Don Banks Rips Cards, Fans in Comparison

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Ahh hes mostly right. The key is when he brings up how the Steleers never had success since 1972.

2008 is our 1972:)


ASFN Lifer
Feb 13, 2004
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Hey, Rockstar...

I hear ya'. As Cardinal fans for any length time we're used to getting ripped in the media. I read the article and while it wasn't full of make-you-feel-good quotes I didn't see it as an outright-attack either. This is what I see. So many people, fans and sportswriters alike, ONLY know the Cardinals' history. It's so ingrained in their 'pysche that the Cardinals will NEVER do anything. This "new" Cardinal success story has completely taken them by surprise and they're not quite sure what to make of it. For the "haters"?? Well, that's what they will continue to do. They want their Cowboys, and Patriots, and Giants, etc. to WIN EVERY year. Who cares about anyone else. For the "surprised" ones? I would remind them that everything has a beginning. What were the Steelers, 49ers, and even Cowboys in the old days BEFORE the right leadership came on-board?? I keep saying this is ONLY year #2 under Whiz' & staff. For those that are genuinely EXCITED?? The ones who see this as the classic under-dog over-coming all odds, I say THIS is what sports is all about. The unpredictability of it. The excitement of watching a championship-starved city go KRAZZY!! But, Rockstar, I hear ya'. People will have their opinions. BUT I feel way toooo GOOD to let anyone or anything poison the moment. DON'T let them steal your joy.

FACT: The CARDINALS are in the Super BOWL! :D


Aug 29, 2006
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Sec 443, Row C
No major disagreements with his article. All part of earning respect, IMHO.

I'm a little surprised he didn't mention that the Cardinals and Steelers briefly merged into one team, Card-Pitt.

I'm in the pic on page 2! Next to my bud, AntSports Steve.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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No major disagreements with his article. All part of earning respect, IMHO.

I'm a little surprised he didn't mention that the Cardinals and Steelers briefly merged into one team, Card-Pitt.

I'm in the pic on page 2! Next to my bud, AntSports Steve.

yeah, he says he's searching for connections and then he ignores the two largest:

the two teams briefly merged

three of coaching staff, including the two highest ranking coaches, come from pitt.

uh, duh . . . maybe he needs to recognize the obvious.

as for not knowing if a "cardinals community" exists . . . he didn't look very hard if he failed to find asfn, did he?

football karma

Michael snuggles the cap space
Jul 22, 2002
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simply comparing any northern / northeast football town to one in the sunbelt will produce almost identical generalizations.

People in the east dont fully get the "new town" dynamic. Again -- half the people in this town didnt live here 15 years ago --- in a metro area of more than 3 million.

In western PA -- 95%+ of the population grew up there ( and likely with parents who grew up there, etc, etc, etc). Should it really shock anybody that there is a healthy fan base for a team that has had far, far more winning seasons than losing over the last 30 years?

As for calling the town "indifferent" to the team, there is certainly some truth to that when looking at the population as a whole -- but doesnt mean that there hasnt been a committed core of real fans. When the team finally got a stadium where you didnt risk heat stroke attending a game, the fans sold out a building for three years -- coming off of 5-11, 6-10 and 8-8 seasons.

I am also willing to bet that you could charactarize the Pittsburg area today as "indifferent" to the Pirates based on attendance, etc.


Nov 30, 2006
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I'm not saying that he was completely wrong in his comparison, but am saying that he certainly wanted to make it obvious that the Steelers and their fans are deserving of their success while the Cards may not be. As sphynx stated he failed to realize that what few fans the Cards had for years at SDS were absolute diehards. How could they not be?

I think the article was written in haste looking for the easiest way to make his deadline rather than searching out in depth comparisons/contrats, thus the many pot shots at all aspects Cardinals.


Jan 21, 2009
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simply comparing any northern / northeast football town to one in the sunbelt will produce almost identical generalizations.

People in the east dont fully get the "new town" dynamic. Again -- half the people in this town didnt live here 15 years ago --- in a metro area of more than 3 million.

