Sad thing is he will get off and he will not have to do anything more than his regular community services for the team... such bs!
Sad thing is he will get off and he will not have to do anything more than his regular community services for the team... such bs!
You aren't comparing yapping on your cell phone to drunk driving are you?I gather that none of you on your high horses has ever used a cell phone while driving, right?
You aren't comparing yapping on your cell phone to drunk driving are you?
You aren't comparing yapping on your cell phone to drunk driving are you?
Studies show that it's a comparable level of distraction. That's why many states are moving to outlawing cell phones while driving. Most likely, within ten years, we'll all be amazed that we let this crime go on for as long as we did.
Of course I'm not condoning either (and I avoid both). I just think that it's a bit hypocritical for people to get sanctimonious about DUI like it's the worst crime in all of humanity, when they are most likely guilty of doing things that are just as bad themselves.
I thought he was talking about using your cell phone while driving right.
I was going to reply that I usually go left, depending on the screen and the help defense.
Even for that, I use a headset.
Distracting and impairing are two different things though, don't you think?
Uh, no. The issue is how well you process information and how quickly you react to it. The label doesn't make any difference.
Except for the glaring fact that you cant hang up the drunk when you need to focus.
Hm. Okay, well, you're the expert. You oughta know.![]()
Except for the glaring fact that you cant hang up the drunk when you need to focus.
This guy is now officially the team leader of the Denver Thuggets.
I wish i could say that i made that up myself.
It baffles me how these guys can get caught drinkin & drivin.
You're a millionaire....take a cab! Hire a driver!
There's no need to be sarcastic just because you missed the story.
There's no need to be sarcastic just because you missed the story.
"The scientists also found previously that chatty motorists are less adept than drunken drivers with blood alcohol levels exceeding 0.08."
Look, those are the facts. You don't have to like them. But singling out drunk drivers as the ONLY evil drivers out there is simply inaccurate. There are lots of people who should not be on the road, be they cell phone users, prone to rage, way too old, or just plain stupid.
I would never try it, but I'm pretty sure that I could be legally impaired by alcohol and still perform better in a driving test than half the drivers on the road. Unsafe driving is a huge problem, and it is appropriate for us to target drunks, but it's only fair to be honest about how widespread the hazards are.
The story you linked says "Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths" every year. This says "In 2006, there were 13,470 fatalities in crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver". Not the same.
Freedom isn't free
I'm going to be driving a huge S.U.V. with a gun, smoking and talking on two cell phones at the same time. Without my seat belt. Why? Because I might suddenly feel the urge too. That's why. Freedom means freedom.