Well, geez, "O", I guess none of this really "matters". I mean, its just people who none of us personally know playing sports, right?
Mike was playing what positoin?
I mean, I guess this message board doesn't matter when you think about it. Its not like what anyone ever says on here ever affects your REAL life, right?
Ok, how is your real life affected? Do you have a gambling peoblem?
Or maybe it does matter to people who like to talk and argue about their favorite teams on a message boards for fun.
Revisitionist histoty, key word being history!
Maybe some people were sick of hearing the lame, cliche criticisms of D'Antoni.
He's done here. How hard is that to understand and get over?
He had major weaknesses, but the ones mindlessly spouted on this board and by many others have been proven to be unjust.