In western PA -- 95%+ of the population grew up there ( and likely with parents who grew up there, etc, etc, etc). Should it really shock anybody that there is a healthy fan base for a team that has had far, far more winning seasons than losing over the last 30 years?

As for calling the town "indifferent" to the team, there is certainly some truth to that when looking at the population as a whole -- but doesnt mean that there hasnt been a committed core of real fans. When the team finally got a stadium where you didnt risk heat stroke attending a game, the fans sold out a building for three years -- coming off of 5-11, 6-10 and 8-8 seasons.

I am also willing to bet that you could charactarize the Pittsburg area today as "indifferent" to the Pirates based on attendance, etc.

That's a very, very small part of the story...
Throughout the 70's, the city of Pittsburgh and the surrounding area took it's identity from the team. This was during a very bad stretch for the area. The steel mills started shutting down, economic conditions were harsh. Think Detroit, today; but at least we had a team that was winning. The Steelers became almost a religion throughout the area. Through the 80's and 90's the area went through a "brain drain". The younger generation was moving out in droves for education and to find jobs. They took that fanatacism with them, however. I don't know the reason why, but that area instilled a deep sense of community, and great feelings of nostalgia for that area for many, many of it's transplants. Not just for the teams, but most other aspects of the city as well. Kennywood Park, the various neighborhoods, the colleges, etc... There are very few people more loyal to their original hometown than people from Pittsburgh.

As they spread, the fanatacism was passed on from their parents to their children. Now you have a younger generation that wasn't born and raised in the area, but still feel a sense of loyalty. That's why, throughout the US, you can find "Steeler Bars" in almost every city. Many season ticket holders drive hours to get to their games. I'm currently on the waiting list. I've probably got another 12 years to go before I can get my seat licenses. I live five hours away, but I will be driving to those games. If you want to see something incredible sometime, check out the rest stops on the Pennsylvania Turnpike 2-3 hours outside of Pittsburgh on game day. Each rest stop will be packed with hundreds of people in their gear on their way to or back from Heinz Field. Ask yourself honestly, if you see the same things on the way to a game in any other city? Look at how many Steeler fans you have in your own area, even if you're down in Phoenix, there's probably quite a few.

Pittsburgh is a very small city, without a whole lot of economic resources. Oh, it's recovering well right now, but it's not anywhere near to being a major market. Yet every year it's right up there in merchandise sales with any other team in the league. There is something about being a Steeler fan. I know it's probably annoying as hell to fans of other teams, and it's not fair for Banks to try to contrast the two cities like he does. No other city has as rabid fans except maybe Green Bay and Oakland (hmmm, two other small cities, well, Oakland's not that small). How would the comparison have worked with say Tampa Bay, Seattle, Houston, KC, etc..? In fact, they did the same thing back in XXL with Seattle.

Don't worry about it. You guys have a great fanbase that's growing, and will only get more rowdy and raucous with time!

Although, I will admit, the near blackout for the wildcard round did have me scratching my head.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Although, I will admit, the near blackout for the wildcard round did have me scratching my head.

did it have you scratching your head about Minnesota and San Diego as well, who also had near blackouts for the wildcard round? The economy was (and is) just brutal when those tickets went on sale and we weren't the only team with problems selling them.

What makes that criticism even more annoying to me is that Banks (and pretty much every other writer) refuses to see is that even with 17 years of complete and utter ineptitude since the Cards moved to AZ, since we moved out of that hell hole in Tempe three years ago, this team has sold out EVERY GAME since we got the new stadium. I know that 3 years of consecutive sell-outs isn't a big deal to most teams, but it is to the Cards and shows that our fans aren't a bunch of Johnny Come Latelys.

I didn't believe it when they said it, but the Bidwills were right. They believed that If they build it, they will come and now that we got our Field Of Dreams, that's EXACTLY what has happened.

but to be honest, Don Banks, Chris Collingsworth and all the rest of those guys can kiss my ass. I've been there since the first MNF against Dallas back in 1988 and I'll be there at the Super Bowl and no one can take that away from me.


Jan 21, 2009
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It was just the Cards and Vikings that needed an extension. Chargers were last year, with that freak storm they had. And yes, I did scratch my head over the Vikes, too.