Eagles, Rams, 49ers and Seattle fans THIS ONE'S FOR YOU

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Apr 30, 2003
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A little touchy about your own teams contract dealings? Seattle lost Hutch for much the same reason the Cards picked up James...there was a lot of money that came available with the Cap increase.

My point was simple and in contradiction to what you stated,

It was a sequence of events that changes Grave's position, NOT Graves misleading anyone about his FA intentions.

1. Graves said no big free agents.
2. Huge increase in NFL cap.
3. Big splash in FA is possible and even needed since all teams are spending a lot of money to improve.

Finally, no reason to go all teenager just because you don't know what your talking about.

Watch out he is going to call in all his buddies to call you classless. Because didn't you hear? Not only is he a Seahawks fan but he is also an expert in all things Arizona. With Seattle being the unstoppable juggernaut they are, we should just follow suit and realize they know what they are doing and we don't.

Because he NEVER EVER instigates people around here.
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Apr 30, 2003
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Does this hurt Boldin when his contract runs out? Doesnt he got like 2 or 3 more years left though?

Nope. Boldin is not going anywhere. We will sign him as well. It might and probably will effect us somewhere else. But Boldin won't be let go.


Jan 16, 2007
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annapolis, md
Is this dude serious? So we're all saying **** because you re-signed a guy that you already had - who has never helped get you to the playoffs - to a deal that gives him more in guaranteed money than any player has received on a contract that short in the history of the league?

Yeah. We're saying **** alright. So does having finally signed Fitzgerald to a four year deal now put you guys back in the running for major free agents like Alan Faneca or do you suddenly no longer feel that signing him was important because he got away behind the Fitz fiasco?

If I were you, I'd be VERY happy about getting Fitz back into the fold. But calling everyone over to hear you talk crap as if this situation didn't work out poorly for you is laughable. Make no mistake. The Cardinals caved in on this deal. Fitzgerald's original contract demands were 4 years with $32M in guarantees and the Cardinals were saying "No way!" The final deal? 4 years with $30M guaranteed. So with as many needs as the Cardinals have, they drug this negotiation out and missed the most crucial part of free agency over what amounts to $500K of cap room per year? That is what we call idiotic front office work.

Fitz is a great receiver and getting him back in the fold was a great move for you guys. But the way that this whole thing was carried out leaves most NFC West fans smiling at Fitzgerald, not cursing him. If it weren't for this whole thing being so protracted, God knows what great free agents you guys might have gotten inked in free agency... most notably one of the top 5 offensive linemen in all of football. **** indeed. ;)

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
Nope, you are wrong. The Cards never had any intention of going after any high priced free agents. RG has said so many times. That's why they never bring any FA's in the first couple of days of free agency. Let the other teams overpay and then get the people you want that are young and up and comers. We've had enough of older established players who come here to retire.

But we've obviously not had enough of Graves' wonderful GM abilities. Geez.

Sea chicken, your posts in this thread are right on the money, IMO.


Apr 30, 2003
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Travis LaBoy (a downgrade from Calvin Pace who you couldn't afford to re-sign).

Giving Pace 40 mil would have been pretty stupid. If you were a fan of the team you would know this. But being a Seattle fan you don't so you are just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot. Pretty lame IMO.

The "other great FAs" I'm talking about are all the other guys who didn't bother to come thru or were never asked to come thru because no one wanted to waste their time talking to a team who couldn't possibly afford them.

We didn't ask because we didn't need. You see as fans of the team we realize that we have some talent here in AZ. You being a Seattle fan just think we suck and should bring in every 50 mil FA that comes down the pike.
Which one of these players in the first wave of free agency would help our team enough to pay them a huge contract ?
I don't think there were any. Our front office, head coach, and players talked about not needing to make a big splash. And I will trust thier word over a Seattle Seahawks fan who has to post on a Cardinals website for reasons unknown.
Your assumption above is just that.

Are you honestly trying to say that the Fitzgerald situation didn't impede you guys from going after any of the upper echelon of free agents? That would be delusional.

THE FITZGERALD SITUATION DID NOT IMPEDE US FROM GOING AFTER "UPPER ECHELON" FREE AGENTS! What cause Alan Faneca's flipping agent said one of the most unprofessional things I have ever heard you are going to base everything on that?
What ever. Why didn't Seattle go after Faneca then ? (wait don't answer that cause I don't care).
Once again we didn't have plans to sign Faneca or any other outside free agents. Our main concern was re-signing our own players. We lost Pace and signed Laboy to replace him, and we will see how that works out next season.

