Matt L
formerly known as mattyboy
You hate Independence Day?
Do you also hate Christmas?
Do you also hate Christmas?
You hate Independence Day?
Do you also hate Christmas?
Almost as bad as Jerry MacGuire.Most overrated movie of all time.
Almost as bad as Jerry MacGuire.
You wife rules!My wife hates that movie.
You wife rules!
I thought it was okay, until I saw it on a plane recently. Oye vey schmear and lox. That is one saptastically overrated movie.
I would say that would be believable (something in our environment destroying them that their bodies have never experienced, or a human virus killing them...a la the native americans almost completely wiped out by european diseases).
What isn't so believable? That alien technology would be so compatible with ours that a computer virus delivered via disc could a) interface with their systems in the first place and b) be built on some universal code structure that it would take down all their ships hovering over all the major world cities. Will Smith involved or not.
Tidwell was only good part of that movie.But we beat the Cowboys in that movie! That's gotta count for something.![]()
What a bunch of movie snobs. If it has a happy ending and no sub-titles, some of you guys automatically start ripping it to shreds. Jerry Maguire would have been nominated for an Oscar if it had a French Director.
Not me, I liked Jerry Macguire I dont care how cheesy it was. I haven't watched it recently and i'm sure like MOST movies, when you see them 15 years later you laugh at how corny they are, but I remember this movie fondly. It's all about the memories and how you felt the first time you saw it. Plus, the freaking CARDINALS were in it. New fans dont know what it was like to be a Cardinal fan in Phoenix back then, we never got mentioned EVER, even on sportscenter, half the time they wouldn't even show the highlights from our games they would just put the score up! So for there to be a big Hollywood movie with Tom Cruise, the Cardinals, beating he Cowboys in OUR stadium, sorry but that was pretty cool for a kid who'd been getting made fun of for being a Cardinal fan his whole childhood.
Oh and I remember it very well because I was 16, it was right around Christmas time and I kissed Brittany Stevenson for the first time thanks to that cheesy movie!
So take that haters! lol jk![]()
The sappy parts are way too long for my can Cardinals fans rip Jerry Maguire? When it came out, it was our only win against the Cowboys in years... besides the fact that it's just a great movie.
Parts of Jerry Macguire were really good. Jay Mohr rules. But the sappy parts? Ugh. Movie could have been 45 minutes shorter.
The sappy parts are way too long for my tastes.
When you watch an action movie do you complain that there was too much action? I'd back your play on this if we were talking about Reservoir Dogs or Apocalypse Now but this movie was intended to be sappy. IMO, it had just the right amount of it.
I didn't know Favreau was directing. I hope this is better than Iron Man 2.
When is the sequel? Just watched on an airplane. Not bad. Like James Bond guy and Olivia Wilde. Mostly her. But he was good, kinda like a short McQueen.
This bombed in the theater.. There will be no sequel!