I credit Proximo for being the only one who got the Luka fiasco right by calling it a conspiracy. A conspiracy is when multiple people conspire to deceive. Technically, if i was right about Luka forcing his way out and it being covered up, it's a conspiracy. But i had to give Proximo's NBA involved theory more thought and it's also highly possible.
the twist is...it's not a future payback the NBA is looking for -- this is the completion of the payback
yes, my friends. look at the evidence.
1. two years ago the NBA completed it's investigation into the Cuban Malfeasance Crisis and laid down a slap on the wrist instead of the force-out Sarver got. Cuban is a more substantial NBA celebrity in the public eye.
2. odd how a year later, the Dallas fanatic who's shouting at every home game has suddenly decided to sell his majority share in the organization?
3. another year passes and Dallas, oddly, takes a wildly unbalanced deal to send the new face of the NBA to the hottest market in the NBA
Cuban is a negotiator. He likely, in a personal conversation with the commissioner, negotiated an arrangement everyone could benefit from.
it will keep happening until we stop believing everything the fat-cats tell us, bending over backwards to rationalize their spin.