Darth Llama
Rise Up Red Sea!
Cox internet rocks. Tried to run speedtest but it doesn't support 64 bit Vista. Two years with only one outage. Purchased the modem from them, it's not rented.
I took the speed test and I use Vista 64. Seemed to work ok, maybe the service was just down when you tried?
Looking at Cox they say you need a Cable modem, anybody have recommendations as I'd prefer to buy a good one as opposed to renting one from Cox.
I personally own the Linksys BEFCMU10 Modem and I am quite happy with it. I got it at Frys Electronics, I think it ran me about $60. I have had it for 3 years and had no issue with it. I also use a Linksys Router. I had a friend who used the Motorolla Modem from Cox and it seemed rather problematic. I have never tried it though.