Well - my bro and I ran out of options and decided to see this and much to my suprise - I actaully loved it. Great action/comedy - great action, great chemistry between Smith and Lawrence(and I hate Martin Lawrence) and I really didn't even like the first one all that much. I though the whole Cuba thing was a bit much, but it didn't ruin the expericne for me - this was an old-fashioned action movie - i'm taking carnage, great witty dialogue, huge setpieces, nudity, gore - the only thing that could have made this movie an all-time favorite would have been if the bad guy was worth a lick (he was pretty much ass and given nothing to do) If this movie had a bad guy half as fun as say Alan Rickman in Die Hard this movie would be an instant classic. As it is - best action popcorn flick of the summer.