Draft Info Links


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
Courtesy of Tuskan Raiders over at the www.FFToday.com board...

"It's getting harder to find free sites with draft info. Here's the decent ones, with significant free info, I've found so far.

Free NFL draft websites
Great Blue Draft Report http://www.gbnreport.com/ - New updates on the main page are decent and declared underclassmen list stays pretty up-to-date.

Rob's Scouting http://www.robscouting.com/ - somewhere between a poor man's version and ripoff of Matt Gambill. At least seems to have developed some of his own opinions from watching these guys with the profiles he puts up, instead of most of these sites, who never saw a lot of these guys play and just rearranged lists off other sites.

The NFL Insiders and TFY Draft Preview http://nfldraft.theinsiders.com/ - mostly pay, but rankings are free and occasionally some articles. Tony Pauline sounds like he really watches and scouts a lot of guys at the All-Star games, so at least it isn't regurgitation or plagarism, like a lot of sites. The message board is hectic, but you can find some good stuff, b/c the Tony guy actually responds.

NFL Draft Blitz http://www.nfldraftblitz.com/ - lots of content slapped together from many contributors with sporadic updating. Don't like a lot of placements, but their Value Board is always one of the most in-depth. Also home of:

Trieu's draft links http://www.nfldraftblitz.com/trieusdraftlinks.htm - not the same as when Miguel did it, and the upkeep has been lacking so far, but still the best job of finding diverse sites and commenting on them.

NFL Draft Showcase http://nfldraft.fasthost.tv/swdatabase04.html - site of the Trieu guy mentioned above. Decent. Ambitious early shot at a full mock.

NFL Draft World http://www.nfldraftworld.com/ - decent Value Board, in as much as the one on NFL Draft Blitz, and the Underclassmen Watch, some decent comments and some rumors. The rest isn't too impressive and updated sporadically.

www.football.com 2004 draft http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?category=draftnotes&at=draft1.shtml - this D.J. Boyer guy gets quoted and his work gets lots of pub, but I find his stuff nothing special or indicative he's an insider or expert. However, it's hard to find even remotely decent free stuff, and his is.

Draft2004.com http://www.draft2004.com/nlsports/Draft2003.nsf/Draft2003Index - rankings and profiles are pay, but they have good all-star game articles and follow-ups and had a really nice combine follow-up last year. They have some nice profiles of lesser known prospects as teasers for their pay stuff, which is actually pretty nice, b/c you can find info. about top prospects a lot easier.

Draft Notebook prospect database http://www.draftnotebook.com/prospects.htm - the only link worth anything on this site. Brian Stevenson has just about every prospect in alphabetical order and his measurables and stats for every season. Nice little composite of each player. Don't waste your time on the rest of the site.

Huddle Report http://www.thehuddlereport.com/ - just added some decent prospect profiles.

Draft Exchange http://www.nflfans.com/draft/index.php?msg=1 - new site with some methodology behind their rankings. Basically just plug the often inaccurate measurables into a formula, but hey, it's a different spin, so it's a bit more interesting then just copying someone else's rankings. Worth a look, some decent opinions.

Draft Studio http://www.draftstudio.com/ - a new one this year, I like the set up and organization. However the info. is generic and obviously lifted off other sources, but he's been updating it constantly, so the final product has promise as a comprehensive source of info.

All Pro Scouting Service http://www.allproscouting.com/ - bottom of the list b/c it's almost completely pay. The draft buzz is still free and some of that stuff from even the summer is more insightful than up-to-date crap. It's a mixed blessing the sight went pay. The info. was original, generally very good, and Matt Gambill obviously formed his own opinions and had some good knowledge, but he was insufferably arrogant, and had no qualms sharing on his site, that he was shocked he didn't have a NFL job yet and would have to settle for continuing to share his genius with commoners, for a charge The message board is free and Matt does answer questions there.

SI - 2003 Division I Statistics http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/stats/
NCAA - 2003 Division I Statistics http://web1.ncaa.org/d1mfb/mainpage.jsp
NCAA - 2003 Division II and III Statistics http://web1.ncaa.org/stats/StatsSrv/rankings?sportCode=MFB
History of NFL Drafts http://www.drafthistory.com/ "

Red Dawn

Go Big Red!
Dec 17, 2002
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The West Coast of Arizona
Yeah, thanks Pariah. The insider site is mostly pay, but they have a 7 day free special going right now so you can work the site over at no charge for a week.



Herfin BIg Time
Apr 1, 2003
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In A Cigar Bar Near You
Draft Exchange http://www.nflfans.com/draft/index.php?msg=1 - new site with some methodology behind their rankings. Basically just plug the often inaccurate measurables into a formula, but hey, it's a different spin, so it's a bit more interesting then just copying someone else's rankings. Worth a look, some decent opinions.

Check this one out....Mock 5. They have us trading our #44, 96 and #106 to Oakland for their #69 and their #1 in 2006.


Jul 30, 2004
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HOnestly, there is too much with the draft! I can barely keep up with the sports center.

So many players and so many teams (college) to keep up with...


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