Some guy called sharkbite put this on the espn boards..he's almost as smart as me!!
The Suns history of injuries is not the problem. It's their history of trying to rush players back and/or not being honest about their recovery. They didn't even initially admit that Penny had a microfracture, and claimed that he would be playing again in around 2 1/2 months. Jason Kidd says they pressured him to come back from his broken ankle in only one month. Obviously they were pressuring Joe Johnson to come back several games earlier than he did, and they started getting him fitted for masks so early that they kept not fitting as his swelling went down. The only rational explanation for them saying that Amare would be able to come back in 4 months is because they wanted to keep up interest in the season. Najera is the only player I can think of that came back from a microfracture in less than 5 months and he says that was a mistake. Kenyon Martin came back in 5 months and had problems -- despite having a very small defect -- and he was the closest player physically to Amare, so that should have made them more reluctant to bring him back after that same amount of recovery time.
Obviously Dr. Carter prefers working for the Suns, and again you're naïve to think he wouldn't be willing to spin his comments to media a little bit if the team asked him to. You seem to be under the impression that nobody in the organization would ever lie, but D'Antoni already admitted that they mislead the public about their views regarding Tim Thomas.