the mavs have been much better without him. No disrespect for nash because he is the mvp. But it was a great move for both dallas and phoenix. I think jeff van gundy said it best. How do you lose an MVP and get better?Cuban promotes the hate in Dallas. They can't get over the mistake of letting Nash go.
I'm from a town 34 miles south of dallas. I now live in glendale and i can't tell you how much i miss texas. So what do you mean by the people are horrid? are they not american there? I think both phoenix and dallas are great cities with great people. Both cities are fortunate to have great bball teams. It's clear that both cities have fans that give a bad name to all inclusive. Your post is very classy considering this thread is being critical of mavs fans. If you ask me you are coming down to their level.I don't hate the Mavs. I do hate the city of Dallas though- anyone who's been there should probably feel the same. The natural landscape is a wasteland, and the people are horrid.
I do hate the Lakers, and the Spurs (they are dirty). I respect the Mavs as a team, but I dislike their fans.
I must say, I know a lot of NBA fans are growing to hate the Suns because of Suns fans. I think they feel like Suns fans are acting like the Suns have won back to back titles, when in reality they haven't won anything yet.
I agree with your post. Remember some mavs fans don't speak for all. Those that are bashing the suns know that phoenix is a threat even if they don't admit it. I am a huge cowboys fans. And i will tell you the best thing in the world is to hear other fans bash the cowboys. They won't tell you to your face that they respect dallas. They just have a different way of showing that respect. I respect the suns. It's clear that they are much better than last year. Don't forget that the suns were great last year because of the emergence of barbosa, diaw, and even raja bell despite the loss of amare. KT has been injured for a long time now so i can't see him ever being much of a factor, but that's just me. As far as the all star thing. I think mavs fans have the right to be disappointed. If the shoe was on the other foot and phoenix had 1 all star their fans would be up in arms as well. Josh Howard is a great ALL Purpose player. He can handle the ball and create his own shot. He is also a great defender and rebounder. He typically elevates his game in big games. Remember he is also a very young player that has drastically improved every season. I think it would have been fair if he made the all star game.I've been lurking there for sometime now, and the hatred is unbelievable.
What makes it even worse, is that the Mavs are in exactly the same position as us. Title-less. Even with near-identical records they claim to be light years ahead in superiority.
They use reasons such as; No defense, weak schedule, 3 allstars/1 allstar to fuel their fire that they are the better team and that Dirk should be MVP.
What's even worse is that they refuse to even consider that Phoenix is a threat. And with the sudden decline of the Spurs, they seem to think that playing in June is merely a formality for them.
I can easily admit that the Mavericks are the best team in the NBA RIGHT NOW And I can easily make a case why Dirk COULD be MVP, but I have enough sense to see that this Phoenix team is significantly better than last years team which took them to 6 games without Amare and KT. Don't get me wrong, the Mavs are better aswell, but I'd say we have improved more than they have over the span of one year.
Plus if they have to meet a healthy Lakers team in the 2nd round, I'd be worried.
When do the suns and mavs play next? The last game was great!
You'll find that the more serious posters on this board prefer to interact with those who are able to look up elementary information rather than ask questions about it. has the complete league schedule, for instance.
I feel sorry for the non-trolls whom visit this site.
forgive me..... I'll take that in stride being that i'm just new and all. I actually made a mistake with a double post so i couldn't think of how to make an edit. I was just thinking about attending the next suns/mavs game at the palace wearing my josh howard jersey.You'll find that the more serious posters on this board prefer to interact with those who are able to look up elementary information rather than ask questions about it. has the complete league schedule, for instance.
Other than that, welcome.
why do all of you hate ginobli so much. he is a great player. I guess i can understand why. His style is simular to that of one raja bell in drawing calls and playing a physical let's not be hypocritical. almost every team in the league has a player that plays such a style.I hate the Mavs more than any team. Lakers are a close second, but only because their fans are retards.
Edit: In reguard to other teams:
San Antonio: I can't really hate the Spurs but I don't really like the Spurs. We stopped in San Antonio on our way from Tucson to North Carolina. San Antonio reminded me a lot of the city of Phoenix, and I love the city of Phoenix so yeah. Though Manu Ginobli is increadibly annoying.
Clippers:They remind me of that kid that always got picked on in school. He gets the crap beaten out of him almost regularly, but when he does beat the bullies you feel good inside.
Jazz: These guys are really starting to piss me off.
Wizards: I know it sounds wierd, but I liked Arenas last season, but this season he seems more arrogant. Yeah I know he backs up his words, but meh. He just seems like it's gone too his head.
why do all of you hate ginobli so much. he is a great player. I guess i can understand why. His style is simular to that of one raja bell in drawing calls and playing a physical let's not be hypocritical. almost every team in the league has a player that plays such a style.