Again, congrats on getting Fitz back. It was definitely important. But the original poster's assertion that the rest of the teams in the NFC were somehow deeply moved by Fitzgerald's return is ludicrous.

Amongst some of his fellow fans I find it fine for him to celebrate. Furthermore with all the BS getting thrown around during the time of the "Fitz fiasco" I can completely understand the post. It is not like it is on the front page of MSN news, or Fox Sports. This was posted on a Cardinals message board for pete's sake. If you wanna come in that is fine. But I could care less if it offended anyone. Calling the guy classless is uncalled for as well. It is called rooting for the home team, and if he can't do it here then were can he do it.

While being a terrific player, he hasn't changed anything. And there's little doubt that he hurt his team this offseason. If the Cardinals were going to ultimately cave, they'd have been much better off doing it a month ago. That's a fact.

He didn't hurt the team. The team took the time to redo the contract, your assumption that the front office caved in is your own opinion. So if you want to call your opinion fact go ahead. But it is still just your opinion on a matter that you really don't know much about, and your posts prove it.

That's a fact. :thumbup:

Que: RD for a Rugby loves Rod Graves post. In 3, 2, 1......


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
.....let's not be classless for doing what we SHOULD have done during the season....grow up.

How is this classless ?

No offense to ASFN, but this is not the front page of the Times.

Where else can he state his views on the matter ?


Non-Troll Rams Fan
Sep 23, 2007
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I'm glad you guys kept Fitz. Honestly.

Another nice thing about keeping him... if Leinart can't succeed next year with Fitz and Boldin, you can be pretty sure he's not going to suceed, period. No David Carr style hand-wringing over whether or not he's been given the requisite weapons. That kind of dithering can cause some serious pain.


The Other Bird
Sep 9, 2003
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Los Angeles, California
A little touchy about your own teams contract dealings? Seattle lost Hutch for much the same reason the Cards picked up James...there was a lot of money that came available with the Cap increase.
I think you were hoping I'd get touchy about the situation but didn't get the response you were looking for. Probably because we've continued winning even without the player that I'm supposed to be losing my mind over. And anyone who actually followed the situation knows that Hutchinson leaving wasn't about who could afford him and who couldn't. It was about who would have to guarantee his contract and who wouldn't. You might not remember this because (as I'm about to point out in the next piece) you're getting your timelines confused. But moments after letting the timeline expire on matching Steve Hutchinson, we signed Julian Peterson to a monster deal. The Seahawks just didn't want to guarantee Hutchinson all $49M on his deal. Ask around.

My point was simple and in contradiction to what you stated,

It was a sequence of events that changes Grave's position, NOT Graves misleading anyone about his FA intentions.

1. Graves said no big free agents.
2. Huge increase in NFL cap.
3. Big splash in FA is possible and even needed since all teams are spending a lot of money to improve.
That would all be very convenient if Graves had made the claim months or even weeks before more cap became available. But it was within days before signing James that he said you guys wouldn't make a splash. And even without the increased cap, you guys still had a ton of cap room so it was pretty irrelevant. In short, Graves word on what will or will not happen is for crap. Matter of fact, his abilities are too and yet you keep believin' in him. Bless your little heart.
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Supporting Member
Mar 25, 2005
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SE valley
The team that just paid a guy $30M guaranteed on a four year deal "never" would have paid what Faneca got? Right. Perhaps they were saying they wouldn't pay it because they couldn't afford it given Fitzgerald's situation.

As far as free agent signings, yeah I noticed. You signed Jerame Tuman (which is about as noteworthy as our signing of Jeb Putzier) and Travis LaBoy (a downgrade from Calvin Pace who you couldn't afford to re-sign). The "other great FAs" I'm talking about are all the other guys who didn't bother to come thru or were never asked to come thru because no one wanted to waste their time talking to a team who couldn't possibly afford them. Are you honestly trying to say that the Fitzgerald situation didn't impede you guys from going after any of the upper echelon of free agents? That would be delusional.

Again, congrats on getting Fitz back. It was definitely important. But the original poster's assertion that the rest of the teams in the NFC were somehow deeply moved by Fitzgerald's return is ludicrous. While being a terrific player, he hasn't changed anything. And there's little doubt that he hurt his team this offseason. If the Cardinals were going to ultimately cave, they'd have been much better off doing it a month ago. That's a fact.

Hawks suck.

Alexander sucks.

I thought maurice was good but apparently holmgren disagrees.

I hope mora jr tears your team down to raider status.

I usually have nothing to say but since you are so vocal in this thread your kinda asking for it.


