizard pulling the strings for the Spurs so yall can stop clinging to that raft.

The 'league' may not want the Spurs to win but they didn't bother to inform the refs. Look at the pivotal play in game for example - 4th quarter, the Suns are racing up floor on a break and a ref calls Amare for a foul down at the opposite end of the floor. Duncan hits 2 FTs so the the point swing is probably around 4 points - easily enough to decide the game.

The announcers said it was a bad call simply because is was so far from the action and nothing of intrinsic significance. Minor arm tangling, is how they described it.

But think about it: does Amare tangle arms with players - never! He's a leaper and he hates getting arms tangled. TD, on the other hand is a banger and loves tangling arms - especially with smaller, quicker players that can jump.

Amare was somewhat in front of TD and his arms were not behind him so Tim had to reach around him to have his arms entangled with his own.

Amare had nothing to gain by fouling at that point while TD had much to gain - ball out on the side to Phx, supposing the foul was called on him.

As the replay showed TD grabbed Amare's arm and flopped. So its clear the ref did not actually see the play at all - he blew his whistle and guessed.

In short the ref screwed up twice - blowing his whistle at all and then calling the foul on the foulee instead of the fouler. A double advantage to SA out of thin air. Now you have admit there was stupidity on the part of the ref to make any call but it has to show a strong bias in favor of SA when its inconceiveable that Amare committed the foul if you only saw the general outline of the action - arms tangled in front of Amare.

The only thing that would convince me there wasn't a bias in favor of SA is if the ref would admit that he blew his whistle to call a foul on Duncan then realized he'd look very stupid in the eyes of the other refs for such a call at that juncture of the game, and quickly decided he'd call the foul on Amare to salvage what he could of his own standing among his cohorts in stripes. (He also probably guessed that so far from the action there wouldn't be any way to fault his call because it wouldn't be seen or recorded.)

If you polled a bunch of knowledgeable NBA followers with the question: Duncan and Amare are involved in an arm tangle foul away from the action when the Suns are running a fast break; who committed the foul? (Not: who is the foul called on!) How do think the answers would run? 90% TD fouled? 99% TD fouled? Somewhere in that range.