Chad Ford - Chat


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Oct 3, 2002
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Chat with Chad Ford

Chad Ford: Hey everyone. Thanks for coming. Got a LOT of feedback from readers on my Chris Paul piece on Tuesday ... and it seems like a lot of questions are geared toward that end. We'll take a couple of those, then talk trades and then head on to the draft in the second half. Let's roll.

Bob, ATL: Read your piece of revisionist history on Chris Paul ... isn't kind of hypocritcal for you to say teams should've taken a guy in hindsight. If I remember correctly, you were pushing Marvin Williams, not Paul, for the Hawks to select on draft night.

Chad Ford: I don't think it's hypocritical at all. NBA teams spend millions of dollars and hundreds of hours trying to find the "right" guy. That's what they do for a living. When they make a mistake, I think fans have a right to question why. As for your memory of what I said during the draft, it's a little shaky. I did say that Marvin Williams was the best prospect in the draft and urged Milwaukee to take him over Bogut. I still believe that, by the way, especially after the fact when they traded for Jamaal Magloire. However, I urged the Hawks to take Paul. I had him rated as the No. 2 prospect in the draft and thought he was a much better fit in Atlanta than Williams. Nothing I've seen has changed that.

Here's the link to my draft night analysis if you want to double check:

Jeff, Boston: Paul Pierce for Chris Paul? I read your piece with a lot of amusement. Have you watched Pierce this year? He's finally a superstar. No way I would've made this trade.

Chad Ford: Pierce has been awesome this year. But it's about timing. Will Pierce still be awesome when the Celtics young players are ready to be serious championship contenders. I think that's 2 to 3 years away if everything goes the Celtics way ... Dont' know if Pierce will still be bringing the juice then, but Paul would be. Besides, I really like Delonte West, but he's more of a combo guard than a true point. Paul is more of a leader and would've actually paired up great in the backcourt with West. So yes ... I would've done it. Paul is younger, much cheaper (don't forget the Cs would've gotten major cap flexibility as part of the deal) and would've fit into the long term strategy of the Celtics.

Harry, Toronto: OK, you made the case that seven teams blew it by not picking Paul ... but which team blew it the most ... I think, unfortunately for Raptors fans, I already know the answer.

Chad Ford: No question it was Toronto. Had Babcock drafted Paul ... I think he might have saved his job. A young combo of Paul and Chris Bosh would've been awesome and given Raptors fans something to cheer about again. Charlie Villanueva and Joey Graham are nice players, but collectively that wouldn't have had the impact that Paul did.

Rashaud (Las Vegas): Chad, They've been talking about Paul Pierce being the last player that Danny Ainge didn't aquire since he's been president with Boston.. Do you think this sparks a trade sending Paul somewhere???

Chad Ford: I don't. I think Danny's been pretty clear that he's rebuilding around Pierce. I'm sure he's trying to find a deal for Raef LaFrentz that gives the Celtics some cap flexibility down the road. Kendrick Perkins and Al Jefferson are the big men of the future in Boston and LaFrentz's contract hurts. Not sure that any team really wants it ... but there's always the Knicks. Given Ainge's comments about the team being a piece away from being a contender this year, my guess is that he's targeting a veteran point guard to help out West.

Patrick (Toronto, ON): Whate are the Raptors plans for Mike James? Do they trade him at the deadline or run the risk of possibly losing him like Donyell Marshall?

Chad Ford: The GMs that I've spoken with all think that Mike James is near that top of the trade watch list. He's an unrestricted free agent this summer and the chances of him staying in Toronto, given their budget and the long term vision are slim. Boston might be an interesting destination. So would Atlanta. But you can count out the Knicks. It was Larry Brown who encouraged the Pistons not to re-sign James two summers ago.

Chad Ford: Sorry for the slow responses. For some reason it's taking three to four minutes for my answers to post. Be patient.

Larry, New York: Can anyone play this game here?

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Chad Ford: We've been saying since Larry Brown arrived that this was a terrible fit. Brown is a great coach, but this team doesn't fit his style. He's been overly hard on them and now it looks like they're rebelling. Makes you wonder what Larry was thinking when he started flirting with them while coaching the Pistons. He had the best gig in the league ... wonder if he finally realizes that. I'm sure the Knicks will be very active before the trade deadline using the expiring contracts of Penny Hardaway and Antonio Davis as bait. Whether it will get them anyone in return who can help the cause is a very different question. As a look over the land scape ... I don't see it unless they can convince the Blazers to give up on Darius Miles.

