Bell calls Kobe pompous and arrogant


Jul 21, 2003
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Renz said:
Then foul a guy hard while he's going to the basket. What Bell did shows an absolute lack of control and a complete disregard for the consequences of his actions and what it means to his team.

That is arrogance.

I wholeheartedly disagree. That is not arrogance, that is having some semblance of self worth. You have to remember that these guys are not only basketball players, but men too. I don't know about you but if I was continually hit in the face, given cheap shots, etc. I would stand up for myself as well. It's unfortunate the way it went down and as a Suns fan I wish that Bell wouldn't have done it. But as a human being I can certainly understand his reasoning.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Chaplin said:
Did you read my post, Mao? I can't believe I'm having this arguement with a fellow UA fan... :(

There are very few people here who would disagree with you about what Raja did. What they are disagreeing with is the penalty.
I know you're definitely not cheerleading what Raja did, but there are quite a few threads and avaters here celebrating the act. I personally think that's pretty classless, but I'm not the morality police and it's a free country so people can do whatever they want.

But I was at the game last night and I've never been at a Suns game like that. Generally you get the rowdies here and there, but last night was a whole different animal. I've been to many Suns playoff games before and I never saw people throwing stuff on the court, fans cheering on an incident such as the 4th quarter debacle, celebratory high fives after an opposing player is maliciously elbowed. I know emotions were high after Game 4 and it being the Lakers, but it just felt like an ASU-UA game in Tempe and I think Suns fans are better than that. Just my opinion of course.


Oct 5, 2002
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Guatemala City, Guatemala
MaoTosiFanClub said:
I know I'm being repetitive here, but this is a ridiculous point and anyone who's being in the least bit objectoive can recognize that. You could at least make an argument that Walton was trying to play defense. I'm downright horrified that more Suns fans are not embarrassed by Raja Bell's actions last night. The whole episode was easily one of the most classless things I have ever seen on a basketball court.

Which player had the most chance of getting injured in the play?? Tim Thomas or Kobe?? I am not embarrased at all by the foul. Finally someone in the Suns team showed some pride and intensity playing a game. It was wrong yes.... but embarrasing????
Mike Olbinski

Mike Olbinski

Formerly Chandler Mike
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May 13, 2002
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Phoenix, AZ
MaoTosiFanClub said:
I know you're definitely not cheerleading what Raja did, but there are quite a few threads and avaters here celebrating the act. I personally think that's pretty classless, but I'm not the morality police and it's a free country so people can do whatever they want.

But I was at the game last night and I've never been at a Suns game like that. Generally you get the rowdies here and there, but last night was a whole different animal. I've been to many Suns playoff games before and I never saw people throwing stuff on the court, fans cheering on an incident such as the 4th quarter debacle, celebratory high fives after an opposing player is maliciously elbowed. I know emotions were high after Game 4 and it being the Lakers, but it just felt like an ASU-UA game in Tempe and I think Suns fans are better than that. Just my opinion of course.

Well, it's not like Raja grabbed his nuts or something :)

It was a good hard foul, he was getting taunted by the Lakers' bench, by their coach...Kobe was elbowing him...and all night Kobe was being an all around punk out there.

I think that's why we're celebrating was a hard foul, and it showed them that we can be just as physical too.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
sly fly said:
Then you haven't...

1.) Played enough ball yourself.

2.) Watched enough ball.

Sorry, Mao. Hate to come down on you like this because you're pretty objective most of the time... but you're overreacting a bit here.

Walton made a play to foul TT. He didn't make a defensive play on the ball. The only play he made was on TT's shoulders. While in mid-air. Sadly, the only way Walton was going to get ejected was if TT broke a bone.

Embarassed? For what? Ask Bird, Ainge, McHale, Rambis, Iavoroni, or Laimbeer what they think, and they would laugh it off as a patty-cake.

Like I mentioned before, I have no problem with the suspension. It was obviously something Raja felt needed to be done, so he did it. Obviously, it came at a bad time... but life goes on.

I do have a problem with the crap no-call at the end of Game 4 (which was WAY more embarassing to the league). And, the double-standard set forth in regards to Kwame and Walton.

The refs FAILED to take control of the series early AND they've made piss-poor calls throughout (on both sides). The blame goes directly to the NBA front-office.
I'll agree that the officials lost control of this series and it's a damn shame too because the Suns up-tempo and the Lakers triangle are beautiful things to watch when they're being run effectively. Not to mention how spectacular it is watching two elite players in Kobe and Steve Nash slice up defenses. Unfortunately we have barely seen any of that because the refs have allowed the series to come down to dirty picks and hacks across arms. What should be a terrific series has become the Heat vs. Knicks circa 1998. I know everything slows down in the playoffs and things become more physical, but it has gotten ridiculous.

