Don't Trade Amare!

Dec 25, 2007
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Mark West post moves > Amare

I was watching that epic game 3 between Suns-Bulls and ya know something? Even Mark West has more post moves than Amare.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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Don't you think it's far more important to have a defensive minded big man versus a defensive point guard?? I mean c'mon already....Besides that, Nash not only scores but makes the rest of the team better...thats why he gets more of a pass.

But whatever, trade Nash and Amare both for all I care!

No. Good defensive minded PG are harder to get. You can have the best defensive front court in the NBA and if Nash is on your team he will get them in foul trouble because he can't keep guys in front of him. He will cause bad rotations because he can't keep guys in front of him.
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ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Yes. Good defensive minded PG are harder to get. You can have the best defensive front court in the NBA and if Nash is on your team he will get them in foul trouble because he can't keep guys in front of him. He will cause bad rotations because he can't keep guys in front of him.

Wow. I never realized a defensive minded PG was the anchor of the team in that area.

So when guys get by Amare who is there to stop them....our guards?

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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Wow. I never realized a defensive minded PG was the anchor of the team in that area.

So when guys get by Amare who is there to stop them....our guards?

Wow, I never realized having a great defensive PG would be so inconsequential on a good defensive team. You can get an anchor for either side of the ball at any position if a player is good enough. Show me the rule book that says a good defensive team can't have a good defensive PG to lead the way. No one good defensive player at any position is going to make a team good defensive wise. It takes more then one good defender to do that. Also, last time I checked, there is no rule that says just because you have a good defensive PG, you can't have a good defensive front court player as well? Your acting like it has to be one or the other.

A good defensive big man is easier to find in the NBA then a good defensive PG. It seems like almost all PGs coming out of college these days care only about scoring. By the way, nobody is suggesting a guard back up a Amare. :doi:

Nash doesn't get a pass just because he makes players around him better offensively. He makes other players equally bad around him defensively on the other end. On what planet is that a pass? Oh....right.....the planet where your team does not win a title.
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ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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Well I am sorry for you if you think it can't be. You can get an anchor for either side of the ball at any position if a player is good enough. Show me the rule book that says a good defensive team can't have a good defensive PG to lead the way. No one good defensive player at any position is going to make a team good defensive wise. It takes more then one good defender to do that. Also, last time I checked, there is no rule that says just because you have a good defensive PG, you can't have a good defensive front court player as well? Your acting like it has to be one or the other.

A good defensive big man is easier to find in the NBA then a good defensive PG. By the way, nobody is suggesting a guard back up a Amare. :doi:

Nash doesn't get a pass just because he makes players around him better offensively. He makes other players equally bad around him defensively on the other end. On what planet is that a pass? Oh....right.....the planet where your team does not win a title.

Jeesh Steel, of course everyone wants Nash to play better defense but are we supposed to forget what made him a two time MVP? So yes, he does get a pass for his defense.

Defense mostly starts and ends with your big men. Yes defense is important for the whole team in general but if you have a weak defensive big man that makes it MUCH harder on the rest of the team. The better the big man defensively is he can cover more for the rest of the team. A PG cannot cover for a bad big man...a big man can cover for a bad PG.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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No. Good defensive minded PG are harder to get. You can have the best defensive front court in the NBA and if Nash is on your team he will get them in foul trouble because he can't keep guys in front of him. He will cause bad rotations because he can't keep guys in front of him.

You know whats even harder to get than a defensive minded PG? A two time MVP PG. :cheers:


ASFN Addict
Oct 16, 2007
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In a van...down by the river.
You know whats even harder to get than a defensive minded PG? A two time MVP PG. :cheers:
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I just hope that eventually the SUNS will learn from history that having/building around elite PG's isn't the answer. We've had the best of the best here for 3 decades with KJ,Kidd,Nash and while Marbury wasn't anywhere near elite he was good for a stretch there.
This list of PG's without rings is staggering IMO.

NBA Titles and Great PG'S that are among the All Time Assist Leaders
Payton-1(in his 16th season with Miami and hardly a factor)
Isiah Thomas-2
Magic Johnson-5(doesn't equate because Magic was far from the
prototypical PG at 6'9" 250lbs)
Tim Hardaway-0
Mark Jackson-0
Terry Porter-0
Baron Davis-0
Still early for these guys but 0-fer so far...
Chris Paul-0
Deron Williams-0
Howabout the big guys and winning titles....
Mutumbo-0 (this one surprises me)
In summary......Michael Jordan sure did "F" up alot of championship plans for alot of people. LOL:lol:

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Jeesh Steel, of course everyone wants Nash to play better defense but are we supposed to forget what made him a two time MVP? So yes, he does get a pass for his defense.