I didn't see or hear of that one taking place. I will say like i said on another thread....ginobli is not the only player in the league that does those types of things. Almost every NBA team has one. Quentin Richardson comes to mind. Harris of the mavs does it as well. Raja Bell is a guy that flops around to draw calls as well. I saw him do it all the time when he was a maverick as well.This is pretty simple: Ginobli's flops have a way of collateral damage for the Suns, such as an egregious acting job that cost Barbosa two months of playing time. It would be one thing if he was subtle about it. Even I can appreciate that. It's entirely another when he gets so out of control he becomes a danger to others. I'd love to see a list of people who've been injured by one of his flops.
I'm from a town 34 miles south of dallas. I now live in glendale and i can't tell you how much i miss texas. So what do you mean by the people are horrid? are they not american there? I think both phoenix and dallas are great cities with great people.
I didn't see or hear of that one taking place. I will say like i said on another thread....ginobli is not the only player in the league that does those types of things. Almost every NBA team has one. Quentin Richardson comes to mind. Harris of the mavs does it as well. Raja Bell is a guy that flops around to draw calls as well. I saw him do it all the time when he was a maverick as well.
I don't know about that. I know raja did stuff like that in dallas....and i've seen him flopping in phoenix as well. It's all acting when a player is trying to draw a call. and that's what they do. Like i said....almost every nba team has a player that consistently tries to draw that contact. Ginobli is clever in what he does i admit.Raja Bell flops, he does not send himself sprawling across the court like he's been shot out of a cannon. There's a huge difference. Drawing charges is a time-honored tradition in the game. I have no problem with flopping as an art. I have a problem with the less than artistic. You won't see Bell pretend like a 170-pound guard knocked him 15 feet into the knees of another player.
you are right about the dallas fans. With all of the football tradition there....the mavs are actually the best thing going for DFW sports fans right now. So they are trying to live in the moment. Just 10 yrs ago the mavs were the laughing stock of the understand that some of these fans are caught up in the moment.Dallas residents -- because they are in Texas -- are far more parochial about their sports teams than Phoenix fans, because they probably have deeeeep roots there. Phoenix, traditionally a city of imports, is not a city of deep roots. It's almost the opposite.
Suns fans have the longest ingrained fan base of any Valley team short of Sun Devil football, so it's one of the few topics that will draw out a large number of people willing to wear their team colors on their shirt sleeve. Two visits to the Finals, two heartbreaking series, the coin flip ... it all adds up to nearly 35 years of pent-up frustration. I'm surprised we're not a bit more ... testy about other teams, but I think a lot of us settled into detached rooting interest a long time ago. So perhaps that makes us a little closer to East Coast fans who really know basketball. Or not. I'm not quite sure. I do think the Suns fans who show up at the arena the last five years or so are light years more knowledgeable than the uneducated masses who filled the Suns stands before them. I don't really have an explanation for that other than maybe 30 years as a fan base is the threshold for enlightened basketball crowds. The Mavs fans have three or four more years by that standards, but it's a hard and fast rule. LA has had the Lakers since 1960, but success has severely stunted their maturity.
As someone who's done a good bit of traveling, I find there is much to be desired about both places, particularly in terms of culture. However, affordable real estate and reasonable cost of living keep me bound.
why do all of you hate ginobli so much. he is a great player. I guess i can understand why. His style is simular to that of one raja bell in drawing calls and playing a physical let's not be hypocritical. almost every team in the league has a player that plays such a style.
Why do I hate Ginobli? because I'm a Suns fan.
I'm from a town 34 miles south of dallas. I now live in glendale and i can't tell you how much i miss texas. So what do you mean by the people are horrid? are they not american there? I think both phoenix and dallas are great cities with great people. Both cities are fortunate to have great bball teams. It's clear that both cities have fans that give a bad name to all inclusive. Your post is very classy considering this thread is being critical of mavs fans. If you ask me you are coming down to their level.
arizona is a beautiful state.....I'm not here by choice because i'm in the military. If i could afford to move back to texas i would. Texas is a very diverse state. Yes texans are arrogant, but they are just proud of their home state....just as suns fans are proud of their team. So that makes us bad americans? I'm a bad american then serving my country i guess. I love arizona.....there are much better places than dusty phoenix though. Other than that the valley is a nice place.People in Dallas, and Texas in general are the worst types of Americans that exist. I'm sure there are a lot of nice people there, but here is one sentence that should explain why people find Texans so annoying:
"Everythings bigger and better in Texas"
No, its not. Go to hell. Texans in general, along with New Yorkers are the most arrogant Americans in regards to their home state/city. Everyone I've ever met from Texas who has moved somewhere else is constantly bitching "x is so much better in Texas, y is so much better in Texas"- jesus, then go back to Texas.
Furthermore, even with out the people, Texas is a wasteland. The natural area is just very unattractive in my opinion. I'd be depressed living there, it can not match the natural beauty and diversity of Arizona.
LOL. It's interesting that in Alaska's major city, the locals resent the growth, and refer to it as "Los Anchorage".You should go to Alaska then. In restaurants, their junior portions are called "Texas sized."
Texas isn't only wasteland. There are many different landscapes in texas. West texas has a simular landscape as what you see in the valley. Either way there are many different places in Texas, it just depends where you go.^There is a difference between being proud and being an arrogant rude jerk, most of the people I've met from Texas are the latter.