Are we still talking about tanking to get a top draft pick? If we are, I can only think of Miami in recent memory, besides the LAL and SA that I mentioned earlier that had a top draft pick get a title for the team that drafted them. MIA and the Lakers both needed some pretty major FA help to get those titles, so I'm not sure how those examples help the argument of tanking to get a top pick that gets you the title.
Call it tanking, call it bottoming out. The essence is that successful teams found their major contributors in the draft and this is almost always tied to a top 10 pick or better yet top 5 pick.
The SSOL Suns would never exist without 2 top 10 picks Amare and Marion, 3 if you count Joe Johnson.
Miami -> Wade #5
Golden State -> Curry #7 (Thompson, Green, Barnes)
Cleveland -> Lebron #1, Irving #1, Thompson #4, (Wiggins #1, Bennett #1)
Atlanta -> Horford #3, tanked enough to get in the top 3 to keep their pick
SA -> Duncan #1, (Parker, Ginobili, trading Hill to draft Kawhi)
Clippers -> Griffin #1 (Jordan , acquired Paul for Eric Gordon #7)
Blazers -> Roy #6, Aldridge #2
Memphis -> Conley #4
Dallas -> Nowitzki #9
New Orleans -> Davis #1
Chicago -> Rose #1, Noah #3
Washington -> Wall #1, Beal #3
Oklahoma -> Durant #2, Westbrook #4
Isn't it funny how every team with a winning record this year pretty much has drafted their top contributor high in the draft?
In due time we will probably add Minnesota to the list having turned a top 5 pick Kevin Love into a #1 pick Wiggins and drafting Towns #1.
Houston is really the exception. These Harden situations don't come up very often and won't in the near future with the cap exploding and every team having cash to spend. Plus nobody though Harden would be anyhwere as good as he is now.
Or the Lakers although there had to come a few things together that Kobe lasted to #13.
In todays day and age that would not happen. Neither would Dirk slide to #9 but when they were picked GM's clearly were not as comfortable picking high schoolers or euros.