No he doesn't. Nobody in the NBA gets a "pass" if ultimately any short cummings they have don't lead your team to a title. I don't care who they are.

Defense mostly starts and ends with your big men. Yes defense is important for the whole team in general but if you have a weak defensive big man that makes it MUCH harder on the rest of the team. The better the big man defensively is he can cover more for the rest of the team. A PG cannot cover for a bad big man...a big man can cover for a bad PG.

AGAIN...nobody is saying that you don't need a defensive big man who can play defense. However, they are not exclusive to each other. You can have both.

a big man can cover for a bad PG.

My bad. I must of missed all the teams that Nash has played on where the front court looked like a defensive Juggernaut.

You know whats even harder to get than a defensive minded PG? A two time MVP PG. :cheers:

You know what is harder than that? Finding a team led by such a bad defensive PG who has a ring to show for it.

I just hope that eventually the SUNS will learn from history that having/building around elite PG's isn't the answer.

Which is why I said they need a defensive minded PG and not an elite offensive PG. Lakers had DF, Ducan had TP, KG had RR....etc. etc... I could go down the list of winners over the last decade and make the point that those teams had better defensive PG then Nash at the helm.
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Hall of Famer
Feb 24, 2005
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Stoudemire will not average 29ppg in a slow down offense. He's your typical 20 point something 8 rebound big man who doesnt shut down anyone. The other team can just isolate him and pick cheap fouls... and we all know how unmotivated he gets when he has fouls on him and not getting any calls.

Look... its like gambling, before the surgery Suns were up a million after starting out with ten grand, now... they are about 2 grand up from that same ten grand starting money.... Stoudemire has peaked.... has many questionables such as future surgeries knee or eye... As a SUNS fan, I dont want 23+ Million of the cap space stuck on 1 player who has that many questionables and doesnt play hard defense night in and night out.

But I also do not want the Suns to sell cheap... so I only want a Stoudemire trade if its a must for the SUNS.... the bad thing is... there is a timer sort of...
Stoudemire will walk away in 2010, Sarver and Kerr just like some fans here ... do not see Stoudemire as a 20+ Million player.... they've said that to Marion's face, even when marion was putting up 21 points, 11 rebounds, 2 steals 1.5 blocks... while Stoudemire was out.... remember those 30/20 games from Marion?.... Kerr said no for 20 Million a year extention... and now You expect Kerr to give player like Stoudemire.. questionable knees, lack of defensive impact, bad attitude.. 6 year 130+ million contract?..... geez louise! why do you think they are shopping him for a really good deal.... they dont want to extend him..... if they must hire him till 2010... match the offer and then sign and trade.


ASFN Addict
May 20, 2004
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No he doesn't. Nobody in the NBA gets a "pass" if ultimately any short cummings they have don't lead your team to a title. I don't care who they are..

Well he gets a pass from some people...he received two MVP's when his defense was just as bad.

AGAIN...nobody is saying that you don't need a defensive big man who can play defense. However, they are not exclusive to each other. You can have both..

What are you talking about?? Amare is not doing "both"....His scoring is great and his defense is weak. To bring in a defensive PF would cut in on Amares minutes and would cut in on the Suns overall scoring. So what are you saying?

My bad. I must of missed all the teams that Nash has played on where the front court looked like a defensive Juggernaut..

So what is your point with this? They should have had a "defending" pg instead or that frontcourt defense is a non-factor?

You know what is harder than that? Finding a team led by such a bad defensive PG who has a ring to show for it..

What formula are you ascribing to? You cant plug guys in like its an xbox game for their certain qualities and ignore everything else. I think Nash and his tenure here was wildly viewed as a success even though no titles were won. Or maybe perhaps you'd trade Nash for Fisher or whatever pg was running the Celtics last year becuase they have "rings" now.

Which is why I said they need a defensive minded PG and not an elite offensive PG. Lakers had DF, Ducan had TP, KG had RR....etc. etc... I could go down the list of winners over the last decade and make the point that those teams had better defensive PG then Nash at the helm.

Well golly gee many years did it take "the glove" Gary Payton to win his one and only ring? He was practially all world defender PG for years and it took him to travel around to finally get his the end of his career. I don't think anyone attributed his ring to his defense...his defensive skills actually diminished quite a bit by the time he got a ring.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Well he gets a pass from some people...he received two MVP's when his defense was just as bad.

What is your point? He got the MVP because of his performance on the offensive end. Did his MVP help win a title? I don't deny that Nash has had an impact on this team and gave us some great regular seasons. However, a measure of success at the end of his tenure still has to be how many rings did he help us win.

