Cardinals' Veteran QB Options


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Career Win/Loss Record:

1-Donovan McNabb: 97-57-1
2-Matt Hasselbeck: 69-62
3-Carson Palmer: 46-51
4-Marc Bulger: 41-54
5-Kyle Orton: 32-29
6-Vince Young: 30-17
7-Alex Smith: 19-31
8-Tarvaris Jackson: 10-10
9-Bruce Gradkowski: 6-14
10-Kevin Kolb: 3-4

Career Playoff Record as Starter:

1-Donovan McNabb: 9-7
2-Matt Hasselbeck: 5-6
3-Marc Bulger: 1-2
4-Tarvaris Jackson: 0-1
5-Vince Young: 0-1

Career Yards:

1-Donovan McNabb: 36,250
2-Matt Hasselbeck: 29,579
3-Marc Bulger: 22,814
4-Carson Palmer: 22,694
5-Kyle Orton: 12,774
6-Alex Smith: 9.399
7-Vince Young: 8,089
8-Tarvaris Jackson: 3,984
9-Bruce Gradkowski: 3,883
10-Kevin Kolb: 2,082

Career Completion %:

1-Carson Palmer: 62.9
2-Marc Bulger: 62.1
3-Kevin Kolb: 60.8
4-Matt Hasselbeck: 60.1
5-Donovan McNabb: 59.0
6-Tarvaris Jackson: 58.7
7-Kyle Orton: 58.1
8-Vince Young: 57.9
9-Alex Smith: 57.1
10-Bruce Gradkowski: 53.2

Career Passer Rating:

1-Carson Palmer: 86.9
2-Donovan McNabb: 85.1
3-Marc Bulger: 84.4
4-Matt Hasselbeck: 82.2
5-Kyle Orton: 79.6
6-Tarvaris Jackson: 76.7
7-Vince Young: 75.7
8-Kevin Kolb: 73.2
9-Alex Smith: 72.1
10-Bruce Gradkowski: 65.9

Career TD/INT:

1. Donovan McNabb: 230/115
2. Matt Hasselbeck: 176/128
3. Carson Palmer: 154/100
4-Marc Bulger: 122/93
5. Kyle Orton: 71/48
6. Alex Smith: 51/53
7. Vince Young: 42/42
8. Tarvaris Jackson: 24/22
9. Bruce Gradkowski: 20/23
10. Kevin Kolb: 11/14

Career Yard Per Attempt:

1-Marc Bulger: 7.28
2-Carson Palmer: 7.05
3-Donovan McNabb: 6.95
4-Matt Hasselbeck: 6.90
5-Vince Young: 6.80
6-Tarvaris Jackson: 6.61
7-Kyle Orton: 6.54
8-Kevin Kolb: 6.50
9-Akex Smith: 6.20
10-Bruce Gradkowski: 5.70

Experience (Age/Yrs/Playoff Game Starts)

1-Donovan McNabb: 34/13/16
2-Matt Hasselbeck: 35/13/11
3-Marc Bulger: 34/11/3
4-Carson Palmer: 31/9/2
5-Kyle Orton: 28/7/0
6-Alex Smith: 26/7/0
7-Tarvaris Jackson: 28/6/1
8-Vince Young: 27/6/1
9-Bruce Gradkowski: 28/6/0
10. Kevin Kolb: 26/5/0

Best Year: (Year/Yards/Comp.%/TD-INT/Rating)

McNabb: 2004/3,875/64%/31-8/104.7
Hasselbeck: 2005/3,459/60.1%/24-9/102.4
Bulger: 2006/4,301/62.9%/24-8/92.9
Palmer: 2005/3,826/67.8%/32-12/101.1
Orton: 2010/3,653/58.8%/20-9/82.5
Smith: 2010/2,370/59.6%/14-10/76.1
Jackson: 2008/1,056/59.1%/9-2/95.4
Young: 2010/1,255/59.6%/10-3/98.6
Gradkowski: 2009/1,007/54.7%/6-3/80.6
Kolb: 2009/741/64.6/4-3/88.9

QB: Greatest Assets/Question Marks/My Thoughts:

Donovan McNabb (6-2, 240):

Playoff experience and success (9-7 record). May still be the best long passer in the NFL.

