Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan


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Oct 3, 2003
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Saw this trailer during Ricky Bobby. It looks pee-your-pants funny. That being said, NEZ will likely hate it.

In theaters, November 3.

"Kazakhstani TV personality Borat is dispatched to the United States to report on the "greatest country in the world." With a documentary crew in tow, Borat becomes more interested in locating and marrying Pamela Anderson than on his assignment."




Mar 12, 2006
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abomb said:
Saw this trailer during Ricky Bobby. It looks pee-your-pants funny. That being said, NEZ will likely hate it.

In theaters, November 3.

"Kazakhstani TV personality Borat is dispatched to the United States to report on the "greatest country in the world." With a documentary crew in tow, Borat becomes more interested in locating and marrying Pamela Anderson than on his assignment."



I guess this movie really rides the line in offensiveness and rudeness. One critic who saw the movie said he hopes they don't edit too much before it hits the theaters. I too thought it looked hilarious. I can't wait.


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Oct 3, 2003
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Insanely offensive yet strangely lovable, faux Kazakhstani TV personality Borat, famed from Sacha Baron Cohen's hit HBO comedy series Da Ali G Show, hits the big screen with this documentary chronicle of his quest to better understand America. Here, Borat himself gives us scattered pieces of his mind. People of U.S. and A., you've been warned.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What are some of your personal favorite movies?

BORAT: My favourites movies is Robot Cop. Womanman Doubtfire, Little Lord Fontelroy, Transsibierskiy Ekspress 2, Gerald McGuire and sex comedy The Accused.

Who are your favorite male and female movie stars and why?
I very much like Kazakh film hero Viktor Hotelier (you probably know him from blockbusters movie Almaty Summer). I also very much like the new James Bond, Roger Moore. I like female cartoon Kazakh superbhero by name ''Astounding Woman.'' She have amazing strength that she use to pull a full-sized plough for up to 42 hours without food or water.

As a TV journalist, which American TV journalists do you admire most and why?

I like very much Barbara Walters. She is unlike any Kazakh woman I have seen, she have no hair on her face or chest, and her teeth grow only on inside of her mouth.

What is the biggest difference between working with a major Hollywood movie studio like Fox and working in the film and TV industry in Kazakhstan?

Kazakh films is more realistics. In Hollywood movie The Gladiator, it obvious the tigers was not actual eat those criminal, whereas in Kazakh movie Angry Snakes on a Gypsy Boat, over 85,000 extras was actually attacked and finished by the pythons. I think Hollywoods can learn from this and be prepare to spend extra money for make movies look real.

Also rating system of two countries is a slight different. In my country you must be at least 18-year-old for watch scenes containing uncaged women, and for view explicit sexytime you must be at least 3.

What do you think the people back home in Kazakhstan will think of the movie?

This movie have already been release in Kazakhstan and was blockbusterings! It open simultaneous on all seven of our country's screens and take top spot from Hollywood movie King Kong — which had been number one film in Kazakhstan ever since it was release in 1933.

What would Americans be most surprised to learn about life in Kazakhstan?

That it actual very modern country that have many things similar to U.S. and A. For examples, we have event exact the same as your Super Bowls — only slight difference is, instead of 80,000 sportfans who gather in arena, it is 100,000 shepherds who come down from the Tinshein Hills and gather in field and when they get there instead of look on footballs game, they drink fermented horse urine and then dig a big hole and fill it with dogs and Uzbekis and then throw potatoes on them for two days. Then they eat a soup made from spicy vegetables and then return to the hills.

We also have daytime game shows very like your Jeopardys — our most popular one have name ''Gypsy Bingo'' where we put numbers on back of 20 gypsies. Contestant have to bet on which number will manage to reach other side of minefield.

I would like invite people who read this to come visit Kazakhstan. It now democratic, free nation, with cleanest prostitutes in all of Central Asia (except of course for Turkmenistan's). Also it have world-class shopping at new supermall ''Almaty Shop City,'' which is actual built on three levels! They connected by Central Asia's first electric staircase (which did NOT swallow and grind those two schoolchildrens).

How do you think being a movie star will change your life? Are your friends and family afraid you'll ''go Hollywood''?