What are you talking about?? Amare is not doing "both"....His scoring is great and his defense is weak. To bring in a defensive PF would cut in on Amares minutes and would cut in on the Suns overall scoring. So what are you saying?

Huh??? I was referring to the fact that you can get a defensive minded PG in here and can have a good defensive PF or Center as well. I was saying that having one doesn't preclude you from getting another. I was not saying Amare plays both. If we have to trade to get those type of players in be it.

So what is your point with this? They should have had a "defending" pg instead or that frontcourt defense is a non-factor?

If your PG is so bad he can't keep guys in front of him, I am saying it nullifies much of what your front court does. I am saying Nash gets our bigs into foul trouble or causes bad rotations because we are chasing shooters all over the floor trying to cover for his guy getting by him.

What formula are you ascribing to? You cant plug guys in like its an xbox game for their certain qualities and ignore everything else. I think Nash and his tenure here was wildly viewed as a success even though no titles were won. Or maybe perhaps you'd trade Nash for Fisher or whatever pg was running the Celtics last year becuase they have "rings" now.

Nash tenure here is viewed as a success from what standpoint? Yes, he helped make the Suns relevant again. However, my standards must be higher then yours. Anything short of a ring is not good enough. Nash's tenure is not the first time a Suns team has had a fantastic regular season and went home without a ring. Also, let's not forget that a Nash led team still has never gotten us to the finals.

Would I trade some of those PGs for Nash? Yes. I have always maintained that if we had Billups for instance running this team versus Nash, this team would be closer to a ring. We also wouldn't be forced to run the system we do to "maximize" his strengths.

Check my avatar. I am a Nash fan. However, I am not blind to negatives he was bringing when we first signed the guy. My hope was that this team would put good defensive players around him to cover his weakness on the defensive end. What I didn't know was if that was possible. It appears it's not. So it sounds like you are the one "ignoring certain qualities".

Well golly gee many years did it take "the glove" Gary Payton to win his one and only ring? He was practially all world defender PG for years and it took him to travel around to finally get his the end of his career. I don't think anyone attributed his ring to his defense...his defensive skills actually diminished quite a bit by the time he got a ring.

Did I not say you needed help? Gary Payton could not do it alone and he didn't have much help on that team. Why the hell would you bring up a washed up Gary Payton at the end of his career? The guy couldn't play defense at the end of his career and is not a good example. Let me say it one player at any position is going to make your team a good defensive team.

At any rate, look at how much Billups changed the Nuggets? He plays good defense. I look at it this way, I look at some of the top PG on other teams that play good defense. When I swap Nash out for some of those players I can say this team would be better. We might not score 140 points in a given night but we would be better where it counts.

Suns fans need to look no further then any of the teams that have won the title in the last decade. You don't need to score 140 a night to win a title. You don't even need a PG who can give you 18 assists on even given night. You need a team who can play defense when it counts. As long as Nash is on this roster that will never happen IMO unless by some miracle you can find enough defense to surround him with. Do you really think that will happen?
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ASFN Addict
Oct 16, 2007
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In a van...down by the river.
SteelDog said:
Suns fans need to look no further then any of the teams that have won the title in the last decade. You don't need to score 140 a night to win a title. You don't even need a PG who can give you 18 assists on even given night. You need a team who can play defense when it counts. As long as Nash is on this roster that will never happen IMO unless by some miracle you can find enough defense to surround him with
I'm not sure why this is so hard for some to understand.
Is it denial?
Lack of BBall intelligence?


Mar 3, 2009
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Let him try one more time. Keep Amare. I rather keep Amare and win lot of games than getting young players and getting beaten up most of a season.
Dec 25, 2007
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I just hope that eventually the SUNS will learn from history that having/building around elite PG's isn't the answer. We've had the best of the best here for 3 decades with KJ,Kidd,Nash and while Marbury wasn't anywhere near elite he was good for a stretch there.
This list of PG's without rings is staggering IMO.

Was doing some thinking. By position, the most dominate player for the championship teams in the past 27 years looks like this (leader in parenthesis)

Point Guard 3 (Magic 3)
Shooting Guard 8 (Jordan 6)
Small Forward 2 (Bird 2)
Power Forward 5 (Duncan 4)
Center 5 (Shaq 3)

*I didn't count the Piston championship teams. Personally, I would go with PG position on all three teams.
*Stopped at 27 years because I'm not really knowledgeable of the early 1980 Lakers and Sixers teams. I had to stop somewhere.