Alex (New York): What do you think of the Hornets recent acquistions, and will they fit into Scott's system. Also, do you think that they are done dealing, and can this team make the playoffs? Appreciate the hard work

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Chad Ford: I really love what the Hornets have done this year and I think they're two moves make a lot of sense. Steven Hunter should be solid in that offense once he learns it and Aaron Williams is already familiar with it. I think the Hornets have an excellent shot of slipping into the playoffs. Chris Paul is the rookie of the year. David West can make a strong case for most improved player (his PER has jumped 8 points this year) and I think Desmond Mason has been a good fit. If they can find a deal for J.R. Smith that nets them another veteran, I think they'll make it.

Andrew (Detroit): I know you hate to mess with a good thing, but do you see the Pistons making any last minute tweaks before the deadline?

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Chad Ford: I think they'll leave it alone. Unless they get a great offer for Darko ... I don't see them making any moves. The team is just playing too well to mess ...

The Golden State Warriors: If you were Chris Mullin, how would you right our sinking ship? We have too much talent to be under .500! Send Help!!!!!!!!!!

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Chad Ford: I think they missed their chance when they passed on Ron Artest. I doubt they'll make the playoffs the way they're playing right now. I wonder if the Warriors could ever rekindle interest with the Clippers in a Mike Dunleavy for Corey Maggette swap? It wouldn't help much this year, but could help address their needs going into the summer.

Matt (San Francisco, CA): A report surfaced that the Sixers had an 'informal' survey of season ticketholders on their thoughts of trading AI during the Suns game this week. it's been denied by Billy King, but any truth to the rumor the Sixers are considering shopping AI?

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Chad Ford: King has denied that he did that ... but we all know that the team has flirted for years with the idea of trading Iverson. He's one of the top talents in the league, but his game doesn't really mesh with anyone else's ... leaving the Sixers to wonder whether they could win it all with them. Larry Brown almost got them there ... but no one else has seemed to make it work. It's a tough call. You can't get equal value for AI ... especially at the ticket sales office where he remains one of the most popular draws in the league. The bottom line is that the Sixers understand that this combo of AI and Webber isn't going to carry them to the Finals. That's what everyone is playing for. However, I'm not sure that a deal for Iverson will make the difference either.

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Chad Ford: The one team I could see having interest is the Clippers. If Mike Dunleavy thinks he could coach Ron Artest, I'm sure he'd like to get his hands on Iverson ... especially if you could pair him on the floor with Shaun Livingston. Not sure that the Sixers would want an injured Corey Maggette, Cutino Mobley and Chris Wilcox ... but that's the type of deal that they'd probably be looking at if they wanted to trade him.

JJ, Puerto Rico: Where do you project Rodney Carney to be picked, he has the highest potential to become the Star of this draft? thanks

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Chad Ford: He's the lead subject of my latest draft stock watch column (posted this morning). He's the best athlete in the draft (though Rondo's a close second) and he's really proven this season he's a legit basketball player. He's become especially dangerous shooting the ball. If he keeps it up (he's suffered from serious inconsistencies in the past) I think he's a mid lottery pick (5 to 10 range). Doubt he'll slip past 15 or so in the draft. This is an example of kid who made a great decision to stay in college another year.

Todd (Tennessee): Lamarcus Aldridge looked great against Oklahoma has he established himself as the clear cut #1 choice for this year's draft?

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Chad Ford: I think he's not the clear cut favorite, but for most teams, he'd be my choice. Some look at his numbers and say that he's not producing at the same rate as Adam Morrison or JJ Redick. However, that's not his fault. Texas does a terrible job getting him the ball on the block. Whenever Aldridge actually touches the ball, he usually does good things ... and he has all the physical attributes to be a star in the league. I think he's one of two or three guys in this draft who could become a star down the road. Not sure he's ready right away, but in a year or two I think he could be another Chris Bosh.

Evan, Houston: Which draft prospect would look best in a Rockets uniform next year given there aging roster and lack of production from anybody not named Juwan Howard, Tracy McGrady, and Yao Ming.(When healthy) THANKS

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Chad Ford: I think Aldridge would be great as an athletic big man to pair with Yao. Tyrus Thomas would also look good -- he's a Stromile Swift type athlete with a much better motor and some real basketball IQ. I had one scout tell me this week that he thought that Thomas, not Aldridge, was the best prospect in the draft. Interesting for a kid who wasn't ranked in the Top 100 by any scout I talked to before the season began. Talk about your meteoric rises.