I do not think this a problem as I already number four most famous person in Kazakhstan behind our glorious leader, Premier Nazarbayev, pop star Billy Sexcrime, ex-Olympic gymnast Lily Utmarkan (she now work in Kazakh State Circus, where she famous for putting one foot in mouth while other is in her [CENSORED BY KAZAKHSTAN BUREAU OF COMMUNICATION AND FOREIGN AFFAIRS]) — and acting chimpanzee ''Jonny the Monkey'' (he dress like Humphrey Bogarts and smoke cigarette, but very sadly he recent die making monkey Evel Knievel movie. He was intend to jump swimming pool on motorcycle, but he crash in water and drown because his hands had been glued too strong on handlebars. Goodbye, Jonny — we miss you).

If you could bring one thing from the U.S. back to Kazakhstan, what would it be and why?

I would like bring back all the best friends I make on my travels. I like you very much. Please call me in Kazakhstan and we will make chitchat on telephones. My number is Kazakhstan 142. Chenquieh.
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Jun 5, 2003
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Chaplin said:
It looks somewhat funny, but I think it will get old REALLLY fast.

Chap, I was just thinking the same thing.
Jul 11, 2006
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Griesheim, Germany
I can't wait to see this!!!!!

"Women, equal to men. HA. First it's man, then horse, then dog, then rat, then women, then little squiggly, squiggly"

I'm happy to see Sasha Cohen is back to what he does best. Making me laugh in tight spandex. :D


DJ Roomba
Nov 28, 2005
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Winning Friends and Influencing the People in My H
Conflicts with Kazakh Government

In November 2005, following Borat's hosting of the MTV Europe Music Awards in Lisbon, the Kazakh Foreign Ministry voiced their concerns about the character. Foreign Ministry spokesman Yerzhan Ashykbayev told a news conference "We view Mr. Cohen's behaviour at the MTV Europe Music Awards as utterly unacceptable, being a concoction of bad taste and ill manners which is completely incompatible with the ethics and civilized behaviour of Kazakhstan's people", concluding "We reserve the right to any legal action to prevent new pranks of the kind."[5].

Baron Cohen has since posted a video on the "Official Borat Homesite" where Borat responds to Ashykbayev in character. In the video, Borat states, in part, "In response to Mr. Ashykbayev's comments, I'd like to state I have no connection with Mr. Cohen and fully support my Government's decision to sue this Jew. Since the 2003 Tuleyakiv reforms, Kazakhstan is as civilized as any other country in the world. Women can now travel on inside of bus, homosexuals no longer have to wear blue hats, and age of consent has been raised to eight years old."

Reuters quoted an unnamed Western diplomat as saying "They (the Kazakh Government) are damned if they do (respond) and damned if they don't," he said. "It's sort of unfortunate that he hit upon Kazakhstan."[6]

The next week, the government hired two Western public relations firms to counter Borat's claims, and ran a four-page advertisement in The New York Times. The ad carries testimonials about the nation’s democracy, education system and the power and influence enjoyed by women. On a previous occasion, Borat responded to official Kazakh complaints by issuing his own "press release", which consisted of random Cyrillic characters.

On December 13, 2005 the right to use the domain name was suspended, and the site attached to it went down.[7] The domain issuing body said that they took this action since false names were given for the site's administrators, and also because the site was hosted outside Kazakhstan. However, the underlying cause of the action was in order to censor the content of the site: "We've done this so he can't badmouth Kazakhstan under the .kz domain name," Nurlan Isin, President of the Association of Kazakh IT Companies, told Reuters. "He can go and do whatever he wants at other domains."

Reporters Without Borders petitioned the ICANN ombudsman to intervene and reverse this decision.[8] Meanwhile, the "Official Borat Homesite" was moved to the .tv domain, where it remains. (As of August 16, 2006, the former domain name was still suspended.)

Borat has, however, recently been defended by Dariga Nazarbayeva, a politician and the daughter of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev. She stated on a national news program Karavan that Baron Cohen's website "damaged our image much less than its closure, which was covered by all global news agencies," and "We should not be afraid of humour and we shouldn't try to control everything, I think.


Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Release Date: November 3, 2006
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Director: Larry Charles
Screenwriter: Sacha Baron Cohen, Anthony Hines, Peter Baynham, Dan Mazer
Genre: Comedy
MPAA Rating: R (for pervasive strong crude and sexual content including graphic nudity, and language)
Website: Borat

Starring: Sacha Baron Cohen, Daniel Castro

Plot Summary: In "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan," Sacha Baron Cohen - star of HBO's hit comedy "Da Ali G Show," takes his outrageous Kazakhstani reporter character Borat to the big screen. In this hilariously offensive movie, Borat travels from his primitive home in Kazakhstan to the U.S. to make a documentary. On his cross-country road-trip, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences.


