Cards Fans: Sun. July 29, 7-PM, Westgate Yard House, Red and You!

Jul 28, 2007
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Glendale AZ
A writer for ESPN the Magazine contacted me wanting to see AZ Cards fans in their natural habitat and see what makes them tick…and perhaps become one of us!

We are calling all AZ Cardinals fans, all you loyal supporters of the Red Birds, to come out with fan gear blazing!!

The ESPN writer says, “My brother and I are doing a fun, entertaining NFL piece for ESPN The Magazine… The article is about our mutual quest to find a football team to root for, and the nature of being a fan in general…
We grew up in St. Louis, watched the Cardinals leave at a young age and moved before forming any connection to the Rams. We now live in Los Angeles, a city without a team.

We’re both huge NFL fans and tired of having no team to cheer. But that’s about to change. We’re asking representatives from different teams- whether a player or front office guy from the actual franchise or die hard fans- to “pitch” us on why we should become their fans.”

So Cards fans, put grab your red jerseys and fan gear and come on out for a celebration of Cardinals Fans, put together by AZ Super Bowl, from 7-9M Sunday July 29, 2007 at The Yard House at Westgate in Glendale. Let’s show ESPN and sports fans every where why it’s best to be a Cards fan! (GOOOO CARDS!!)

**Contact me for more information, I can respond tonight when I get back- heading out the door to check out the NFL Youth Clinic and Cards conditioning in Flagstaff today!


Go Cats!
Nov 21, 2002
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Talk to ESPN reporter and get a quote in ESPN the mag...or not?

If you can, you should try to go.