Coming off a disappointing last two seasons---is he tapped out?

I still believe that had the Cardinals traded their 2011 2nd round pick for McNabb last year, the Cardinals would have three-peated as NFC West Champs. I think he, Fitz and Breaston would have made an instant bond---and the star power at QB wouldn't have been totally lost when Warner retired. I love the way he can throw a 50 yard rope standing flat-footed. I recognize that he's lost favor with his coaches the past two years and I am not sure what exactly is at the root of the problem....but I have also seen games he's played the last two years where his overall play was impressive. I'd be happy if the Cardinals signed him and I think he would be rejuvenated in Arizona---and he would feel at home with his teammates and the media.

Matt Hasselbeck (6-4, 225):

Playoff experience (most recent---2010---he passed for 530 yards, completing 59.3%, throwing 7-1 TDs to ints, for a 102.4 QB rating).

Has had difficulty avoiding injuries and may have a nagging back issue---can he stay healthy?

His playoff performance this year was outstanding. He's such a competitive and smart player. The back issues and his recent injury history concerns me---but just the same, if he can stay healthy, I think he would be a very good fit---and he wouldn't cost us a draft pick.

Marc Bulger (6-3, 208):

Accuracy/completion percentage.

Hasn't played well in 4 years---can he play at a high level again and has his year off from starting rejuvenated him?

I grew so accustomed to watching him play poorly versus the Cardinals that I wrote him off a long time ago. When one of his Ram teammates said that Bulger brought "no presence" to the field, it confirmed what I was seeing. I am just not sure how hungry he is to play and play at a high level. His wanting to stay close to St. Louis and play for a team that has a great running game and defense, tells me he'd be best sigining with the Bears as their #2---and be reunited with Mike Martz. If the Cardinals do sign him, we will have to hope he can experience a Renaissance.

Carson Palmer (6-5, 236):

Knows how to feed Pro Bowl type WRs. Can put up big numbers when he gets into a groove.

Are the Bengals willing to trade him and is his shoulder an issue?

One of the biggest reasons why I'd like to see the Cardinals trade for him is that I do not want to see him playing in Seattle. I think he could put up big numbers in Arizona in our offense and that his experience throwing to Pro Bowl WRs would be a major reason why Fitz would re-sign. My hope would be to add one of our RBs to the deal so that we wouldn't have to give up a 1st or 2nd rounder.

Kyle Orton (6-4, 225):

Only 28, coming off his best season and is 32-29 as a starter, which is very respectable considering his age and the teams he played on.

Are the Broncos serious about trading him, can he become more clutch down the stretch in games and is he a good fit in Whiz's offense?

I've always considered him a tough competitor and while he's not flashy, he's steady. What I still don't understand is why he played so poorly versus the Cardinals last year and versus a defense that he should have exploited like every other good QB did. Maybe it was Josh McDaniels' firing---but I am not convinced of that. I would be fine with giving up a 3rd for him---but not more than that. He still has a lot to prove...but he has intriguing qualities.

Alex Smith (6-4, 217):

Only 26, coming off his best season, has good height, release and athleticism. Could be just starting to come into his own.

Will he test the market (and not automatically re-sign with SF) and, like Orton, can he become a clutch performer?

I like his over-the-top throwing motion and think he can be very accurate and productive, especially when he finally has the chance to work for a few years under one offensive coordinator who will know how to bring out the best in him. I think a change of scenery would be the best thing for him---while playing for Harbaugh is enticing, there's still the issue with the fans and the 400 pound gorilla that still sits on his shoulders. His best football, imo, is ahead of him---if---he gets with the right team.

Tarvaris Jackson (6-2, 225):

Only 28, 10-10 as a starter, strong and potentially accurate arm.

Is he ready to be a full-time clutch starter in the NFL?

