My whole perspective has changed. I've been just plain bitter about the teams' play as they've crumbled right before our eyes.
I took all my kids and grandkids to last nights game. Only one of them is a Cardinal fan, the rest are Steelers and Cowboys fans, but they all put on Cards gear and cheered and yelled for them all game. Even though they lost my family told me that they had so much fun just being there that they want to come back to cheer for them again. They had so much joy in the experience of it that I couldn't help but enjoy it with them.
Having them be so happy on Christmas was an eye opener for me. I've been so emotionally involved that I couldn't see the forest for the trees.
Dang it, I get bummed when they lose, but now I'm going along for the ride. Somehow it just doesn't matter near as much whether they win or not.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.