Cards Vs Hawks-


Oct 10, 2011
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Lynch is an above average RB, nothing special. His run against New Orleans has made him probably the most overrated player in football.

Banged up Beanie had a very similar season (actually average more yards per carry). So by your logic Hawkalypse, put him behind Seattle's O-line and he is even better than Lynch is!

I like it.

And the gap between Larry and the Seahawks receivers is about as wide as the Grand Canyon. Thats a pretty brutal receiving corps the Hawks have. Rice might have been the 2nd worst acquisition of last off-season, trailing only the far more disastrous Kolb trade.
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Missoula, MT
Lynch is an above average RB, nothing special. His run against New Orleans has made him probably the most overrated player in football.

Banged up Beanie had a very similar season (actually average more yards per carry). So by your logic Hawkalypse, put him behind Seattle's O-line and he is even better than Lynch is!

I like it.

And the gap between Larry and the Seahawks receivers is about as wide as the Grand Canyon. Thats a pretty brutal receiving corps the Hawks have. Rice might have been the 2nd worst acquisition of last off-season, trailing only the far more disastrous Kolb trade.
How many times do I need to say that I believe Beanie Wells is a solid back before it starts to sink in? If you go an read back, you will also see that I said "I won't argue with the fact that Fitz and Floyd will out-perform the Seahawks WR's 8 out of 10 times.. So thanks for repeating everything I've already said.

With that being said, I think that Braylon Edwards is in for a revival this year. Nothing amazing, but I think 1,000 yards and 9 touchdowns is a pretty reasonable expectation.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Lynch is an above average RB, nothing special. His run against New Orleans has made him probably the most overrated player in football.

Banged up Beanie had a very similar season (actually average more yards per carry). So by your logic Hawkalypse, put him behind Seattle's O-line and he is even better than Lynch is!

I like it.

And the gap between Larry and the Seahawks receivers is about as wide as the Grand Canyon. Thats a pretty brutal receiving corps the Hawks have. Rice might have been the 2nd worst acquisition of last off-season, trailing only the far more disastrous Kolb trade.

Marshawn Lynch is irrelevant vs the Cardinals. It's guys like Leon Washington that give the Cards fits. Washington had 43% of his total rushing yards for the season vs the Cardinals.
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Missoula, MT
I have that effect on others- Apaches taught me- When your inside the fort - don't mess with the soldiers!
looks like the Hawks improved - do tyou think they are really a top 5 defense? Is Wilson ready for prime time? How is Lynch healing?

LOL.. When it comes to D, I think the Seahawks secondary is really going to carry this team, but as a unit, I think Seattle and AZ both have about a 50/50 shot of being top 5. It could go either way.

When it comes to Russell Wilson, there's only one way to find out if he's ready for prime time! We'll find out sunday. But what I do know is, the guy is a fierce competitor. He will never lose a game for lack of preparation, this we can be certain of. He has risen to and smashed every challenge that has presented itself to him so far, so I have no reason to expect he'll stop now... At least I hope not.
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Missoula, MT
Marshawn Lynch is irrelevant vs the Cardinals. It's guys like Leon Washington that give the Cards fits. Washington had 43% of his total rushing yards for the season vs the Cardinals.

I wish Leon would've been cut. I think he's a hindrance and an overrated kick returner. I think a "Patrick Petersen" type of player would put this Seahawks bunch over the edge.


Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
May 21, 2010
Reaction score

It was weird that the Niners had 4 -1st round WR's and passed so little. I respect Edwards and Rice - Lynch is good and only 26- back from the reconstruction total I think.

I still want to see that top 5 defense everybody is projecting- Sounds like we need to pound it - to set up Fitz - Fitz increased his yards per attempt massively with just the 24th ranked run game compared to last place run game the prior 4 years.

I really think We can win in more ways than years before. Well I thought that then- but we had no will to try- lets see if our coaches have any dicipline? Should be a good game to watch.

How many times do I need to say that I believe Beanie Wells is a solid back before it starts to sink in? If you go an read back, you will also see that I said "I won't argue with the fact that Fitz and Floyd will out-perform the Seahawks WR's 8 out of 10 times.. So thanks for repeating everything I've already said.

With that being said, I think that Braylon Edwards is in for a revival this year. Nothing amazing, but I think 1,000 yards and 9 touchdowns is a pretty reasonable expectation.


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
How many times do I need to say that I believe Beanie Wells is a solid back before it starts to sink in? If you go an read back, you will also see that I said "I won't argue with the fact that Fitz and Floyd will out-perform the Seahawks WR's 8 out of 10 times.. So thanks for repeating everything I've already said.