And I have played plenty of ball and I still think if Walton had intended to hurt Thomas he would have undercut him. I got undercut once playing in college and broke my hand so I know how Thomas probably felt. The reason he only got to Thomas' shoulder height is because Luke got there much too late and is about a half foot shorter and much less athletic. And I'm not to sure Laimbeer and such would have laughed off the Bell incident. Charles Barkley played in that era and was appalled by the takedown last night.


ASFN Addict
Sep 12, 2002
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Phoenix, AZ
MaoTosiFanClub said:
I've been to many Suns playoff games before and I never saw people throwing stuff on the court
How do you know it was a Suns fan? I highly doubt a Suns fans is going to throw a free Suns T-Shirt onto the court. I'm pretty sure it foul was called in favor of the Suns and then came a flying t-shirt.

As far as the fans cheering, there were 19000+ fans cheering at Staples center when a jumpball was called in the closing seconds of OT in game 4. I'd say that play was a bigger travesty and embarrasement to the league.
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Love Games!
Jan 23, 2003
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Austin, TX
Raja Bell is my new hero!!! Atta boy!!!

"I have no respect for him," Bell said of Bryant. "Because I think he’s a pompous, arrogant individual. I think a lot of people let him get away with things and he feels like he’s supposed to get away with them and I don’t agree with that."

Bell said his regrettable action was a response to two things on the other end of the court — a Bryant elbow to Bell’s cheek and coach Phil Jackson’s remark that, "You (expletive) deserved that," when Bell pleaded with an official.

"I thought that was kind of bush league from such a good coach," Bell said.

"It was the first time he said something directly to me, especially coming on a play where he hit me pretty good in the jaw. That was a little bush league."


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
jbeecham said:
How do you know it was a Suns fan? I highly doubt a Suns fans is going to throw a free Suns T-Shirt onto the court. I'm pretty sure it foul was called in favor of the Suns and then came a flying t-shirt.

As far as the fans cheering, there were 19000+ fans cheering at Staples center when a jumpball was called in the closing seconds of OT in game 4. I'd say that play was a bigger travesty and embarrasement to the league.

The announcers said on television that it came from the rafters of the arena.

They said that sometimes, when they shoot them up, they'll sometimes get caught up there, so the Gorilla goes up in the rafters and drops them on the fans below. He missed on that one, obviously.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I'm with Mao on this one. It was a thuggish act and there's no reason for anyone to be proud of it or try to justify it.

I'd just like Laker fans to own up to the same standards with Brown.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
I know emotions were high after Game 4 and it being the Lakers, but it just felt like an ASU-UA game in Tempe and I think Suns fans are better than that. Just my opinion of course.

I wish I could let this comment go but it is like a Kobe elbow to the head of an ASU Alum.

Do you really think that ASU fans have the market on bad behavior... or cheap shots?

As you are reportedly a U of A Alum, you might know (or want to know) when the ASU/ U of A rivalry became so heated and often distasteful.

It started with the "Ultimatum Bowl" in football (can't remember the year it's been so long ago). The Sun Bowl was forced to choose the U of A before the ASU/ U of A game was played to determine the representative (or the Uof A would pick up their marbles and go elsewhere). This caused a lot of anger, especially among ASU fans, that the participant would not be decided on the field.

Of course, ASU overwhelmingly beat the U of A and the rest is history. However, this is where this previously respected rivalry started to border on hate.

Peace. I wish there was not so much anger between the fans of the U of A and ASU. When Frieder and Olsen were doing comedic commercials on TV together I thought this could again become an amicable rivalry. The funny thing is that most people do not even know why the rivalry turned so ugly.

Edit. Here's a link regarding the above:
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Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
MaoTosiFanClub said:
And everyone here constantly ******* and moans when those guys do it and call them every name in the book. Yet when Raja Bell does it he is given a hero's welcome. It's laughingly hypocritical.

We (or at least most of us here) aren't encouraging what he did, it was a cheap shot worthy of suspension. What we are disagreeing with is the NBA's apparent double standard.

Luke Walton grabbed TT by his shoulders and threw him to the ground. Don't even try to give me the he was trying to make a play on the ball garbage because he hands were nowhere near the ball. It was cheap and worthy of suspension. He barely was fined and received nothing more than a slap on the wrist

Kwame Brown blatantly elbowed Diaw to the face and then promptly stood over him taunting him. He didn't even receive a flagrant foul. How is that even possible? All he does is get a slap on the wrist

So those 2 get off scot free but Bell was the one that got a suspension. 3 suspendable offenses and only one actually gets punished.


Mar 11, 2003
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Wandering the Universe
Bell got a Flagrant 2 and Walton got a flagrant 1.

