Actually I think it's more like the 30-40 year old type they are going for. They just think at this point in time 40-60 either did like that stuff and grew out of it, but can still tolerate it, and the 15-30 market doesn't really have as much 'hangups' about certain announcers or what not.
I tend to think it's a phase, and I tend to think we've hit a corner to pass it, but we'll still have to endure this type of thing for another 10 years or so.
Sad as it is to have this type of thing going on, I do think it's days are numbered.
I think America as a whole grew up a few months ago, but it'll take awhile to completely sink in. I call it the 60's-00's mentality. With everything coming home to roost from having that mentality for close to 40 years, we're finally breaking out of it. The days of the bling bling, and you don't got it, are pretty much is alot of other asinine viewpoints that permeated that time period that cross all races and cultures. Just my viewpoint on the state of and trend of our collective society.