It's football season!!
Yes, I'm interested in your explanation
Why can't they revoke some of those broker tickets (especially the out of town ones) and offer them to people on the waiting list?
Ok, wanted to be selfish and wait until I was sure I got myself taken care of, which is done now...
I have 2 seats now (well, 4 really but two are for my best friend) and currently have 2 additional seats on the wait list to make sure my 2 year old and 3 month old are all locked up for the future. I got an email a week or so ago saying they were making playoff tickets available for the wait list (1 seat for playoffs for every 1 seat on the wait list). This was made available today at 10:00 AM MST. I called the number for an hour straight before actually getting through. While calling, I emailed them and they said everyone was calling at once when the window opened and they had 20+ people taking calls and couldn't keep up. I figure if they have 20+ people taking calls and it takes me an hour to get through, the number of people on the wait list must be pretty large right now, especially given the team's success.
And, if my suspicions are correct, I wouldn't be surprised to see some decent price increases next year.