Don't Stop Believin'
I have owned travel trailers, 5th wheel toyhaulers, class A motorhomes and class C motorhomes. Never again. The maintenance costs is unbelievable, even if you can do most of it yourself. The older ones are made fairly well but the newer ones are made like crap. Then add on financing, storage, and constant repairs including routine maintenance like tires and batteries and it will cost me a fortune to own one. Every time I used it something broke down. Now I rent one 3-4 times a year, return it and they clean it dump it and I am done with with it. No insurance, storage, repairs, license, emissions, NOTHING. Someone once told me if it flies, floats or Fu@ks, it is better to not own it but to rent it. Sound advice. 69 and still learning.
Which of the 3 is an RV?
Seriously though, I get your point. These things require effort. I jumped into a used pop-up camper without knowing anything. Luckily I almost broke even when I traded it in for a travel trailer a few years later. Bought new and kept it for 8 years. Got one flat tire and had to have the slide out motor replaced (under warranty). Little things had to be fixed like the roof air vents, but that's about it. Lubed the stabilizers a couple times and went through a couple sets of batteries.
So far so good with the RV. Youtube is a lifesaver. I've used it for the generator, refrigerator and filling the water tank. If you get to the right forum, someone has already had the issue you're having and someone has also found a fix for it.