I give thanks every day for Michael Bidwill, Steve Keim, and Bruce Arians. These three have totally changed the culture of this, (once), inept program. I am so very, very, pleased to have been a part of the tiny few who sensed this coming with the way that these three bucked all the 'trends' and set about doing what needed to be done. They have acted of (singular) mind set, and without fear of, or concern for, the nay-sayers who protested so vehemently, or who proclaimed them to be of little or no worth from the very beginning. Many of those Whisenhunt hangers on, went so far as to proclaim that this 'triumverate' had done nothing to earn their support or respect, and there are still those today who take every opportunity to deride any action by Keim, as being the 'telling' sign of his failure as a draft manager.
I am so very happy just going along with this ride and totally enjoying it, along with a few select friends, that the slurs, and derisive remarks that we put up with during the transition, can now be worn as battle scars of pride and conviction that this 'group of three' has not yet made a bad move along the way as they created this wonderfully conceived roster, and coaching staff, and scouting department, that just keeps giving and giving and giving. How great it is to 'BASK' in the glow of their wonderful achievements.