I have always liked this kid's arm and the way he can make an array of different throws---he can zing it in there on the skinny posts and he throws one of the better fade passes I've seen in recent years...which is why I think he'd have excellent chemistry with Fitz.

Vince Young (6-5, 232):

Only 27, coming off a 2009 years where he won 8 of 10 games down the stretch, and a season in 2010 where he had a 98.6 passer rating. Puts great pressure on defenses with this ability to run (carrer rushing yards 1,380, 5.2 ypc, 12 TDs).

Will he alienate his next head coach and is he worth the risk?

One of the most perplexing enigmas in the NFL---but---his talent remains enormous. He's a more accurate passer than he's given credit for---and he already has shown he can string wins together. Given our offensive line---he's a good fit because he can take off at any moment. The 99 yard game winning drive he engineered versus us in 2009 was extremely impressive and clutch. He has good poise in those situations. I have to be honest and say that if the Cardinals signed him I would be very excited because he's a rare talent and a high reward player if he gets focused and confident.

Bruce Gradkowski (6-1,220):

Only 28, is a tough, fiery competitor who could turn out to be the next Ryan Fitzpatrick if he gets in the right system and improves his completion percentage.

Will he emerge as a starting, playoff caliber NFL QB?

I like his moxie---I just wonder if he can be consistently accurate and I am not sure that playing in the Raiders' offense gave him the chance to be more accurate than he was. I think he fits an offense more like ours. I am not sure enough about him yet to want to sign him to be the starter, but I wouldn't mind having him here to compete for the job.

Kevin Kolb (6-3, 218):

Only 26, and appears to have the ability to be very accurate (64.6% in 2009).

Is he worth a 1st round pick and a lucrative contract to go with it and why are the Eagles so eager to get rid of him, especially with an aging, injury-prone veteran in Mike Vick as the starter?

What makes me leery more than anything else is how eager Andy Reid is to trade this kid while calling him a "championship caliber QB". It makes no sense---not for a team with an aging, injury prone and unconventional starter in Mike Vick. What's obvious to me is that reid does not consider Kolb to be a championship caliber QB---and he's the one who has been coaching him every day in practice. Thus, it would not seem wise to give up a 1st or 2nd round pick AND have to sign the kid to a big salary contract.

The Cardinals have to do everything they can, imo, to hold onto their 1st AND 2nd round picks in the 2012 draft. There's part of me that wonders whether the Cardinals would be wise to start John Skelton this year (a player that I am very high on because of his toughness, poise, mobility and arm strength)---because I see starting Skelton as a win-win situation. If he plays well---we have our QB of the present and future. If he struggles, we will have a chance to draft Andrew Luck...and having both the 1st and 2nd rounders can help us accomplish that---by using both to acquire him if necessary.

If the Cardinals don't add key players in free agency at QB, TE, LT, G, C, OLB/DE, SILB, and DL depth---they are not going to be anywhere close to being Super Bowl contenders this year anyway. So why not start Skelton and other key young draft picks and build for the future?

But there is also part of me that realizes we can still find a way to make the playoffs if we win the NFC West---that is if we get the right combination of free agents in here.

So, in summary:

The younger QB that intrigues me the most?

1-John Skelton
2-Vince Young---if we can sign him to an incentive laden contract.
3-Tarvaris Jackson

The older QB I like the best?

1-Carson Palmer
2-Matt Hasselbeck
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Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
Mitch, I love your stuff bra, your cool and all that. Your knowledge is pimpin, but why would you even rock Vince Young as a candidate? You know who our coach is, liking Young is one thing but there is more of a chance of The Leenart coming back.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Mitch, I love your stuff bra, your cool and all that. Your knowledge is pimpin, but why would you even rock Vince Young as a candidate? You know who our coach is, liking Young is one thing but there is more of a chance of The Leenart coming back.

I know there's risk with Vince Young...but hey, Dawg, he's 30-17 as a starter for a good reason---he puts a lot of pressure on NFL defenses. Yes, there is the baggage---but maybe he is going to mature---and if he does---this is the type of player who can win you a Super Bowl.


