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Ouchie-Z-Clown said:this is kind of a dumb statement 'cuz it assumes that tmac will have to play two positions. let's assume that whomever starts w/ tmac as a replacement for either marion or jj averages sumpin' like 10/5/3. that means, added to tmac, their numbers are 38/11.4/7. hmm, 2.3 pts better, 1.rebs worse, and 1.7 assists better. makes your argument a lot weaker. nice try playing w/ stats though.
what you fail to recognize also is that tmac will demand double teaming, thereby further freeing up amare. no one will double team marion or jj.
i am sorry. you fail to see that amare will draw the double teams that way freeing up jj or marion. you are giving up 2 very productive players to get tmac.
tmac or kobe wont be the heart of this team. amare will. offense goes inside out, not outside in, when you have a post player like amare. so you are going to trading role players (that fill the role on on this team well) for a player that doesnt do anything but score well and in that he will take second place to amare.