Don't Trade Amare!

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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I don't remember any point guards posting up Magic like they do Nash but KJ used to fly by him like he was nailed to the floor.

So that means the Lakers didn't play defense? Anybody that watched that team knew the Lakers did.


Planet Orange
Apr 13, 2006
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Ludicrous to the extreme sense. The Showtime Lakers played defense. They played on both ends of the court. Something even the best Suns team in the D'Antoni era never did enough of. There is no comparison unless your talking strictly from an offensive point of view.

Which I was. My point was that the Lakers rings from the 80's belong in the PG category, along with the 90's Pistons. They won with a superstar PG.

The Lakers Showtime teams had the best PG in the league, and he was the best player on their team. They ran an uptempo, running offense, and won it all. They most certainly played better defense than the DAntoni Suns. But that was not because Magic was a 6'9" 'anomaly' of a PG.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Actually, the fifth power forward ring is Kevin Garnett's.

Ah, right.

And I started my list right after the Sixers championship. Would it make more sense to start after free agency started?

Somehow when you said "the past 27 years," I subtracted 27 from 2009 and got 1982. My mistake. Your list is fine; thanks for putting it together.


ASFN Addict
Oct 16, 2007
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In a van...down by the river.
Which I was. My point was that the Lakers rings from the 80's belong in the PG category, along with the 90's Pistons. They won with a superstar PG.

The Lakers Showtime teams had the best PG in the league, and he was the best player on their team. They ran an uptempo, running offense, and won it all. They most certainly played better defense than the DAntoni Suns. But that was not because Magic was a 6'9" 'anomaly' of a PG.
I beg to differ. I'm not saying that the Lakers wouldn't have won those titles if Magic was the prototypical size of an NBA PG(they probably would have because he was a great player in many ways),but the fact that he was a freak of nature at his size IS a factor if we're talking about championship teams led by a PG.
Athletes are discernable by 3 things IMO:
God given talent,intelligence, and size.

Wilt Chamberlain at 6'5" doesn't score 100 points in a single doesn't mean that he wasn't a great player. He probably would have still bedded over 20,000 women too:D(sorry)
Steve Nash at 6'9" is a better player than Nash at 6'2" No?


Registered User
Oct 26, 2002
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One could also argue that Jordan is not your average SG or Shaq your average C.

I don't think building a championship team can be so formulaistic. Build around great players and hope for the best. The Suns had one in Nash for a few years. Unfortunately, it just didn't work out in the playoffs.

It would be like going for the pot only when you got a full house and immediately folding even if you got a royal flush. There are many ways to win. It depends on the cards (the players) in play. I've won hands with a K high.

Does anyone seriously think this year's Lakers team could compete with Shaq's Lakers or Magic's Lakers?

Well, we know exactly why our team failed with Nash: We were too reliant on his creating chances from the PG position. A fine formulae for regular season success, only. In comparison, Showtime Lakers had other options to initiate offense anytime, as with Billups's Pistons. With Isiah's team, they played mob defense. That's why it makes no sense to continue relying on Nash if we want to achieve anything towards winning a title sometime.


Oct 27, 2008
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I am all for keeping Amare.

In fact, I would like to publicly state that I would be fully content with keeping the team together and giving Gentry an entire season, and wouldn't be surprised if it happened.

Sure, we probably won't win the title next year, but do you really see a combination of moves in one offseason that would guarantee enough talent, chemistry and domination to get us in the finals?

Let them have a year together, let contracts expire, and blow it up then.

Amare may opt out next season, and that's fine. Because just like Marion, no one else is going to offer him more than we can. We won't offer him a max contract, and im pretty other GMs are of equal or greater smarts of our GM.

We have talent and expirings, and keep trying to find scenarios that will yield us talent and expirings.

Next offseason is going to be crazy, we don't need two crazy offseasons when the latter is going to inevitably be a complete rebuild anyway.

Let's trade Lopez though.

Lopez?? Who is gunna want Lopez?? Isaih Thomas Maybe?? :D

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