This is my favorite show on TV.
I have never read the books and be what David Simon refers to as a "late to the game" type of fan as I didnt have HBO during the first season and didnt even really know it existed. Then I had a in-law recommend it and said to me "I don't usally like fantasy/dragon storylines but this show is amazing." He also put me on to the Wire a few years back so I trusted his opinion.
So my wife and I watched the first season on demand about a year ago and were hooked from the first scene on. That scene with the Whitewalkers does sucha good job of drawing you in and then they become like 5% of the storyline going forward lol. A bit of false advertising I guess
What a awesome show from from an acting and character relationship development point of view. Best since the Wire IMO. Im usually the type to like the book better then the movie but I cant imagine with how visually stunning this show is that my brain would imagine it in the same HD splendor as the people creating it have.
As for the 2nd season. They begin to delve into other areas geographically (most amazing sets I have seen) and give more backgrounsd arousn some key characters. The characters new to this season mostly seem forced and I have little care about if they live or die, but the amount of interest I have in the charcters introduced the first season is more then enough to make up for it.
For me the show differentiates itself because you watch the story arch and have a sense of whats coming in episodes and even seasons ahead but they do a good job of throwing curveballs and keeping you engaged in the different plot lines.
And again the actors are not domestic household names but nonethless brilliant and I think not really recogizing any of them plays into the fantasy piece of it. Peter Dinklage's Tyrion Lannister is one of my Top 5 favorite characters in TV history personally.
All and all great show. And yes I am enjoying season 2 and looking forward to what develops. Its actually the only show I look forward to every week. I am not sure if you would feel the same way since you know the general story line and its not new to you but for me the way they build anticipation episode to episode works and keeps me vested.