The Other Bird
Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
Giving Pace 40 mil would have been pretty stupid. If you were a fan of the team you would know this. But being a Seattle fan you don't so you are just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot. Pretty lame IMO.
Giving Calvin Pace $22M guaranteed on a six year deal would have been a risk to be sure. Giving ANYONE (including Fitzgerald) $30M guaranteed on a mere four year deal is stupid, almost as much as ending up in the situation where you had to do it in the first place. You don't have to be a fan of one team or another to understand that. As far as me just "stirring the pot for the sake of stirring the pot", check the thread title. I was invited. ;)
We didn't ask because we didn't need. You see as fans of the team we realize that we have some talent here in AZ. You being a Seattle fan just think we suck and should bring in every 50 mil FA that comes down the pike.
I think the entire league knows you have some talent on your roster. Has it mattered?
Which one of these players in the first wave of free agency would help our team enough to pay them a huge contract ? I don't think there were any.
Alan Faneca and Asante Samuel come immediately to mind.
Our front office, head coach, and players talked about not needing to make a big splash. And I will trust thier word over a Seattle Seahawks fan who has to post on a Cardinals website for reasons unknown.
Your assumption above is just that.
I don't blame you. You should trust front office personnel over fans. And yet day after day, fan after fan (including you) expound their belief of what makes sense and what doesn't on boards across America. But trust your front office. It's worked for you so far. Right? ... Right?

THE FITZGERALD SITUATION DID NOT IMPEDE US FROM GOING AFTER "UPPER ECHELON" FREE AGENTS! What cause Alan Faneca's flipping agent said one of the most unprofessional things I have ever heard you are going to base everything on that?
If you type it in all caps, does that make it more true? Just curious. Just a minute ago you said we should trust the people in position to know over some bitter fan but I guess that doesn't apply to this situation, huh? Alan Faneca's agent doesn't know what he's talking about in regards to why Faneca never considered Arizona. What was I thinking?

What ever. Why didn't Seattle go after Faneca then ? (wait don't answer that cause I don't care).
Didn't need him. Already signed a Pro Bowl caliber left guard at a great price. But you already knew that which is why you withdrew the question.
Once again we didn't have plans to sign Faneca or any other outside free agents. Our main concern was re-signing our own players. We lost Pace and signed Laboy to replace him, and we will see how that works out next season.
"Made a priority of signing your own guys"? You really are delusional. Outside of tagging and tendering guys, you guys haven't re-signed any of your own significant free agents... unless of course you're really high on Nathan Hodel. Last I checked, Pace got away and Johnson is still at large. Who am I missing?
Amongst some of his fellow fans I find it fine for him to celebrate. Furthermore with all the BS getting thrown around during the time of the "Fitz fiasco" I can completely understand the post. It is not like it is on the front page of MSN news, or Fox Sports. This was posted on a Cardinals message board for pete's sake. If you wanna come in that is fine. But I could care less if it offended anyone. Calling the guy classless is uncalled for as well. It is called rooting for the home team, and if he can't do it here then were can he do it.
Read again my friend. I haven't used the phrase "classless" or anything like it in any of my posts. I haven't instructed anyone how to act nor do I care. Let them represent themselves however they like for all I care. I'd be celebrating too if I was a fan of a team that retained Fitzgerald, particularly if I was a believer that we had to have him back at "any costs". Because that's exactly what you got. Four more years of Fitzgerald at absolutely STAGGERING costs. He's already guaranteed no less than an average of $7.5M of salary cap space before you even begin to speak of his base salary. It's a good thing that you're fine with missing out on key free agents because with that contract, this won't be the last time.
He didn't hurt the team. The team took the time to redo the contract, your assumption that the front office caved in is your own opinion. So if you want to call your opinion fact go ahead. But it is still just your opinion on a matter that you really don't know much about, and your posts prove it.

That's a fact. :thumbup:
Ahhh. Now we're playing semantics. What's my opinion? What's fact? How about I offer a compromise - my substantiated opinion. Read up.

Feb. 27, 2008
The two sides remain apart on years and money, according to sources. The Cardinals' original offer was a six-year deal, while Fitzgerald's agent, Eugene Parker, prefers a four-year term. Under Parker's deal, the fourth year included a huge salary, which would force the sides to return to the bargaining table after three years.

Fitzgerald is only 24, so a four-year deal would put him in line for another huge payday while still in his prime.

The Cardinals don't want to pay huge money and be in the same position three years from now, so they rejected Parker's offer, and it is believed that the sides are discussing a five-year deal...
Since we now know that he got a 4 year, $40M deal with $30M in guarantees (and that part is a fact), doesn't sound like Fitzgerald's corner did a lot of the compromising now does it? :thumbup:
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