Flame thrower is awesome. Online co-op play is awesome.
I'll be getting this game for sure now.
I hope they let me hop in the jeep so I can flame guys from the jeep. Now that would be cool.
Flame thrower is awesome. Online co-op play is awesome.
I'll be getting this game for sure now.
Man this game is tough at times.....
It looks fantastic.
Starting the campaign because i know if i go directly to multiplayer i'll never finish it.
If your talking about "Death from above" i couldn't agree more. The com chatter is also hilarious there.Ok the level where you are firing from the plane is quite possibly the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.
I was disappointed when I got my first helicopter in the multiplayer and I wasn't able to control the gun. LOL
We'll have to play again soon. The couple of games we played together you did good.
Cause I am better than you kid!
Well better accuracy and k/d ratio.
Though I have never played SnD or the other games so you have a better score than I do.
I've only played Domination, TDM, HCTDM, and FFA.
I go "Rambo" on many of those modes, so my K/D isn't as good as it could be. S&D is my game....
I'll do it tonight. I've got no one to play with yet. I've been earning my stripes playing mercenary Team deathmatch and i'm actually doing fairly well. I'm going to get a *headset before i venture on to the more serious "teamwork" matches so as not to piss anybody off if i decide to go Rambo. I've got about 5 hrs in and i'm a level 19 staff sargeant.LJM820
Add me mojo
Add me mojo
There in lies the reason i couldn't add you on my PS3L J M 8 2 0
You can compare stats with everybody else. When you are in the area comparing stats to friends there is an option to do the rest of the online field.
BTW, DCR I owe from that last game we played in TDM.
The moment I spawned into the game, you killed me, and then to end the game I spawn in the 3 story pull out my RPG and you knife me in the back.
There shall be no mercy in the next go 'round.
With that said, any suggestions on a new game purchase not named Rock Band?
I still have a problem where I can't connect to the host and have to backout and come back in. By the time I got back in that room you were out.
I tried to get into your FFAs but the room was always full.
I was surprised when I got killed by you the 1st time. I had to check my friends list to see if it was you.
And 1-0 in TDM vs DCR teams. Scoreboard.
So the problem went away and is now back and has been for a few weeks.
I've done everything advised to me by Xbox, Activision and Qwest. Ensuring firewalls are open, forwarding ports, setting options to allow Xbox360 play, etc.
It is beyond frustrating at this point.
The majority of the time I have to back out and jump back in the room. I've learned that when a game is over and we enter the lobby if the timer at the top is in the 30s I am going to get booted at 26. If it's in the 40s I am good to go.
Sucks for playing in parties. If I get booted I can't reconnect to the party without being invited.
I don't experience lag when I play and my online experience from that standpoint is great.
I had the same problem for a while. The router that I used appeared to be causing the problem. Replacing mine worked. Are you using a router that is on the 360 compatibility list?