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I really believe if a top flight QB isn't added to the roster this year, Fitz will walk & this whole situation has put pressure on Cards Mgmt to get a veteran signal caller. The chances of Skelton having a good enough year for Fitz to stay are slim IMO.

If I were to add a QB, the best option has to be Palmer. I was on the Kolb bandwagon after the season, but something just doesn't pop out at me & say this guy will be great. Remember we need a great QB to win a Super Bowl.

Hard to believe that as long as this franchise has been around that the QB play has really been putrid...Charley Johnson, Neil Lomax & Kurt Warner have basically been it's only very good performers!!! Loved Jimmy Hart, but throwing 250 Ints wasn't good :0(

Thx Mitch!!!


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
I really believe if a top flight QB isn't added to the roster this year, Fitz will walk & this whole situation has put pressure on Cards Mgmt to get a veteran signal caller. The chances of Skelton having a good enough year for Fitz to stay are slim IMO.

If I were to add a QB, the best option has to be Palmer. I was on the Kolb bandwagon after the season, but something just doesn't pop out at me & say this guy will be great. Remember we need a great QB to win a Super Bowl.

Hard to believe that as long as this franchise has been around that the QB play has really been putrid...Charley Johnson, Neil Lomax & Kurt Warner have basically been it's only very good performers!!! Loved Jimmy Hart, but throwing 250 Ints wasn't good :0(

Thx Mitch!!!

Bucky---I think there's a very good chance Fitz is going to remain a Cardinal for his entire career, regardless of what happens this year. I think Fitz is trying to put pressure on the organization to make the veteran QB move.

The good news is Fitz already had a very good 100 plus yard game with Skelton---and this is in light of the fact Skelton hadn't been given any reps with the 1st team until December. So that's a start anyway.

The Cardinals will make a move for a veteran this year---IF they can pull the move off---which likely means they are going to have to overpay to do it.


Gotta love that Cardinal red!
Aug 25, 2010
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I was on the Palmer bandwagon back during last season but now would prefer Kolb, even if it means giving up a first round pick.

Palmer is already retired in his mind. In his own words he's got a ton of money in the bank and does not need to ever play again. Wheres the fire? He just doesn't sound like he cares to play or not and that is disconcerting to me. With that said, he would still be my second choice. He just needs to have his mind right.

Kolb on the other hand is desperate for a chance to start. He's got fire galore. So much so that one of the things that I worry about with him is his getting himself hurt. Especially behind the Cardinals sieve like O-line.

Mitch, you touched on Reid's eagerness to trade this so called "championship caliber QB". I believe that Reid's perceived eagerness is not based on a lack of confidence in Kolb but instead, Reid respects and appreciates what Kolb has done and gone through and he knows that this is the perfect time for his protege to cash in and have a chance.

Basically what I'm proposing is that Reid does not feel that Kolb is going to be a Hall of Fame QB or he would not let him go, period...but, he does feel he is going to be a very good QB and he deserves the chance to spread his pun intended.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 8, 2003
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Great stuff Mitch. I like your Vet choices although I do think Kolb makes some sense. Reid knows he will lose Kolb next year for no compensation and has a backup in Kafka so if he can get a 1 he should take it. I can't help but wonder what Alex Smith's value would now be had he had the opportunity to be groomed in Reid's system under McNabb. It is tough to know how players will rebound from poor developmental teams/situations and how overrated back ups coming out of good ones are - see Kolb, Sorgi for question marks and Rogers for proof.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I know there's risk with Vince Young...but hey, Dawg, he's 30-17 as a starter for a good reason---he puts a lot of pressure on NFL defenses. Yes, there is the baggage---but maybe he is going to mature---and if he does---this is the type of player who can win you a Super Bowl.

