Go Cardinals! Yay!!!
ROAD HOUSE!!!! Nothing says 80's like Patrick Swayze in a mullet kicking ass w/ his philosophy degree from NYU. "Pain don't hurt".
COMMANDO - when I think of over-the-top action movies from the 80's you have to think of Ah-nuld and his schlock masterpiece. One-liners galore, and the gayest villain ever.
NIGHT OF THE CREEPS - whether its the mullets, the synth-pop soundtrack, or the ridiculous effects, I remember this always as a perfect representation of low budget 80's horror.
COMMANDO - when I think of over-the-top action movies from the 80's you have to think of Ah-nuld and his schlock masterpiece. One-liners galore, and the gayest villain ever.
NIGHT OF THE CREEPS - whether its the mullets, the synth-pop soundtrack, or the ridiculous effects, I remember this always as a perfect representation of low budget 80's horror.