BigRedMO said:
The rebuilding process of the Eagles began before McNabb was drafted. The Eagles were not a one season turn around. I remember watching the Eagles get their assess handed to them when Andy Reid or Reed (sp?) was a first year head coach. I think it was Madden saying just give him time and he will turn this around. The Redskins under Dan Snyder thought they could turn it around in a year and spent huge sums on free agents. Football teams need chemistry and team work which is built over time. Plopping in new bodies and expecting a team overnight does not happen.
What is with all this instant result stuff? The NFL does not work that way. The Cards are very talent poor. due to poor draft picks and not retaining their good players.
So you guys who think the Cards are going to have a winning season and make the playoffs blame the Cards poor results 100% on coaching? The Cards were good last year except for McGinnis? There was one Card on the Pro-Bowl Team. You guys need to step away from the kool-aid and join the real world with the rest of us..
5-11 to 11-5 and 3-13 to 13-3 are not instant turnarounds? The Panthers were 1-15 just 2 seasons before playing in the Super Bowl. It's not like the old days where it took 5 years or more to get to the top and the NFL was dominated by a handful of teams.
The Cardinals had 11 new starters just last season and replaced Plummer, Boston, Gruttadoria, Sanders, Jenkins, Mackovica, Lassiter, Fredrickson and TJones in one off season.
There is always only one Card on the Pro Bowl team.
And yes, imo, the coaching has been the primary reason the Cards have been so bad for so long. Bugel??? Ryan??? Tobin??? McGinnis??? Give me a break.
Besides this thread is for BOLD predictions not practical ones.