But for how much $$? They're more likely looking at a figure closer to 6m yr. then 8m yr. With 10m guaranteed? Bonus could be a snag too. We'll see, he's running out of options, he'll have to decide.
I would guess Breeland is still hoping to get what the Panthers offered, or really close to it. Three years, 24 Million, 11 Guaranteed.
But that for a guy with an already worrisome injury history.......... and now a failed physical due to some rare fungus infection?
The market had definitely changed for Breeland. The teams are already telling us that. The market has changed: too much injury risk, for that much dough. He will be forced to come around to reality.
There is not a more perfect opportunity that I can see, for him to turn his career around, than right here in Arizona. The 2nd CB starter position is like a 10 lb Grapefruit just hanging there, if someone can grab it, they will get PAID.