With that being said, I think that Braylon Edwards is in for a revival this year. Nothing amazing, but I think 1,000 yards and 9 touchdowns is a pretty reasonable expectation.

I am not saying you dont think Beanie is quality. My point is that Lynch is no star.

And I think Braylon is more likely to get waived during the year than he is to approach those totals, he has only had over 1000 yards once in his entire career. And really, if Seattle wants to throw it to him that often then great, because he has some of the worst hands in the league.

Its going to be a low scoring game. Seattle has a real lack of offensive weapons and Arizona has a bad line and an erratic QB.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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How many times do I need to say that I believe Beanie Wells is a solid back before it starts to sink in? If you go an read back, you will also see that I said "I won't argue with the fact that Fitz and Floyd will out-perform the Seahawks WR's 8 out of 10 times.. So thanks for repeating everything I've already said.

With that being said, I think that Braylon Edwards is in for a revival this year. Nothing amazing, but I think 1,000 yards and 9 touchdowns is a pretty reasonable expectation.

Braylon 1000 yards.

Sure, why not and Moss will score 15 tds for SF.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
If you go an read back, you will also see that I said "I won't argue with the fact that Fitz and Floyd will out-perform the Seahawks WR's 10 out of 10 times..


Don't ever insult Fitz by comparing him to the Seahawks receiving corps again. :D
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It's football season!!
May 8, 2011
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Gilbert, Arizona
I'm uncomfortable in this message board! genuinely.

Well, then this thread definitely misrepresents the board.

This board is filled with people that are opinionated, passionate, and some extremely knowledgeable sports fans, but also genuinely good people with a community atmosphere.

There's a group of regulars who attend the games and meet up at halftime of each home game, and invite everyone else to attend (I'll make it one of these years).

We have a very good set of mods who give a lot of leeway for people to speak their minds, but keep things from getting out of hand and deal with things when necessary.

Go look at all of the non-sports boards to see how this board has great discussion/debate across things well beyond sports.

Go look at the "Things that suck" thread and see how we offer each other support during bad times. People have tried to help each other line up jobs and help each other out in "real life" many times before.

Go look at the "Hall of Remembrance" to see how we have honored board regulars when they pass away, or the "Hall of Fame" threads for the high comedy that can exist on this board.

We had a board regular give some guy from Brazil who randomly dropped by a ride to his first ever NFL game last year, and I think he's doing it again for someone from Finland this year.

Many of us have migrated from the main Cardinals message board because the depth of analysis/knowledge on this board is far superior to that one, so stick around long enough and you'll see what this board is really all about.


Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cave Creek
I have that effect on others- Apaches taught me- When your inside the fort - don't mess with the soldiers!

Don't think an Apache would EVER have an analogy about being inside the fort and messing with the soldiers.

Oh, and Matty lacked the skill set he needed most: toughness.

But carry on. It's hot outside and I don't have a pool.
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Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Liar liar pants on fire

Go to the river cool off - get wild - soak your head Ha Ha - And yes they did not use the word MESS they ryhmed with Luck - But some of the elders used that same exact analogy in Whiteriver! And it has served me well throughout my life.

Seems the only real battle at Fort Apache was some liquored up locals who did exactly that- and soldiers started chasing them around Whiteriver shooting up the place. The Buffalo Soldiers and others from Fort Apache fought away from from the Fort in other places, Fort Apache is a wonderful place to visit - museum- great trout fishing- head soaking.

Your kidding right? after MNM - You say Matt Leinart wasn't tough? Getting broken is one thing- coming back after that and 3 season ending shoulder injuries is another! everybody whining about this oline?

I'll let it go again, but he can run full speed both ways and deliver with accuracy- He hit Q , fitz and BJ with 50 yard ropes - I think Bradford broke his single game yardage rookie record- but Matty had like 6- 100+ qB rating games after taking over for QB Kurt Warner as a rookie. 2 Td's in the first 1/4 of his first 2 NFL starts! 1 was against the SB bound Bears defense.

Sometimes I don't what the hell others are looking at? What they value? I wish we had some that SUCK now!

Don't think an Apache would EVER have an analogy about being inside the fort and messing with the soldiers.

Oh, and Matty lacked the skill set he needed most: toughness.

But carry on. It's hot outside and I don't have a pool.


Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
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Plainfield, Il.
I'm uncomfortable in this message board! genuinely.

