And again, I strongly disagree. I asked which players get wildly overrated like that in the East and the response was pretty much no one.
Like… guys like DeRozan, Zach Lavine both put up similiar numbers to Book, play in one of the biggest markets in the league and no one equates them to him. Do you think eventually Mikal is going to be a 25-27 ppg scorer? It’s not like guys averaging 20-22 ppg in the East are compared to Book. Jalen Brunson isn’t considered in Book’s league even though he’s in NY. Julius Randle is having another big season but no one would say he makes an impact like Book:
And look… I’m not putting those guys up there to browbeat you. I’m just looking at the guys who could be overrated, playing for huge franchises in the East and none of them get Devin Booker type love.
Lavine has been compared to Booker by the talking heads. I also pointed out how overrated Randle was and you kept dancing around the topic saying it didn't happen when I provided proof it did.
There's no point discussing this with you though because you seem dead set on beating the drum whenever Mikal doesn't score 20+ for some reason. Not sure what your issue is with Mikal is but he's quickly become a favorite in Brooklyn and talking heads, Kendrick Perkins, said that Phoenix was holding him back. So the narrative Mikal is something special has already started. Deny it, whatever, it doesn't make it stop or cease it from being.
Here's a piece by Sam Smith saying Lavine > Booker....
There's multiple YouTube videos discussing the topic also, search their names together and you'll see.

Bold Statement Rises From Zach LaVine-Devin Booker Comparison
Which player is better, Zach LaVine or Devin Booker? One analyst doesn't even think it's close.