You are a lucky man. And cursed, too. I don't want to sound melodramatic here, but you have a pretty awesome responsibility. On one hand, your neighbor is a Cardinal! How cool is that? And we want to know all he knows because we follow the Cards and any info is good info. But that's the catch22 (not Emmitt) He's not just a Joeshmo neighbor, he's an NFL player. It's kind of like what happened with Kevin Kasper: what was said on this board got back to him. So that's the crux of the biscuit: What do you tell us and what do you keep to yourself? I know this, it aint much fun knowing something if you can't tell someone! "Lawdy, lawdy, I'm jus' gon' bus' if I don't tell somebody, anybody!" Some of what your neighbor tells you doesn't mean anything but if he tells you something sort of sensitive and you run to this message board and repeat what you heard then everyone knows about it. Maybe DG gets in trouble from what was said on this board about the combine he ran and didn't tell anyone about. Now the world knows and then the team gets fined. Like I said I don't mean to pee in your or anyone's coke but maybe it would have been better to not say anything about SECRET COMBINE run by our new head coach. You might not want to let that slip out--even if we didn't believe you!
Forgive me if I seem too dramatic C-MACK. It's something that crossed my mind...and I also wanted to get my post count up without being a "post *****"