I agree with you. I understand that sometimes there are disagreements and both sides have a valid argument, but this is not one of those times. 95pro's post is just off. Bender's ceiling is much higher than Chriss'. Chriss, of course, if a better player right now, but things that he lacks are not the things you can teach. This includes good attitude, basketball IQ, defensive awareness, etc. Does that mean he can't be a star? Probably not. Amare was an awful defender, had an extremely low basketball IQ, and chronically complained about calls and screamed "and 1" instead of getting back on defense.
Bender's weaknesses are things you can teach. He needs more confidence, and he needs to improve as a shooter. His shot is beautiful- very quick release, good form, good follow-through. There is no reason he shouldn't be able to improve his field-goal percentage. His basketball IQ is very high, and he has excellent defensive instincts. He need to do a better job of beating big guys off the dribble and driving the the hoop.
To characterize Bender as, "a big who can just spot up and shoot 3's. He has no inside game and no handles to create his own shot" is just intellectually dishonest.
As far as Chriss goes, I don't quite agree with the assessment that "Chriss has some intangibles that can't be taught or proved on the stat sheet. The drive, athleticism and attitude." He is certainly athletic, but I don't see any "drive" there, and his attitude is just terrible. I like that he doesn't back down, and sometimes even actively picks a fight, but I would be far more impressed if he would shut up, get back on defense, and play better defense.