KD went to the bench and we kept going
Book went to the bench and we're still rolling
bol-beal ftw
Book went to the bench and we're still rolling
bol-beal ftw
Is there a maybe emoticon?idk - we might wanna play Bol Bol more
who knows
thaddeus young tonight?
He could have held it a bit more. He wasn't under book book
His teams have lost so damned much. Guy is hungry to win.we came out flatter than my ex-wife's ass
then boom
beal has realized he isn't getting 87 shots a night on this team - even if he makes his first 56 - dude doesn't pout - freakin grinds man - does not accept the word stagnant when it comes to offense and whoever said he isn't a good defensive player...
FREE WESTERN BACON CHEESEBURGERS!!!!!! (Too bad I'm gluten free vegan...)
Tell my cardiovascular disease that!They are incredibly delicious too
I used to make those in my youth. I could make twenty of those in a heartbeat back in the day. My boss, was maybe late twenties, early thirties and she bought the franchise. So young. I was really proud of her.They are incredibly delicious too
Everyone played well.Was at dave and busters with gf missed 1st half
Great to come home see suns whoopin cavs at half!!!.
Hangggg on suns great gm by kd so far!