Phxchris1989 said:
The only reason Brenly won is becuase of the guys that played on the '01 team. They had enough talent to compensate for Brenly's questionable management. At least that's my take on it.
Back to the closer role, any word on Valverde? has he gotten better or worse. After today apparently one closer just isn't going to do it anymore.
Brenly had 2 pitchers and a slugger, that was it, the rest were role players. Kim was average and blew up in the playoffs, Finley had his worst season in AZ that year, Womack was terrible, we had a aging Grace, Matt Williams was hurt and grumpy, Danny Bautista was below average, Counsell was Cousell, and Miller was decent. Gonzo, Johnson, and Schilling carried this team. Miguel, Brian Anderson, and I forget who the third started was, I want to way Albie Lopez. that was not a great team. Brenly did a great job.
As far as saying one closer is not enough, you are crazy. Every closers will blow a save and again, Melvin can not manage the bullpen. We have seen it all season. Julio should not have been in there. As for Valverde, he is jsut a flash, as many short term closers are in MLB. Anyone remember Alfanseca(Mr. 6 fingers), Valverde reminds me of him.