Point Guard doesn't seem like a horrible position to use as a cornerstone. Small forward looks to be the weakest position to built your team around.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Point Guard 3 (Magic 3)
Shooting Guard 8 (Jordan 6)
Small Forward 2 (Bird 2)
Power Forward 5 (Duncan 4)
Center 5 (Shaq 3)

That's a pretty neat list, but it looks like you're counting the 1983 Philadelphia team in the "power forward" group. Wasn't their PF Iavaroni? I think you have to go with either Malone or Erving for them.

The Isiah Thomas Pistons go in the PG group, but the more recent title team probably should be left off the list.
Dec 25, 2007
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That's a pretty neat list, but it looks like you're counting the 1983 Philadelphia team in the "power forward" group. Wasn't their PF Iavaroni? I think you have to go with either Malone or Erving for them.

The Isiah Thomas Pistons go in the PG group, but the more recent title team probably should be left off the list.

Actually, the fifth power forward ring is Kevin Garnett's. We could also consider Paul Pierce for the 2008 Celtic team, too.

And I started my list right after the Sixers championship. Would it make more sense to start after free agency started?


Registered User
Oct 26, 2002
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Magic played C partime. He is definitely not your avg PG. Only Isiah Thomas's Pistons count as led by PG for the purpose of argument, IMO.


Custom User Title!
Jun 6, 2007
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Magic is a PG enigma. Truth be told, an elite PG is not crucial to a Championship team


Planet Orange
Apr 13, 2006
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Magic played C partime. He is definitely not your avg PG. Only Isiah Thomas's Pistons count as led by PG for the purpose of argument, IMO.

Horsehocky. For purposes of this comparison, those 80's Lakers teams fall in the PG category.

Without Magic running Showtime (which, btw, was Run n Gun just like the Suns, but with better team defense and a better overall team size advantage vs opponents), the Lakers don't get those rings. Maybe one with Kareem, but that's it.


Planet Orange
Apr 13, 2006
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I think the historical 'key' to an NBA title is not a specific position player. It's having 1 or more of the absolute BEST players in the game in a given year, regardless of position, and surrounding them with the right mix of players to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. In place of the absolute BEST in the game, some teams have managed with a few of the top 10-15 playing together (Garnett's Celtics, for instance).

There are a few exceptions (recent Pistons title team, for example), but in general, the pattern holds true across the years.

Magic and Kareem. Bird. Isaiah Thomas. Jordan. Hakeem. Shaq/Kobe. Duncan. Garnett/Pierce/Allen. Kobe/Gasol.


Jan 19, 2008
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Magic played C partime. He is definitely not your avg PG. Only Isiah Thomas's Pistons count as led by PG for the purpose of argument, IMO.

While he wasnt your avg PG he also didnt play Center part-time. He took the jump ball once in the finals and people claim he played center because of it. One of the oldest fables in NBA history.


ASFN Addict
Oct 16, 2007
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In a van...down by the river.
Horsehocky. For purposes of this comparison, those 80's Lakers teams fall in the PG category.

Without Magic running Showtime (which, btw, was Run n Gun just like the Suns, but with better team defense and a better overall team size advantage vs opponents), the Lakers don't get those rings. Maybe one with Kareem, but that's it.
No small difference buddy. Comparing D'Antoni's run n gun to Lakers showtime is ludicrous.
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Also, a Magic Johnson at 6'1" 200lbs(typical PG size) doesn't have the career impact that he did at 6'9" i stated earlier, Magic doesn't count for championship teams built around an elite PG.
Dec 25, 2007
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Magic played C partime. He is definitely not your avg PG. Only Isiah Thomas's Pistons count as led by PG for the purpose of argument, IMO.

One could also argue that Jordan is not your average SG or Shaq your average C.

I don't think building a championship team can be so formulaistic. Build around great players and hope for the best. The Suns had one in Nash for a few years. Unfortunately, it just didn't work out in the playoffs.

It would be like going for the pot only when you got a full house and immediately folding even if you got a royal flush. There are many ways to win. It depends on the cards (the players) in play. I've won hands with a K high.

Does anyone seriously think this year's Lakers team could compete with Shaq's Lakers or Magic's Lakers?

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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No small difference buddy. Comparing D'Antoni's run n gun to Lakers showtime is ludicrous.
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Ludicrous to the extreme sense. The Showtime Lakers played defense. They played on both ends of the court. Something even the best Suns team in the D'Antoni era never did enough of. There is no comparison unless your talking strictly from an offensive point of view.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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Ludicrous to the extreme sense. The Showtime Lakers played defense. They played on both ends of the court. Something even the best Suns team in the D'Antoni era never did enough of. There is no comparison unless your talking strictly from an offensive point of view.

I don't remember any point guards posting up Magic like they do Nash but KJ used to fly by him like he was nailed to the floor.