***I'm sorry my particular brand of "gay smack talk" is not to your liking.

***Believe it or not, I'm sort of a believer in Leinart, and always have been.

***I am of the opinion that as far as pure, raw skill, Beanie Wells is among the elite in the league. I don't know enough about him to make an informed statement about why he hasn't quite reached elite status, but I can guess that it probably has something to do with 1) Injuries at the wrong time, not allowing him to get in rhythm, 2) a shaky-at-best o-line for most of his career thus far.. or a for bigger stretch, just a gut feeling 3) maybe he is.... I don't wanna say lazy, but perhaps he just doesn't have that killer instinct and incredible competitive drive that most superstars of present and past have had... Maybe it's a combination of all these, would be my guess. But regardless of the reasons, my whole point was that he has bot yet reached the status that Marshawn has achieved, and therefore doesn't compare when we line-up the rosters and compare positions. Granted, Beanie had somewhat of a breakout season last year, but I think he is capable of a REAL breakout season if everything lines up for him.

***I really liked Slanidrac16's comments. You are probably spot on with the turnover thing. Of course you are going to give the edge to the cards when something is close to a wash, you're a cards fan. But if I'm being completely honest about the Seahawks and what I know about them, I feel like Arizona is a good challenge to open up on, but I don't really see them as a threat. I'm confident that Seattle will beat Arizona pretty soundly. Quite frankly, I just think Seattle's front 4 and especially back 4 will be too much to handle for Arizona's offense. Don't quote me on this, but I believe Seattle finished last year either 2nd or 3rd in turnover differential. The Seahawks defense are ball-hawkers, and the offense is good at protecting the ball. number 3 is a little ridiculous, because you basically said that "will" is a wash, but you HOPE that Arizona will get up early, so therefore they get the edge. There is no reason to believe that AZ wants this win more than Seattle. There are players on both sides of the ball that have something to prove, but I think #51 and #3 have some things they'd like to show the football world after being told the last few months that they weren't worth the draft picks that were used to acquire them. Okay I'm rambling now. But I think it is going to be a great game, at least until the 3rd quarter or so when Seattle's depth begins to overwhelm AZ.

The only reason I give a slight edge to the Cards in the categories I outlined is because we are home. If this game were in Seattle I would give all 3 categories to Seattle...honestly. It's not about being a Card fan. But you have got to know how hard it is to win on the road in the NFL especially with a rookie QB.


Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cave Creek
great trout fishing- head soaking.

Thanks, but if you can't catch it from a boat out of Davy's Locker in Newport Beach I can't say I'm interested. And after a day out on the water catching halibut I'm generally soaking my feet.... not my head.


Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
You don't remember the double stiff arm against the Giants or this Head soaking

I don't even think this game is going to be close to be honest.

Wilson looked good in preseason because of a lack of game plans and complicated defenses. Other than the speed that's no different than college. What separates the pro's is defensive schemes, in particular--which are so much more complicated it's not even funny--and a defense who is getting paid to destroy offenses. Fact is, most defenses don't give 100% in preseason for fear of injury--and that doesn't even count the fact that they only play a quarter or two. I'm also quite sure our D is sick of hearing about Wilson. One good hit from Adub and he'll be thinking about it all day. I'm positive he never got hit like that in college.

And Lynch is a beast. It's time to stop downplaying how good he is. He's not great, but he's pretty good. Yes, he got over-hyped with his run against NO, but let's get real for a minute--that was to win the game and he was throwing dudes off like rag-dolls. Has Beanie ever had a run like that in the pro's? No.

Thing is, once we get up on them, which we will, Lynch will be a non-factor. We have a better QB (yes, Skelton is better than the rook) and much better WR's.

What's been understated thus far is Seattle's defense, which is pretty good. That being said, this game won't even be close. We're going to get up by two scores early and then destroy Wilson when all he has left is to become a pocket passer.

That's what I think. I don't even think the two teams are comparable talent-wise, and I don't think it's that close.


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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I can't see either team blowing the other off the field. It will be intense.

The winner has good chance of being in first place by themselves since 49ers play at GB, and the Rams are at Detroit.


Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
I agree

again a feature RB late in a game- after the board was set. I like Lynch He is high in fantasy rankings for a reason- but He has like a go off button BEAST MODE_ AHHG Beanie does it every play =you look at the 3 short Giants TD's - The Beans squaring up 2-3 Giant Giants at a time and winning!

but I will not back off the lack of carries for Beanie even when healthy behind THT? I like THT but no coach in his right mind would take Beanies abilities off the field-it gives the defense a break - not practicing or executing the screens helps the opposing defenses.