Tom Ruhm (New Rochelle, NY): Will anybody be willing to gamble on drafting another big euro, like Andrea Bargnani, in the top 5 this year given the situations with Darko and Skita?

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Chad Ford: That's the biggest obstacle for Bargnani. He's got a lot of talent and has shown it this season playing for one of the best teams in Europe. However, given recent experiences, teams are definately wary. With that said, I think he's a top 5 pick somewhere. There just isn't enough talent out there to warrant passing on him very often.

Brian (LA): Where do you see Aaron Afflalo and Jordan Farmar going in the draft? If they stay another year, will they be lottery picks?

Chad Ford: They should both stay in school. Both are having good years, but both still need work. I think Farmar, especially, has a chance to be a higher pick that he currently projects (No. 30 on our board) if he comes back his junior year and shoots the ball a little better and works on cutting down his turnovers.

Tom Ruhm (New Rochelle, NY): What are NBA scouts saying about Daniel Gibson? There is no way anybody thinkgs he can be a pure NBA point guard now is there.

Chad Ford: His stock has fallen badly. I think everyone believes he's a combo guard now. He's got great athleticism and is a good perimeter shooter and scorer, so someone will be interested. But he's probably more like a mid first round pick now. As far as combo guards go, Randy Foye is projected by almost every scout I've talked to to be a better prospect.

Jay (Miami): What is your take on Guillermo Diaz for the Canes, is he a legit prospect?

Chad Ford: He's another amazing athlete who would be a lottery pick if he was three inches taller or if he could play the point full time in the pros. As it stands, he's a combo guard. However, he's a likely first rounder based on potential and his learning curve. He came to basketball late and is still learning the game.

Jason (Minneapolis): What's your views on Dee Brown (draft spot and how he'll make in the NBA). I think he may be the next chris paul, or more like marbury without the attitude.

Chad Ford: I love Dee Brown's heart and he's shown this season that he can make the transition to the point (at least part time) in the pros. But how can you love a player who shoots 37 percent from the field? He's going to have to shoot the lights out in workouts to work his way back into the first round.

Doug, New Rochelle, NY: Is Mardy Collins a legit pro prospect at the point. He has a smooth game and great size for a true point guard!

Chad Ford: I'm not sure Collins is a "true" point guard, but he has enough skills in that department to play the position full time in the pros. Scouts love big point guards so they're obviously interested in Collins. When you factor in his defense, he's very intriguing. After a slow start to the season, he's turned it on lately. If he could just hit a jump shot now and again, he could've been a lottery pick. As it stands, he's in the mid first round right now.

Matt (Chapel Hill, NC): As a Tarheel i'm hoping he stays, but what are the chances Tyler Hansbourgh goes pro this year? I think he could use time to bulk up and get stronger for the pro game. will he test the draft waters?

Chad Ford: Hansbourgh has been great for UNC, but he's a guy who should definately stay in school a few more years. He doesn't have great size or athleticism at his position. But I think if he kept putting up big numbers for a few years at UNC, he might rise in the draft the way Nick Collison did at KU.

Rod (Philly): How would Hilton Armstrong look in a Philly uniform next to Dalembert next year? Where do you project him to go in the draft? He's been the most impressive big man I've seen this year, including Aldridge. Thanks.

Chad Ford: Huh? Armstrong is having a good year and has been impressive in certain situations, but there's no way he's in the same planet as far as talent goes with a guy like Aldridge. He's a second rounder at the moment, though, given the dearth of big men in the draft, he does have a shot at the first round.

Sam (Detroit): If the Spartans make another amazing run in the tourney, any chance Shannon Brown go into the draft?

Chad Ford: I like Brown quite a bit and am warming up to his pro prosects. He's having an awesome year. He's undersized, but he's athletic and long enough that it shouldn't matter too much. However, given the year that Maurice Ager and Paul Davis are having ... I think he's probably better off staying out of the draft this year and proving during his senior season (with Davis and Ager in the NBA) that he can be a go to guy. I think he's capable of that (he's had a number of games where he's been the best Spartan on the floor), but he's got to show it without those other two.

Chad Ford: I've got to run everyone. It was great chatting with you Let's do it again soon.


Hall of Famer
Dec 1, 2005
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Its impossible at this point to really pinpoint and slot players. Players can improve their stock dramatically by their play during the month of March.