It's not just folks from Arizona - everyone else also hates the Cowpies.
I know it's easy to bash Eagles fans but if you have a death wish, wear a Cowboy jersey to an Eagles game. Any Eagles game. At the infamous snow ball game of 1989, my brother and I almost got into a fight with some drunken idiots who for some reason mistaken the Dallas Sucks hats we were wearing to be pro Dallas hats. But the bigger threat to your safety at an Eagles game is if you act like an asshat. If you show up wearing a Dallas jersey and just watch the game and cheer respectfully and not yell and get in other fans' faces, you'll be fine. For years I went to the Vet wearing my Cardinals gear(jersey/hat/jacket) and never had anything really happen to me except in 1987 when we won 31-19 I got beer poured on me. I took it as a compliment.