He had 17 carries a game last year as the only viable option- while really hurt! He was hurt man! That Rams game- they crumpled that hurt knee he went out regrouped and came back in and lowered the lumbar.

We will see what Rwil has and I think He's good, viable NFL starter- But not a game dictator- Beanie Wells can dictate what an opposing D does or doesn't do. lynch is normal in that regard- until he goes beast mode!

You know where I'm at and where I'm going stop me!

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I remember, and those are good runs, but for me this one is epic, especially the last stiff-arm where he throws Porter about 5 yards:

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All Star
Nov 12, 2007
Reaction score
Don't worry about what he said, dude's handicapped andncertainly doesn't speak for the board. Marshawn is a beast.

The Bean and Rwill are healthy - Fitz and Floyd-
We should be at advantage at QB, RB and WR! Let the games begin!

Hey guys! I am not going to get into a whole thing, but I have to ask.. In what world is Beanie Wells and Ryan Williams an advantage over Marshawn Lynch and Robert Turbin? I'll admit that the competition is a little tighter at QB, but I still give Wilson the edge over Skelton, just as a matter of sheer athleticism and potential. And of course I won't argue that Fitz and FLoyd don't outmatch Sid Rice, DOug Baldwin and Braylon Edwards 8 times out of 10. But in my honest, objective (as possible) opinion, the gap between Marshawn and Wells/Williams is EVERY BIT as wide as the gap between Fitz and the Seahawks WR's. Don't sleep on beast mode, guys. He'll gobble you up like Skittles. Taste the rainbow.


Registered User
Jul 15, 2002
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section 8 row 10
I think we match up pretty even with the Hawks. It will come down to QB, special teams, and defensive play. WE have the edge ST and D.


Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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I think people on this board are sleeping on Russell Wilson. Both Bradford and Cam had success against us last two years and we almost lost both games. IMO Russell is more polished the both of them Game 1 of their careers too. The key will be keeping him in the pocket. I'm also worried about Irvin against our OTs as should everyone else.

Fortunately we are playing at home and just enough stupid stuff seems to happen in home openers (ala last year) that I think (hope) we will win.

Gonna be close either way and if we do win, it will be an unsatisfying one (ala Max Hall against NO) but a wins a win.

20-17 Cards with a ST touchdown.

But all the fans saying RW is a rookie and "welcome to the NFL" haven't been paying attention. He is EXACTLY the type of QB that gives us fits. Consider me concerned.
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Hall of Famer
Dec 16, 2008
Reaction score
I think people on this board are sleeping on Russell Wilson. Both Bradford and Cam had success against us last two years and we almost lost both games. IMO Russell is more polished the both of them Game 1 of their careers too. The key will be keeping him in the pocket. I'm also worried about Irvin against our OTs as should everyone else.

Fortunately we are playing at home and just enough stupid stuff seems to happen in home openers (ala last year) that I think (hope) we will win.

Gonna be close either way and if we do win, it will be an unsatisfying one (ala Max Hall against NO) but a wins a win.

20-17 Cards with a ST touchdown.

But all the fans saying RW is a rookie and "welcome to the NFL" haven't been paying attention. He is EXACTLY the type of QB that gives us fits. Consider me concerned.

Haha exactly. And it always involves somebody like Hyphen, doucet, or roberts. Anything is possible with the Cardinals thats for sure..


Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
May 21, 2010
Reaction score

We'll see but He is a rookie- We should get pressure withh CC DD and the OLB's. - and AW has like legenday amount of Safety picks and sacks! PP gets his hand on it and it is too the house more times than not and Rhodes has a Hawk in him! Ball hawk that is.

CC's wingspan shall swallow Wilson. I wouldn't be surprised he doesn't get a pick! Skelton has more NFl experience. This is not underestimating Wilson-in my view- it is an accurate expectation.

I think people on this board are sleeping on Russell Wilson. Both Bradford and Cam had success against us last two years and we almost lost both games. IMO Russell is more polished the both of them Game 1 of their careers too. The key will be keeping him in the pocket. I'm also worried about Irvin against our OTs as should everyone else.

Fortunately we are playing at home and just enough stupid stuff seems to happen in home openers (ala last year) that I think (hope) we will win.

Gonna be close either way and if we do win, it will be an unsatisfying one (ala Max Hall against NO) but a wins a win.

20-17 Cards with a ST touchdown.

But all the fans saying RW is a rookie and "welcome to the NFL" haven't been paying attention. He is EXACTLY the type of QB that gives us fits. Consider me concerned.

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