You make a good case for Young although I admit I have not followed his career that closely. For a 27 year old mobile QB his stats are pretty good. I wouldn't object if the Cardinals could sign him. I still view Skelton as the Cardinals QB of the future but he will need at least another season to get there. In some ways I see similarities with Vince Young and Michael Vick. Everyone was down on Michael Vick and now he is a solid NFL QB. Both have had personal problems. Obviously both are very talented mobile QBs which I like.


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
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Orange County, CA
I'm in the minority in liking Alex Smith a lot. Unfortunately, I think the Niners WILL resign him as the guy that bridges the gap to the future. Alex Smith is a hard worker, loves the game, and has impressive physical ability.

IMO he wasn't ready to be the face of the franchise early in his career and he was thrown into the fire way too early. The Niners had a terrible offensive line and no weapons for him to work with, not to mention Smith needed some serious practice time to adapt to a pro-style offense. Once he was given the time, you saw him develop and by the end of the year he was playing pretty good football.

As for guys we can realistically get, I would go after Bulger or Orton. The way I see it, with Luck coming out next season we CAN NOT give up a first rounder. If we continue to suck, we may have a real opportunity to finally get that franchise QB and finally fix the QB position for the next decade. Another losing season is worth it, but we can't just give up right now. Bulger would be the cheaper, shorter term solution, while Orton could possible hold down the position for longer but would cost a draft pick.


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
You make a good case for Young although I admit I have not followed his career that closely. For a 27 year old mobile QB his stats are pretty good. I wouldn't object if the Cardinals could sign him. I still view Skelton as the Cardinals QB of the future but he will need at least another season to get there. In some ways I see similarities with Vince Young and Michael Vick. Everyone was down on Michael Vick and now he is a solid NFL QB. Both have had personal problems. Obviously both are very talented mobile QBs which I like.

Vick isn't a headcase though. I don't think Mitch is highlighting Young's problems enough; Young has severe emotional issues. I mean the guy talked about suicide! And after the Titans spent a high draft pick on him in the same year we took Leinart, they've been looking to replace him for a few years now.

You also have to remember that Young has played on a team with a phenomenal defense, a team that Kerry Collins has won with. It's not a vacuum, Young has had some very real struggles there and the team that knows him best would rather go with uncertainty than keep Vince Young.

And from what I've read Young should be real concerned about finding a landing spot since most teams wouldn't want to touch him with a ten foot pole.


Dec 8, 2007
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Mitch, I think the best route for us is to sign a FA QB or trade for Orton (since he supposedly will cost no more than a 3rd according to Chris Mortenson). If we signed Matt Hasselbeck, we would *expect* him to be hurt at some point during the season. I think if he gave us 10 healthy games, that'd be enough to get us to the playoffs. In a strange way, having an injury prone QB might be a blessing in disguise as it will get Skelton on the field for another look.

But we simply cannot go into next season with Skelton as the #1 due to not bringing anyone in. That's no way to sell tickets and I understand from Whiz's perspective that he feels the need to win now and going with Skelton alone simply doesn't promise that.


Dec 8, 2007
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I really believe if a top flight QB isn't added to the roster this year, Fitz will walk & this whole situation has put pressure on Cards Mgmt to get a veteran signal caller.

Thing is, I'm not sure I consider any of the options top flight QBs. A few of the guys have the potential to play at that level, but they have just as high of odds of faltering.

Palmer- Does he still have a passion to play? Guys who retire at 30 usually don't have the fire it takes to play at an elite level
Kolb- This guy has such a high ceiling and low floor. No more needs to be said.
Orton- He put up top 10 numbers last year, but never seems to produce wins.
McNabb- Would he have a Warner like revival or is he done? McNabb has never been a *smart* QB and often seems to get by on improvisation and physical tools. Problem is 20 injuries and 5 years later he doesn't seem to have that anymore.
Everyone else- Is there any top flight talent potential there? Maybe Hasselbeck?


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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And from what I've read Young should be real concerned about finding a landing spot since most teams wouldn't want to touch him with a ten foot pole.