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Jul 11, 2006
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Griesheim, Germany
swd1974 said:
His Ali G character is so much better but his Ali G movie was awful.

I will agree with you on that. I've tried to watch it at least 6 times. Got about 5 minute intervals and had to turn the channel. I even tried to watch it after a night of drinking and still no luck. I've been able to get through Freddy Got Fingered, but not this movie. It was just that bad.

Kinda weird that it's coming out in the states in Nov. from what I can see it will be in Germany on Sept. 20th.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Probably because in November it's biggest competition on opening weekend will be "The Santa Clause 3".
Jul 11, 2006
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Griesheim, Germany
Chaplin said:
Probably because in November it's biggest competition on opening weekend will be "The Santa Clause 3".

WTF?!?!?! They're making another one? Holy mother. Is Tim Allen in it? I liked the first one, but the second one just didn't do it for me. Other than the posts I see about new movies on the board, I have no idea what's out. I might have to start a post so you guys can keep me informed about the new movies for each month. It takes about 3 months after the movie has hit the dollar theater in the states to get to the military movie theaters. :(


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Oct 3, 2003
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cynical_kitten26 said:
WTF?!?!?! They're making another one? Holy mother. Is Tim Allen in it? I liked the first one, but the second one just didn't do it for me. Other than the posts I see about new movies on the board, I have no idea what's out. I might have to start a post so you guys can keep me informed about the new movies for each month. It takes about 3 months after the movie has hit the dollar theater in the states to get to the military movie theaters. :(

Yep. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause, maybe it should be "The Santa Clause 3: The Cash Grab".

FWIW, Martin Short is the lead villian. This movie is going to make some nice jack.


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
Those comments are pretty funny too. Anybody with a brain knows that was all staged. If that was real, Rooney would not have given the ok to air it.
I don't think it's staged.
In an interview segment on the satirical program, Da Ali G Show, hosted by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen in character as Ali G, Rooney criticized the humorist for his use of the word "racialist". Rooney, among other criticisms of the comedian's speech, refused to accept Cohen's use of the term and eventually conceded out of annoyance. In the same interview, Rooney corrected Cohen's grammar in the sentence, "does you think the media has changed?" by telling him it's, "do you think the media has changed?" Rooney also disagreed with Ali G's assertion that the press could print election results before an election had taken place, having no idea that the entire interview was a farce. [3] Rooney has since been widely criticized in the blogosphere and accused of egocentrism for lacking any sense of humor that is not of his own invention.

This is pretty funny too drugs stocks economics ronald reagan


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Wikipedia is a nice resource, but keep in mind it is an encyclopedia that is created by people emailing information into it.

And why would Andy Rooney of all people allow an interview with Ali G? He's an old guy, but his job requires him to pay attention to media, of which Ali G is definitely a big part of.

I don't think anybody should take anything Ali G does as serious because his reputation says that nothing he does IS serious. Much like guests on The Daily Show, they know what they are going to get when they come on.


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
Wikipedia is a nice resource, but keep in mind it is an encyclopedia that is created by people emailing information into it.

And why would Andy Rooney of all people allow an interview with Ali G? He's an old guy, but his job requires him to pay attention to media, of which Ali G is definitely a big part of.

I don't think anybody should take anything Ali G does as serious because his reputation says that nothing he does IS serious. Much like guests on The Daily Show, they know what they are going to get when they come on.

Several of the interviews, including Andy Rooney, were made before Ali G became famous in the US.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Several of the interviews, including Andy Rooney, were made before Ali G became famous in the US.

LOL! So you're saying that Andy Rooney thought that an interview with a guy that looked and talked like that was going to be serious?

You must have a really low opinion of Andy Rooney. :D

And like I said, it is Rooney's business to know what's going on in media. And it is his publicist/office's job to screen the people doing the interview, especially if they aren't with a recognized news organization.


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
LOL! So you're saying that Andy Rooney thought that an interview with a guy that looked and talked like that was going to be serious?

You must have a really low opinion of Andy Rooney. :D

And like I said, it is Rooney's business to know what's going on in media. And it is his publicist/office's job to screen the people doing the interview, especially if they aren't with a recognized news organization.

Cohen explains the concept himself.