Jetstream Green
Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
I'm trying to get pumped for free-agency and the draft but this possible Boldin holdout is in the back of my head. I want to say that we have this great WR group but the reality is that this could get ugly and I for one do not want to loose Boldin in some stupid trade because we refuse to give him his dollar worth. Yes, I think he does deserve the big bucks. People say he only had this one good year. It wasn't a good year, it was a record breaking probowl year. When Boldin finally got healthy towards the end of the year he seemed the same WR to me and who knows what he would do if he was moved back to his proper position. This team has the money to do it and they should do it. Give the Quan his quan before this becomes a nightmare and ruins the offseason. PLEASE GRAVES!!!