Carson Palmer appears to be the Cardinals best option at QB but I'm not overwhelmed about the other QB candidates especially the asking price on a QB like Kolb. He may not turn out to be any better than average (I know there is an argument to be made for average). If the Cardinals didn't have Skelton, I guess I would be more concerned about taking a chance on Young. However, I believe some team will take a chance on Young and will be duly rewarded.
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Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Thing is, I'm not sure I consider any of the options top flight QBs. A few of the guys have the potential to play at that level, but they have just as high of odds of faltering.

I can't argue that & I totally agree. I just hope all the Bulger rumors are...just rumors!!! Bringing in a has been that hasn't produced in 4 years seems ridiculous IMO. :bang:


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
I was on the Palmer bandwagon back during last season but now would prefer Kolb, even if it means giving up a first round pick.

Palmer is already retired in his mind. In his own words he's got a ton of money in the bank and does not need to ever play again. Wheres the fire? He just doesn't sound like he cares to play or not and that is disconcerting to me. With that said, he would still be my second choice. He just needs to have his mind right.

Kolb on the other hand is desperate for a chance to start. He's got fire galore. So much so that one of the things that I worry about with him is his getting himself hurt. Especially behind the Cardinals sieve like O-line.

Mitch, you touched on Reid's eagerness to trade this so called "championship caliber QB". I believe that Reid's perceived eagerness is not based on a lack of confidence in Kolb but instead, Reid respects and appreciates what Kolb has done and gone through and he knows that this is the perfect time for his protege to cash in and have a chance.

Basically what I'm proposing is that Reid does not feel that Kolb is going to be a Hall of Fame QB or he would not let him go, period...but, he does feel he is going to be a very good QB and he deserves the chance to spread his pun intended.

I woud totally agree with you about Kolb/Reid, Seadonic, if the Eagles had a younger franchise QB already in the fold. Vick was injured last year. If they trade Kolb---and they have any intention of being playoff and Super Bowl contenders---who plays QB?

2nd year QB Mike Kafka?

I know they like Kafka, but he's about as much in their immediate plans as John Shelton is in the Cardinals'.

What, is Reid going to bring back Jeff Garcia as the #2?

It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Keeping Kolb for this year costs them a whopping $1.7M.

And how about this scenario:

Vick gets hurt in pre-season, Kolb takes over and leads the Eagles to the NFC East crown and well into the playoffs. Then they can decide to either sign him to a long-term deal or franchise tag him---it's not like they have no protection from losing him beyond this year.

For all of these reasons, I think Reid does not see a "championship caliber QB" in Kolb---in fact, quite the opposite. I think Reid understands that the QB market is very high and he has a chance to pick up a very high draft pick, especially if he can sell a team on buying the notion that Kolb is what Reid says he is.


Aug 10, 2004
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I have been saying is for a couple years now I still think McNabb thrives in AZ...

I would then be happy in this order:



Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Carson Palmer appears to be the Cardinals best option at QB but I'm not overwhelmed about the other QB candidates especially the asking price on a QB like Kolb. He may not turn out to be any better than average (I know there is an argument to be made for average). If the Cardinals didn't have Skelton, I guess I would be more concerned about taking a chance on Young. However, I believe some team will take a chance on Young and will be duly rewarded.

Mainstreet: I am very intrigued with Vince Young.

What would have to happen:

1-He would have to pass a physical and psychiatric evaluation exam. (Krang---I hear you but---severe depression is very treatable these days, and it happens often to high achievers)

2-He would have to make a very positive impression during his visit.

3-He would have to be willing to sign an incentive laden contract that is not loaded with guaranteed money.

Reasons to be intrigued with Vince Young:

1-He came in for Kerry Collins in 2009 when the Titans were 0-6 and led them to 5 straight wins (averaging 29 points a game---check it out---JAX 30-13; at SF 34-27; BUF 41-17; at HOU 20-17, ARI 20-17)---and wound up winning 8 of the last 10 games---losing at IND 17-27, routing STL 47-7, edging MIA 27-24 in OT, losing on a Friday night at SD 17-42 and winning at SEA 17-13.

Let's not underestimate how hard it is to lead an 0-6, morally deflated team back into the playoff hunt.


