Mike was freaking awesome in this last episode. I'm hooked
Another nice episode. Really digging this show.
Such a great episode last night.
The Chuck twist came out of nowhere. That was a major wow moment. This show is much better than I expected.
...that did nothing to lessen the agony of that last scene.
A twelve episode origin story. That's insane when it's been this entertaining.
This has been a really great series. Best drama on TV, at the moment, IMHO.
I made the mistake of checking this thread before I watched the episode. That said, you're absolutely right. Knowing how it ended didn't diminish the power of the final scene. It knocked my doors off!
This show has emerged from the shadow of being just a spin-off. Anyone who thought this would just be a Breaking Bad cash grab is either a fan of the show on it's own merits now, or they will never like this show.
Best show on television IMHO. I almost kind of hope they pull the plug (a la Firefly) so that there's never a degradation of the quality of the program. I've seen too many shows come out of the gate, like gangbussters, only to fade over time.
What are the odds that Gilligan and crew keep up this level of quality for the entire run of TWO shows?
I knew the second he made the late night phone call that Chuck was responsible for what happened, but that did nothing to lessen the agony of that last scene. That betrayal is an AWESOME catalyst that ultimately creates Saul Goodman.
It's crazy... At times I thought the first season was a little slow, but once again Gilligan and crew have done the impossible... A twelve episode origin story. That's insane when it's been this entertaining.
I didn't think his character was that good and to a degree somewhat implausible. How could an ambulance chasing shyster have so many underworld connections? Anyhoo, gonna skip this one and I have a feeling that it will probably do well at first but after a while Saul's act will start wearing thin on audiences. As entertaining as his character might have been, when given in small doses you can get by but an entire show surrounding the character might get old real fast. We shall see.
One thing I don't understand is that in the pilot episode, they showed Jimmy living in the woods in the winter with nobody around and then him wearing a disguise and working at some mall or something.
How come we haven't seen what that was all about? Seems like the writers just skipped that entire thing.
One thing I don't understand is that in the pilot episode, they showed Jimmy living in the woods in the winter with nobody around and then him wearing a disguise and working at some mall or something.
How come we haven't seen what that was all about? Seems like the writers just skipped that entire thing.
Isn't that post Breaking Bad.
That's modern day Jimmy/Saul hiding under a fake identity after the events of Breaking Bad. The rest of the series has been the origin story of Jimmy/Saul.