I didn't say I thought David Deihl was the worst LT in football, I said I believe that is what Pro Football Focus claims.
As far as our roster goes, who is better? If you are claiming that Jeremy Bridges or Anthony Batiste (?) is, then you are wrong. There is a reason Levi Brown will get 7+ million in FA, and it isn't because he is worse than Bridges.
As far as presenting opinions as facts, yes, this is one situation where the facts back my opinion which is why I will post it as such. When market value for a player is projected to be above 5 million per year, claiming that he is no better than a career backup in Jeremy Bridges is ludicrous and I am not afraid to point it out as such.
No problem, then. Your facts are wrong and you are naive to present them as facts. You are wrong and it is clear that the facts are on my side. That sounds silly, doesn't it? Well, if you can do it, so can I.
Stewart Bradley got 5 million from us last year, so that means he must be a damn good linebacker, right? Wrong. Just because a player makes money in FA doesn't mean he's good. That's just a stupid argument.
The facts do NOT back your opinion. I could just as easily say that Levi Brown is clearly the worst LT in the league, and that is a FACT. Well, I definitely think it is true, and since claiming that he isn't is ludicrous I could just as easily not be afraid to point it out as a fact. I'm not doing that, however, because I don't want to sound like a condescending know-it-all.
The only FACT in this discussion about Levi Brown is that it is a polarizing issue with hard and fast opinions on both sides. I've enjoyed the back-and-forth with different people because, whether I like it or not, we've been backed into a pretty crappy position by our team, and this is one of the burning issues of the day for us. What will drag this discussion down to the level of absurdity is when one side or the other starts waving the flag of their own opinion and start claiming that their opinion is fact. I could easily be wrong on some points, and you could easily be wrong on some points. The only FACT is that just because you say something is a fact doesn't make it so.