8-2...27.0 ppg (that's what we were getting with Warner).

And...he won at SF and at SEA (that would be a nice trend to continue)...and whomped STL and Steve Spagnuolo's defense by 40 points at home (same).

As we saw that year...he was very skilled in the 2 minute drill. His 99 yard TD drive, with under 2:00 and having to score a TD to win down 17-13 and converting clutch 3rd and 4th down passes with such poise en route...much the way he was when he led the late TD to win the NCAA Championship game versus USC.

In tthe 2009 8-2 stretch, he passed for 10 TDs and rushed for 2 TDs (281 yds., 5.1 ypc).

This past season:

1,255 yards @ 8.0 yards per attempt ave (which is very good)...10-3 TDs/INTs...98.6 QB rating.

Most of all: Vince Young has the ability to win a Super Bowl.

And now he has much to prove.


Jul 21, 2002
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No coincidence that the QB's rumored to be on the top of Whiz's list would be on the bottom of Mitch's list. Can't even think about Vince Young working well with Whiz and again is Mitch's top candidate. :)


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
No coincidence that the QB's rumored to be on the top of Whiz's list would be on the bottom of Mitch's list. Can't even think about Vince Young working well with Whiz and again is Mitch's top candidate. :)

Actually, seeing as Whiz likes to keep his tackles on an island, Young would be nice option at QB because he one of those elite athletes who can avoid pressure and take off when he needs to. He also freezes a pocket because the rushers are worried he is going to run.

For the record:

My top candidate for young QBs:

John Skelton

My top candidate for older vets:

Carson Palmer

And I still believe Donovan McNabb would be rejuventated in Arizona and would win us back the NFC West.

Yeah, I know, Cardiac, McNabb is at the bottom of Whiz's list.:raccoon:


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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No coincidence that the QB's rumored to be on the top of Whiz's list would be on the bottom of Mitch's list. Can't even think about Vince Young working well with Whiz and again is Mitch's top candidate. :)

If I recall the Cardinals had Newton rated ahead of Peterson in the draft. In some ways, Young is a player like Newton with experience. I could see Whiz looking at it this way... but then again probably not. However, the Cardinals did go after play makers early in the draft.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
If I recall the Cardinals had Newton rated ahead of Peterson in the draft. In some ways, Young is a player like Newton with experience. I could see Whiz looking at it this way... but then again probably not. However, the Cardinals did go after play makers early in the draft.

If the Cardinals did have Newton rated higher than Peterson, Mainstreet---then maybe Whiz and co. do at least consider asking Young in for a visit.

The rumors are that the Redskins are the front-runner for Young, once he is released.

The Dolphins appear to have interest as well.

No team is going to trade for him because he is owed a $4.25M bonus the 10th day of the new season...on top of his base salary, which I believe is $5M (total of $9.25M)...and he becomes a free agent in 2012.


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
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Nashville, TN
I live and work in Nashville and in my business I come in contact with several of the Titans coaches. Trust me, the Cardinals don't want him. The #1 thing that they tell me is there is so much more to the story that hasn't been let out, they have been covering up his behavior for years and they finally have had enough. He is trouble looking for a place to happen because he is dumber than a sack of rocks.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
I live and work in Nashville and in my business I come in contact with several of the Titans coaches. Trust me, the Cardinals don't want him. The #1 thing that they tell me is there is so much more to the story that hasn't been let out, they have been covering up his behavior for years and they finally have had enough. He is trouble looking for a place to happen because he is dumber than a sack of rocks.

Thanks, Mike. What a waste of talent, huh?

That said---we have not heard the last of VY---it would not surprise me if he won a Super Bowl with some team---that is, if he learns his lessons, can solve his depression and matures.


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
The interesting thing they told me was that they were never interested in Cam Newton, it was Jake Locker all the way


Hall of Famer
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
It is interesting the candid insight I can get from them on several players, I talk to them about some of the former players that they have coached or played in college with. I don't ask about current players and am careful not to pry.