Both were the right calls. Enough about how Walton should be suspended because Raja was.

It is what it is. A bad foul to commit because it may cost his team.

I am tired of hearing about what the Lakers did 2 or 3 games ago. Suns and their fans just need to focus on winning game 6.

The ultimate payback is to beat the Lakers on the court and not with WWE moves.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2002
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Redding, CA.
SirChaz said:
I am tired of hearing about what the Lakers did 2 or 3 games ago. Suns and their fans just need to focus on winning game 6.

The ultimate payback is to beat the Lakers on the court and not with WWE moves.

NO Way!!! I want to see a body slam or I'm not watching! :mad: ;)


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
elindholm said:
I'm with Mao on this one. It was a thuggish act and there's no reason for anyone to be proud of it or try to justify it.

I hate posts that vilify others that are completely false. Who is proud of it?

Most everybody here says it was a thuggish thing to do. Some DID say that Kobe deserved some kind of retaliation (but at a much smaller scale) for what he did and for what the others have done in this series, but who the hell said they were proud of it?

When people are saying that they are proud of Raja, it's because of his comments about Kobe, not the act of clotheslining him.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
Reaction score
L.A. area
When people are saying that they are proud of Raja, it's because of his comments about Kobe, not the act of clotheslining him.

I think you need to read what other people are saying. I wasn't talking about you. I don't want to call out the people who are celebrating Bell's take down, but they are absolutely here. If you really need examples, you can send me an email (lindholmDOTericATverizonDOTnet), but I think if you look around you'll find them pretty easily.

Joe Mama

Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
SirChaz said:
Bell got a Flagrant 2 and Walton got a flagrant 1.

Both were the right calls. Enough about how Walton should be suspended because Raja was.

It is what it is. A bad foul to commit because it may cost his team.

I am tired of hearing about what the Lakers did 2 or 3 games ago. Suns and their fans just need to focus on winning game 6.

The ultimate payback is to beat the Lakers on the court and not with WWE moves.

A-freaking-men. I don't get into the whole "fans just need to focus on winning" line (Game 6 isn't even an at-home. Why do we have to focus on winning?), but I'm with you regarding the suspension and fouls. It's enough whining already.

Bell lost his head and made a monumental mistake. It will almost certainly cost the Phoenix Suns any chance they had of winning the series.

Hey people, how about this little conspiracy theory? Wouldn't everybody love to see a Game 7 with Kobe Bryant and Bell battling it out on the court? Perhaps the referees will help us get there. :)



Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Wandering the Universe
Joe Mama said:
A-freaking-men. I don't get into the whole "fans just need to focus on winning" line (Game 6 isn't even an at-home. Why do we have to focus on winning?), but I'm with you regarding the suspension and fouls. It's enough whining already.

Bell lost his head and made a monumental mistake. It will almost certainly cost the Phoenix Suns any chance they had of winning the series.

Hey people, how about this little conspiracy theory? Wouldn't everybody love to see a Game 7 with Kobe Bryant and Bell battling it out on the court? Perhaps the referees will help us get there. :)


Positive mental energy!

Every little bit helps. :D


An Army of One
May 10, 2003
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lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
elindholm said:
I'd just like Laker fans to own up to the same standards with Brown.
If Brown had been suspended, I think it would have been consistent with most of Stu Jackson's other rulings. I wouldn't have had a problem with it. I forget what Jackson's stated reasons were for not suspending him.

(Please, no "He's a Laker", "It's a conspiracy" replies)


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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The more I see that photo montage of Walton standing a foot out of bounds and being given a tie ball with Nash in game 4 (while Nash is also being mugged with two referees looking right at the play), the more upset I get.

Diaw is also clearly seen running towards the play as well reportedly calling time out twice.

Do I really love this game???.... Brown, Walton, and the elbowing phenom Kobe.

Also can anyone really respect Phil Jackson's remarks that lead up to the incident with Bell and Kobe.

I do not condone Bell's flagrant foul but I do understand it after Bell was repeatedly elbowed by Kobe with no calls and Phil Jackson's smart remarks from the bench. Then add the other bad and/or no calls including the tie ball call with Nash in game 4 and it sickens me.

All I ask is the official to make the right calls (including flagrants) equally for both teams. Sometimes the rules of the playground prevail when the referees do not control the game.

"Jordan rules" should not exist for the chosen few. In fact, Nash is frequently fouled with no-calls from the referees. However, please, no one breath hard on Kobe.
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The Cardinal Smiles
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Forrestham said:
I think Bell's actions will fire up the Suns. What happened to them after the cheap shots of Walton or Brown. I am pround to have Raja on our team. He just got tired of Kob's crap and let him have it. Glad to see him stand up to Kobe and call him out for the classless human being he is
